7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Control The Storms
- Protection Chant
- Witch Bottle for Protection
- Stay Awake
- Spells Of Magic Gag Protection
- Spell for finding a lost pet.
- Alpha LYCAN
- Arrows to Find a Person
- Poltergeist Banishing: Slamming Doors
- Banish Negative Energy
#2621 - Control The Storms
Place candle infront of yourself, light 1 incense stick allow the glass to fill with smoke then place candle on top hold stick close your eyes and imagine the sun being covered and chant
"God of the sky hear my plea,
Allow the clouds to move with flee
And bring the riverstowards me,
Mote it be, Mote it be!"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2622 - Protection Chant
Chant with meaning 3x "Protect me with all your might oh goddess gracious day and night". After chanting three times say "Mote it me". Another chant for this is "Thrice around the circle's bound sink all evil to the ground"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2623 - Witch Bottle for Protection
2. Pour nightshade juice into cauldron and boil it
3. Mince garlic and juniper and put them into cauldron while and brew them with juice of nightshade for 1-2 hours (you may add some water) you may also add herbs related to cursing and/or attracting.
4. While the potion is brewing, burn holly and smudge your home with it. Then add ashes to salt and mix it until salt turns black or gray
5. Cool the potion and start the ritual
6. You may invoke any kind of deity, saint, spirit that is related to spirits and protection. Hecate for example can help a lot since she is the gatekeeper of spirit world. Start the ritual by a prayer that is suitable for you, you may read homeric hymns if you are pagan, or use psalms if you are christian.
7. Throw nails, needles and blades into the bottle
8. Pour salt and ashes into the bottle
9. Now you need to consecrate the lodestone to attract spells and spirits that have ill intend against you and put it into the bottle
10. Pour potion and urinate or spit into the bottle, this will act as a taglock but remember, only urine or spit. And after doing that, read a prayer
11. Mix the mixture and again pray or chant. Now the charm is done, now you need to fix and activate it.
12. For fixing, anoint the candle and carve protective sigils, prayers or anything onto it. Then, close the lid of the bottle and seal it with wax of candle, now charm is fixed and ready to come to life.
13. Put the candle in the middle of the lid and continue chanting, you can burn incense if you want.
14. After candle completely burned, chant the ordinary spell you normally do in your candle spells, now charm is active
15 Quickly go somewhere that is distant from your workplace, home and your loved ones and burry it or hang it from a tree.
16. Most supernatural harm that is aimed to you will be trapped in that bottle, bottle can sometimes explode with no reason, that mean it has filled with so much curses, evil spirits etc. that it destroyed itself. If that happens, do purifying in that place and purify yourself. Then create another witch bottle and burry/hang it to same place.
Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2624 - Stay Awake
Light a candle of your choice (any color you like) and make sure its at night. Chant this near the candle light as many times as you need/want:
"Each night I stay awake, I pray to the Gods the feeling of tiredness to take. Make me a night owl that never sleeps,make me it now,oh how it'll be sweet. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Dec 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2625 - Spells Of Magic Gag Protection
First Say "I wish to not get gagged" then snap one time. Then write with the sharpie on the bay leaf "Gag Protect" then crumble the dry leaf and but it in a mojo bag
Then carve the wish with a needle or knife "gag protect" then draw a pentacle and write "I wish to not get gagged" fold it and seal it with wax then burn it. Get the ashes and throw it in the wind. Make sure the candle melts completely
Then before chatting say "I wish to chat appropriately" snap one time. then draw a pentacle in your power hand and start chatting.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2626 - Spell for finding a lost pet.
So the cards we will be using are the significator, the Star, the 6 of cups, the Magician, and the Hermit.
So now that we have all that figured out, in the center of the candles place down the significator. Visualize the animal, recalling its features and mannerisms to the best of your ability. Picture the missing pet being drawn to the light of the candles--to the light of love. Hold your hands above the candle flames for a few moments. Feel the warmth of the candles, and visualize the light of the candles acting as a beacon to lead the animal home.
