7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Bloody Mary
- Demon's Wrath
- Sweet Dreams Spell
- Mind Reader
- Create A Familiar
- Put Asunder the Plans of an Enemy
- Dragon Mind 1
- Give Up
- Sisterhood Bonding
- Inferno/FireTechnique
#2791 - Bloody Mary
Set up the candles around the sink and turn off the lights. Write 666 on the mirror (Optional). Say "Bloody mary" and light the candles one by one then say "I summon thee!"
You will hear a gust of wind and someone say "you summoned me" you have one of 3 choices.... Run, answer and give her an offering, or stay silent and give her the offering. Running will allow her to chase you. Answering and giving her the offering will allow her to be nice and chat with you. or staying silent and giving her the offering will allow her to leave you with a cut mark on your face.
Turning on the light will force her to flee, but never enter any dark room with a mirror. For she will drag you into the mirror and keep you there.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2792 - Demon's Wrath
This spell will enable a demon to haunt the person of your choice.
Take the piece of paper and pencil. Write your victim's/enemy's name on the paper. Fold the paper in half (Hamburger style) and draw a pentagram. Light the candle and place the candle on top of the paper and chant (its in wolven language): "alphan secre tahlbahn! Sy Bahn tahl fhee! Corhabal wohlve hetha (HE-TA)"
(Wolven translation): "I summon thy demon! To haunt ones fateful heart! for they have done wrong to me by choice!"
Slip the paper out from underneath the candle carefully and open the paper for one second the have the paper meet the candle flame. Then put the flame out by blowing on it. Put the candle out with your blood.
Pour candle wax on the piece of paper before burning it
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2793 - Sweet Dreams Spell
Dreams be sweet tonight
As I lye here
Nightmares be cast away into the night
Don't show your face
Dreams be sweet tonight.
Then when you fall asleep, you'll have sweet dreams. I have tested this and it does work.
#2794 - Mind Reader
You need a very very high level of magic which is what I must warn you. You have to get a strand of the person's hair. You have to put it under your pillow while you sleep and chant 3x "let me see into this person's mind for I must see all that must unwind" then sleep with it under your pillow, then the next time you see them you chant that chant just once this time. And if the hair stays under your pillow then you can keep using it.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2795 - Create A Familiar
First you need to get your pet in the same room as you and you guys need to be alone. You need to make sure you and your pet has a very strong relationship. You also need very high power this spell may take a very long time to master. Make sure you also believe and love your pet. So once you and your pet are alone in the room you take the close item and put it in front of your pet and make sure your pet interacts with him/her.
Stroke your pet while chanting 3x "we are here in this room together me and you. We shall have the greatest bond ever and we shall be with each other till the end. I must ask you please be my companion and let's be together forever" after chanting that your pet will be your familiar but, you must give it a name one that no one but you two shall ever hear.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2796 - Put Asunder the Plans of an Enemy
Information: The Psalms have been used for centuries as tools to focus spiritual energy towards a specific goal. These sacred writings are believed to contain the breath of the Creator. And when these mystical words are combined with visualization and intent, magic happens. The power from the Psalms does not come from the items used. These items serve as visualization tools. The power comes from the Psalm itself and from your visualizations.
Timing: This spell can be performed at any time.
Setting: The only consideration is that the spell should be performed in a quiet place where the caster will not be disturbed.
Duration: 30 to 45 minutes (However, there is no set minimum time.)
Ritual: Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. The position of your body is not important, but you want to be comfortable. You should be sitting in front of your table with your candle, in its holder, in front of you. The ashtray should be next to the candle. And Psalm 70 should be placed where you can read it. The rest of the items should be placed on the table as well, but off to the side.
Use the black magic maker to write your enemys name onto the white paper. You want to write the name small enough to be able to write the name 10 times on this sheet of paper. When you write the name, in black, draw a circle around the name with the red marker. The circles should be big enough just to encircle the name. The red symbolizes protection. Now, use the scissors to cut the red circled names out of the paper. You will now have 10 strips of paper with your enemys name on each strip. Dispose of the excess paper.
Light the white candle. The color of the candle symbolizes the purity and righteousness of your spell. As the candle is burning, slowly read the unedited version of Psalm 70, 10 times. Focus on what the words are saying.
Next, read the personalized version of Psalm 70, 10 times. Again, focus on what is being said. As you are reading, picture your enemy attempting to radiate harm to you, but that harm is being blocked, magnified, and then sent back to them. Picture Gods power flowing through you as you stop your enemys plans to harm you.
Last, repeat the modified version of Psalm 70. After each reading, place one of the strips of paper into the candles flame, and set it into the ashtray. Burning the name symbolizes releasing the spell into the spiritual realm. Continues to visualize as before. When the last strip is burned, continue to recite the modified Psalm for 5 minutes or so. When the spell is complete, clean up your area. You can save the candle for additional uses.
Remember: Spells should be in the now. The spiritual reality creates the physical. And the spiritual reality exists before the physical. So, you should believe that your enemys plans to harm you have come back on him, when you are performing the spell. Do not believe after you have seen the manifestation of the spell. Believe that your spell has worked the moment that it was performed and as it was being performed.
Psalms 70
- Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD.
- Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.
- Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.
- Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.
But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2797 - Dragon Mind 1
Realax do breathing exercises for 5-10 minits then start by thinking of what dragon wisdom is. Try to think like a dragon. And once you can do that at a natural pace then move on to the next step.
Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2798 - Give Up
First write on the piece of paper what you want to give up. Focus on what you have written down, then place it in your cauldron. Light it with a lighter. When it has burned, and has become ash, put the ash away from your home.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2799 - Sisterhood Bonding
Over the bowl, make a small cut on your finger and let your friend do the same. Then stir the blood together until it becomes one. Dip the end of both necklaces n the blood and hold them over the lit candle. both of you chanting:
"Matrem deam, et sorores, et custodivt nos et nobis bonum"
Remove the necklaces from the flame and alow both to cool. After both have cooled each put one on.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2800 - Inferno/FireTechnique
"Scorching flame, shining light" start to feel as if your blood is boiling and try to flow your intentions into the fire, "one sun, I summon un fuego"
For those who want to utilize extras to power your spell draw a star such as the sun which can be represented with a circle (or whatever to you think will grab your attention as a star). The more stars and larger the better you can add one on you arm, on the cement with chalk and sit on it or them, or a piece of paper
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.