This is a spell (actually more of a prayer) that is used for blessing or healing. It can be used on yourself or on others.
You may need:
1 white candle
1 red candle
1 light blue candle
Incense (any)
Buddhist statue(recommended)
You may need:
1 white candle
1 red candle
1 light blue candle
Incense (any)
Buddhist statue(recommended)
First, you have to have a clear area (clutter free). If you are using the ingredients, have the statue on a raised platform (table) and place the candles around it; white in front, red to the left, and light blue to the right. Then place the incense in front of the white candle. Just before you start the prayer/spell, light the candles from left to right, lighting the incense last.
If you are not using the ingredients, just do this next part here:
"Just as the soft rains fill the streams, pour into the rivers and join together in the oceans, so may the power of every moment of your goodness flow forth to awaken and heal all beings, those here now, those gone before, those yet to come."
"By the power of every moment of your goodness... May your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled, as completely shining as the bright full moon, as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem. May all dangers be averted and all disease be gone."
It may take a while to take effect, but afterwards you should feel good and light. Im sorry if it doesn't work for you, but if it does, mail me the results.
First, imagine blue orbs everywhere. They are each the size of a gumball. Now, close your eyes and cup your hands together and imagine the orbs rushing through your hand and into the center of your cupped hands, staying there. Now, collapse your hands together and absorb the power of orbs. That is all to it, so see ya!
Put on the jewelry and say: "Earth fire wind and air, elements that we all share!" Then imagine a protective light around the jewelry. Then whenever you are wearing the jewelry you will be protected.
This is my own song I made to become a child of Artemis. It really does work.
You may need:
You may need:
Sing this song once and Artemis will hear you. Ask her to be her child. Once again this is copyright if you post it somewhere else.
Verse 1
"I'm on my way
I'm coming to the night
I'm on my way
I will be back in the night
I'm on my way
Back to my dwelling place
I'm on my way
Ready to go back to the dark"
"Run, run, run for your life
Run, run, run for the moon light
Run, run, run for your love
Run, run, the hunt has begun"
Verse 2
"I'm on my way
To my mothers throne
I'm on my way
Back to Artemis' home"
Verse 3
"There is no more time
It's time for you to die
There is no place to hide
This is a sacrifice
We can smell your fear
We know that your here
We are here to play
But this game isn't safe"
Verse 4
"Come, come,.come here and die
Don't, don't, don't bother asking why
Run, run, the hunt isn't fun "
After singing that in a chant like motion, ask Artemisto be her child.
Burn mint leaves
''Your spell/curse I break, I will not be the one you take, I break this curse with this spell. Begone I say to thee. So mote it be.''
Hold the rose petals in your hands.
Say: ''Rose, bring me love, please come to me, for I say to thee, bring me love, Blessed be.''
Through the Rose petals and leave for the wind to take.
*If the flower petals are still on the ground the next day, the spell isn't working.
To help boost your spells, when you wear the ring.
You may need:
Outside before a storm comes
You may need:
Outside before a storm comes
Stand outside, with the ring in your hand.
''On this night and on this hour summon to me great ancient power. Come to me into my ring. Let me boost my power times three. So mote it be!''