Afterwards, lay down the SIX OF CUPS, and think about all of the good times you and your pet have had together. Try to remember the day you first got your pet, what they were like as a youngster, etc.
As you lay down THE MAGICIAN, consider the various courses of action that may be taken in the search for your pet.
Lay down THE STAR, a card for wishing. Make a wish for your pet to return.
Finally, lay down THE HERMIT, visualizing your pet being found or returned, and how happy you both will be to be reunited.
After you have finished meditating on the cards and visualizations, carefully, and with as much feeling as you can, recite the following affirmation:
''As I set forth these cards in the light of these candles, the small friend for whom I have so much love is drawn home to me!
I do not cease trying to find my friend until he/she returns home.
I call upon all good spirits and all good powers who care about small and helpless creatures to aid me in my search!
My small friend (name of pet) is brought home through the spell which I call forth.
It shines like a beacon that my animal friend can see!
As my will, so mote it be!''
You may consider the spell closed at this point, or you may close the spell as desired.
#2627 - Alpha LYCAN
Spell Casting:
Sit outside under the full moon in meditation position. Put the cup of boiled water in front of you. Put your hair, dead skin, and blood into the water and stir it for 1 minute then chant this once:
"By day or night. By moon or sunlight. I beg to be a hybrid of two monsters in the same family. I wish to be exactly like Lucian a lycan off of the movie underworld rise of the lycans and the movie underworld. I wish to be an alpha werewolf like Peter hale/ Derek hale/ and Scott McCall from the show teen wolf season 1, 2, and 3 part 1 and part 2 and teen wolf season 4.
I shall have all the same exact supernatural gifts, abilities, and powers that all the lycans had from all the underworld movies had and all the same exact supernatural gifts, abilities, and powers all the alpha werewolf's from the show teen wolf season 1, 2, 3 part 1 and part 2 and teen wolf season 4.
My powers, energy and strength shall be limitless. My life span shall be endless. I shall be able to change my physical form at will and when I'm angry. I shall be impossible to kill. I shall be a lycan exactly like Lucian off of the movie underworld rise of the lycans and the movie underworld. I wish I would look exactly like William as a lycan in the movie underworld revolution except instead of my entire eye's being black they would glow a bright red to show that I'm an alpha.
In human and alpha lycan form I shall be 400x more stronger than an elephant 200x faster than a cheetah can go in temperatures of -280 degrees Celsius and up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, can hear up to 45 miles away and smell up to 35 miles and enhanced sight up to 50 miles away. My teeth and skin will be unbreakable. The shift from man to alpha lycan and back will be painless and fast. Silver nitrate and wolfs bane combined in a bullet shall be my only weakness nothing else.
I shall be able to control myself in my alpha lycan form. In my alpha lycan form I shall be 9ft tall and look terrifying. In both human and alpha lycan form I shall be built and have an 8 pack This is what my heart, soul, life, and existence all desire. My physical form will be able to change under this full moon and anything I have or wear on my body shall sink into my skin as I change into a lycan no matter what. I beg for this to happen very soon. This is what I want for me. In order to set my true heart, soul, life and existence free. So bless it so mote it be."
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2628 - Arrows to Find a Person
Lay the candle s in a triangle with the fethers all pointing in a circle use the broom draw a circle where you paper will lay in between the candles place then lay the paper in the center and write it like a add in the paper that's what I imagined when doing this.
The pen you use tape it in the oil befor u write. at the bottom of the page draw arrows two or more as needed roll the paper up making sure that arrows are showing tye it up with string then light the scroll with every candle lit going in a circle as it burn s away blow the candle s out going the same way (important to imagine the arrow s flying away before it's gone)
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2629 - Poltergeist Banishing: Slamming Doors
Allegedly slamming every door in your residence three times frightens away poltergeists.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2630 - Banish Negative Energy
Just burn Chicory to banish negative emotions from the premises as well as negative energy regardless of the source.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.