7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sport gear enchantment
- Wizard
- Take Energy and Power
- Love Binding
- Unpossessing and Vanquishing Demon
- Psi Ball
- My Peaceful Sleep
- Smart Spell
- Dragon Soulmate Attraction
- Unlock Your Wolf at Heart
#2801 - Sport gear enchantment
Cleats/Shoes: make a PSI ball and think about you getting faster and having better handiwork with moving with precision. Now lower the PSI ball over your Cleats/Shoes and chant to following: '' Gear for my feet, hear my plead. Make my moves sweet, and enchant my speed. Quicker and swifter, I will move. My play will be niftier, I'll be on the move. This is my hope, this is my dream. With my own will, so mote it be.'' Say this three times. To benefit the game better, you could repeat this on the same day as the game/practice/usage.
Gloves( goalie gloves, baseball gloves or catching mitts): once again, create PSI ball and think about your hands moving like lightning and perfectly catching every ball or amazingly swing great. Now lower the PSI ball and say: '' gloves of leather, of fabric and more. You will make me have the perfect score. Catching all balls, making perfect plays. I want to be the best, for every game. On my hands, where you will perfect me. Give me luck and unlock the magick inside me. This is my hope, this is my dream. With my own will, so mote it be.'' Say this three times. To benefit the game better, you could repeat this on the same day as the game/practice/usage.
If the game does not have any gloves, you can check out my Enchanted Sports Brecelet or for better eye sight and calculation, check out my Enchanted Sports headband. Thanks for reading, and PM me your results!!
#2802 - Wizard
Say this 5 times in night time it's has to be late 12 pm it will work more: "I wish to be a wizard it's my dream to be it. Make me a powerful wizard and gave me the most powerful powers so mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2803 - Take Energy and Power
A few little facts:
*It is much easier to picture and a bit more effective if you are making contact with the person
*It may leave the person you've taken from feeling weak. This should only last a short while, depending on how much you take, so BE CAREFUL!
Blessed be and SMILE!
#2804 - Love Binding
Light the 5 candles creating a circle around you and your partner. Hold the picture of you and your partner and wrap the DNA up with the red ribbon around the picture chanting together 3 times
"Together as one this pact is formed holding our love in place. This bond that we hold until we grow old our love we shall always embrace."
Drip rose oil on the picture and set the chalice on top of the picture. Put rose petals around you and your partner then pour the apple wine into the chalice. With the athame both of you prick or cut either your palm or finger and drip your blood into the apple wine. Visualize energy from the candles going into the picture, up the chalice and into the wine. One of you take the chalice and hold it in the air chanting
"As I drink this bond will form and our love shall last. If we fight we shall make up and all issues will pass."
The other partner will drink too and chant the same thing. Blow out the candles together and at the last candle blow it out together. Put the picture with the ribbon around it in a safe place and enjoy the rest of the wine.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2805 - Unpossessing and Vanquishing Demon
"Demon possessing to the core,
You shall not posses further more.
Stay out of the body, stay out of the mind.
I curse you to hell, you are confined."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2806 - Psi Ball
First, you have to sit cross legged in the middle of the room. Hold out your hands like you're holding a ball in between your hands. Close your eyes, and visualize a ball of any dark colored energy in your hands. Now you have a Psi-Ball! It's mainly used for practice, but you can program it. Make a forum if you have any questions.
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Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2807 - My Peaceful Sleep
Say this 3x with your eyes closed getting ready to sleep
"Gods and Goddesses
On this night
When I am comfy in my bed
I want to sleep tight
Peaceful dreams
No nightmares
Until the sun rise
In the morning air
This is what I wish
This is what I need
I need sleep
So mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2808 - Smart Spell
Say this 3 times:
"Gods please make me smart like you I don't want to be dumb anymore I just want to ask one time so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2809 - Dragon Soulmate Attraction
Clear your mind, once you are done then start to think of the greatest level of love. Feel it building in you. Now start to visalize a dragon (of the sex of your choice). Don't force it the dragon/ess will reveal itself if it feels your ultimate love and make a connection if he/she thinks you are ready! If you feel there presence then you can proceed with the spell!
Now listen to the dragon/ess. Their name will be revealed. Then take the pen and write it down. Once that's done focus on the great love once more, then transfer it into the dragon/ess. Visualize it leaving you and entering your mate. Feel the great bond between you and the dragon/ess. Once you are done you'll feel tired so you'll have to sleep to recover.
Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2810 - Unlock Your Wolf at Heart
Light the incense and say "I call upon (your goddess) to aid me in my quest to access my true wolf". Then light the white candle and imagine you energy flowing into the flame making it grow. Light the red candle and do the same.
Now say "Hear my plea (your goddess). That you you'll guide me in my dreams to find my true wolf at heart". After this you must sleep and when you wake up you will have unlocked your true wolf
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.