7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sabbat Game
- The Shoe-Box Telephone
- Staircase Ritual
- Kokkuri-San
- The Devil's Face
- Lonely Hide and Seek
- Open a Lost Door
- Bring Out the Sun
- Psychic Spell
- Sleep or Knockout Spell
#2721 - Sabbat Game
•This game may only be played on the following occasions: St Tomas’ Feast Day, Christmas Eve, Yule, the first full moon after Yule, St. Stephen’s Feast Day, Midsummer, Lucia Night, Twelfth Night, New Years Eve, Easter, Summer Solstice.
•According to Wiki, Årsgång (pronounced Oshgong) is ‘a Swedish pagan rite of the tradition of seidr that was later Christianized. Translating to ‘Year Walk,’ Årsgång is a complex divination ritual to forsee the future and discover mysteries.’ It can also be used to contact supernatural entities.
•This is designed to be a personal test and may ask more of you than you are willing to give. People have also reported that the glimpse of the future they were given was not worth the trouble.
As always this ritual doesn't belong to me.
#2722 - The Shoe-Box Telephone
Ritual is not mine.
Step 1: Wait for the end of your day, right before bed time. For now its just you and the night, just you and your thoughts, alone in your room. Dont turn off the lights but do turn off your cellphone, your TV, your stereo, radio, computer, etc. You want zero distractions, and absolutely no interruptions. You want quiet. Then just wait for the right time. Whats the right time? Its one of those things that are hard to describe but youll just know it when you see it. Youll just know. It may build up gradually, but when its finally there itll hit you, zero doubt. Only at this point may you begin writing your letter. If this threshold of certainty never comes within an hour, just go to sleep and try again the next night. If youve been trying for three or four nights already and the moment just never comes, then it may simply be that youre not ready for this. Thats okay. Try a different person, or give yourself a break for a few nights. What you dont want to do is write your letter while in doubt. Thatd be a wrong number.
Step 2: Now write your letter. When you do begin writing dont erase nor correct any mistakes you make (this includes scrawling words over; dont). Dont start over either. You only have a single sheet of paper and your first draft is your final draft. Explain to this person why they should give you a ring. Be honest. Let it all out. Its not always easy. Dont over think it, just write. This is why you had to wait for the right time. Itll all make sense. Again, doubt = wrong number. Never dial a wrong number; its best to abort the whole thing.
Step 3: When youre done tie one end of the string to the power object, and using a needle, insert the other end through the center of the bottom of your paper cup. Remove the needle, tie a little knot, and now you have a cute little paper telephone like you probably once made while you were a child. Dont prepare this ahead of time before your letter. Write the letter first, THEN do the paper cup.
Step 4: Read your letter aloud, into the paper cup. Read it sincerely as if the person at the other end could hear you, including all the mistakes you didn't correct. Just read them. This is your outbound call.
Step 5: Place the object and letter in the shoe-box, and place the shoe-box on the floor of your phone booth, your closet. Then close the box but dont seal it -just let the lid rest there gently, with the string still coming out from under and going to your paper cup. Leave the paper cup standing on top of the box. Leave the scissors on the floor next to the box.
Youre done. Now all thats left to do is to wait for the ring.
The inbound call:
Step 1: The ring will come in a dream, either that night, or some night shortly after. You will dream of the person trying to call you, and you will wake up from that dream, usually in the middle of the night, and you will know its time to take the call.
Step 2: DO NOT turn on the light. DO NOT say a word. Just get up from the bed and go to your phone booth. Is the box still closed, with the paper cup standing on top? Good, get in the closet, sit down, and slide the door closed ( a closed booth is particularly important in case the ring comes after sunrise, because youll need the darkness). If you find the box open, or if you find the paper cup knocked over, abort the mission and snap off the string. Do not take that headset anywhere near your ear. Use the scissors if you cant snap the thread with your own hands.
Step 3: Otherwise just sit on the floor there and press the paper cup to your ear and cover your other ear with your other hand to help you listen. It may take a while. You may not speak. Dont move too much. Do not touch the box.
Some people report an increase in call quality after tugging on the string ever so gently.This is fine but just be careful NOT TO OPEN THE BOX by doing so. Remember theyre calling collect, and if it goes through, that shoe box must remain closed for at least a few months. Again, you may not speak, not even if you are asked questions, not even if youre ordered to. You already said your piece at the outbound call. For the inbound one just listen. Avoid noise. When youre done (or if you want to hang up at any time), simply hold the box lid closed with one hand, and pull on the headset with the other hand until the string snaps off. In case of emergency, use the scissors. Keep the closed shoe box somewhere safe for a few months. Dispose of that paper cup later too. Burning is fine, just dont put it to your ear again.
What if after three or four nights the ring never comes? Maybe they have nothing to say to you. Thats okay. Try another person. Dont do this too often.
Disclaimer: This may help you get closure, but it could also make things worse.
#2723 - Staircase Ritual
As always, play at your own risk.
1.Begin in the afternoon. Make note of the precise time at which you commence.
2.Stand at the bottom of the staircase. Speak aloud the words, It is from here whenceforth I shall commence.
3.On the first step, place the small fan. Recite, Here is the air that mortal breathes.
4.On the second step, place the glass of water. Recite, Here is the water that mortal drinks.
5.On the third step, spread the handful of dirt, covering as much of the step as possible. Recite, Here is the earth on which mortal stands.
6.On the fourth step, place the unlit candle, laying the matches or lighter next to it. Recite, Here is the fire that burns mortals hands.
7.On the fifth step, place the old picture of your home. Recite, Here is the time that has come to pass.
8.On the sixth step, place the current picture of your home and roll the dice beside it. Recite, Here is the present and the die is cast.
9.On the seventh step, place one of your timekeeping devices. Recite, Here comes the future, the time ticks by now.
10.On the eighth step, place your food offering. Recite, Here is the offering for Devils mouth.
11.On the ninth step, place the mirror. Recite. Here is my image, in Gods likeness I trust. NOTE: This phrase must be repeated word for word and without hesitation, regardless as to the religion of the principal.
12.On the tenth step, place the handful of ash and the dust bunnies. Recite, Here is mortality, ashes and dust.
13.On the eleventh step, place your living creature. It must be alive, and it must not be able to escape. Recite, Here is a life I present unto thee.
14.On the twelfth step, place the token from your body. Recite, And here is the essence extracted from me.
15.On the final step or landing, draw a line of salt. Recite, No further than here.
16.Leave your objects in place on the staircase overnight.
Do NOT proceed if anything seems amiss the next day (see: Additional Notes). If all is well, however, proceed as follows:
The Main Event:
1.Evacuate all occupants of the house except the principal. Gather up your sharp object and your second timekeeping device. Keep these items with you at all times.
2.Begin at the precise time you commenced the Prelude. Stand the bottom of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move.
3.After an hour has passed, mount the first step and turn on the fan. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
4.After the second hour has passed, mount the second step. Drink the entire glass of water. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
5.After the third hour has passed, mount the third step, making sure both of your feet are in or on the dirt spread across it. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
6.After the fourth hour has passed, mount the fourth step. Take up the lighter or matches and light the candle. Make sure it does not go out. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
7.After the fifth hour has passed, mount the fifth step. Use the candle from the fourth step to burn the old picture of your home. Once the picture is unrecognizable or burned completely to ash, blow the candle out. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you. A.NOTE: It may be helpful to hold the candle during step 6 and carry it with you to step 7. At NO POINT should you turn around or look behind you.
8.After the sixth hour has passed, mount the sixth step. Take up the current picture of your home and rip it as many times as indicated by the roll of the dice, but do not allow it to fall to pieces. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
9.After the seventh hour has passed, mount the seventh step. Turn the clock forward as many hours as indicated by the roll of the dice on the previous step. Do NOT turn the clock backwards. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
10.After the eighth hour has passed, mount the eighth step. Take a bite of the food offering and swallow it. Do NOT allow your face to betray any dislike or disgust. Show as much enjoyment as you can. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
11.After the ninth hour ends, mount the ninth step. Pick up the mirror and look into it, focusing on your own face. Do NOT look at anything other than your face, no matter what might try to catch your eye. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
12.After the tenth hour has passed, smash the mirror and mount the tenth step. Use your sharp object to bring forth a fresh drop of your blood. Allow the drop to fall on the pile of ashes and dust. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
13.After the eleventh hour has passed, mount the eleventh step. Kill the insect. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
14.After the twelfth hour has passed, mount the twelfth step. Take up the token plucked from your body and swallow it whole. Face the top of the staircase. Plant your feet. Do not move. Do not turn around or look behind you.
15.After the thirteenth hour has passed, mount the final step. Keep your sharp object close.
The Ending:
1.Turn around.
Good luck.
Additional Notes:
The instructions detailed here are designed for a home in which the occupants sleep on the second floor. If, however, you sleep on the first floor, simply reverse the instructions that is, begin the ritual on the top step and work your way towards the bottom, rather than starting at the bottom and working your way to the top.
If you do not have a staircase, you may still perform the ritual using a long hallway. In the case of a hallway, mark the division between each step at regular intervals with a line of salt. Not NOT perform this ritual in a room. Do NOT perform it outside. Do NOT perform it in any small, enclosed spaces.
The Main Event does not necessarily have to be performed on the day immediately following the Prelude, but its recommended that it be performed as soon as possible. The more trips you or any other occupants of your home take up or down the staircase, the weaker the twelve obstacles in place will become; furthermore, depending on the strength of your unwelcome guest, they may not hold for more than a few nights to begin with.
If, after the Prelude, you return to the staircase to find any of the objects disturbed, do NOT proceed. Similarly, if you wake during the night or have nightmares while you sleep, do NOT proceed. If anything out of the ordinary occurs between the time when you complete the Prelude and begin the Main Event, DO NOT PROCEED. Instead, perform the following:
To Abort the Ritual:
Place a ring of salt around each item on the staircase, around your bed, and around the bed of any other occupants in your home. Leave them overnight. In the morning, remove the objects from your home.
Destroy them by any means necessary.
#2724 - Kokkuri-San
Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a "torii" (a traditional Japanese gate) at the top in red ink. Write "YES" and "NO" on its either side. Beneath this, write one row of numbers (from 0 to 9) and three rows of letters (from A to Z, but hiragana characters are usually used).
Open a window or a door so that Kokkuri-san will be able to enter the room. The torii represents the gateway to a Shinto shrine archway and the spirit will enter and exit through it. Place a coin on the red torii. Each person should put their index finger on the coin.
Call the spirit by saying, "Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you're here, please move this coin." You can ask Kokkuri-san whatever questions you like. The spirit will spell out the answer by moving the coin.
To end the game, you must ask Kokkuri-san to leave by saying, "Kokkuri-san, please return home." If it answers with Yes and gone back to rest on the archway, say a respectful thank-you.
7When you are certain Kokkuri-san has left, you must destroy the paper by cutting it in forty eight pieces. Some sources say to destroy the the pen used too. Also, the players must spend the coin used within three days. Failure to do so brings bad luck or misfortune to the players.
Other things to keep in mind:
- Do not play this game alone.
- If your health is not stable or you have a weak heart, don't play it.
- Never take your finger off from the coin during the game.
You must not stop or be stopped in the middle of the game.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2725 - The Devil's Face
Just before midnight, lock yourself in the bathroom and turn off the lights. Stand in front of the mirror and light the twelve black candles. Close your eyes and keep them closed until the clock strikes nidnight. Then open your eyes. You will see the face of the devil in the mirror.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2726 - Lonely Hide and Seek
The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.
Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.
This ritual is NOT MINE, it was originated in Japan, I think..
1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.
2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread *2.
3. Pour water into a bathtub.
4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
How To Do It:
1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)
2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll ''__(your name) is the first it,'' three times.
3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.
5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.
6.When you get there, say to the doll ,''I have found you, __(the doll's name),'' and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.
7. Say ''You are the next it, __(the doll's name),'' as you put the doll back in its place.
8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
How To Finish It:
1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4 and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.
2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
3. Say ''I win,'' three times.
This supposed to end the ritual.
After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.
Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.
This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
1-Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
2-You must turn off all lights.
3-Keep quiet while hiding.
4-You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
5-Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.
6-Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
7-For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment's noice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.
1 - The rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
2 - The crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
3 - By cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
4 - If you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter ''something wandering around'' in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the ''something wandering around'' is to watch ''what happens to the TV.''
#2727 - Open a Lost Door
Say 2 times: "follow where the blind or leading listen where the mute or keening with a diff or storytelling with the silent bells arekenlling take the road that splits asunder nor left nor right but trouble under where the oneself meets the other and the Beast I Spy your brother one from and strange combining with the other intintertwining."
Last edited on Apr 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2728 - Bring Out the Sun
After it stops raining imagine the sun coming out and chant:
"Warm and bright give me sunlight."
Chant until the sun comes out. To make it powerful light a candle and chant the sun comes out faster
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2729 - Psychic Spell
''As I drink this psychic tea,
psychic abilities come to me.''
Drink the tea ( ALL OF IT OR ELSE IT WONT WORK) and when you are done, throw out the herbs.
#2730 - Sleep or Knockout Spell