On a thunder storm do this invocation to Thor: "Hail Thor lord of the hammer! Lord of the storm the rumbling chariot, that tears across the sky. Lord who speaks plainly. Who has no time for intrigue, and subtle ploys. Protector of the common man. Warrior beloved by farmers. Help us untwist out tongue and speak the fiery truth. Hurled blazing like a hammer bolt, across the open sky."
To get a boost of energy form the universe.
You need all the ingredients for the spell to work.
You may need:
Yellow, green, black, and white candles
White chalk
100% focus
Belief don't be sceptic
You may need:
Yellow, green, black, and white candles
White chalk
100% focus
Belief don't be sceptic
Make sure it's night when you do this. With the white chalk, draw a big enough circle to walk in circles. Put four small circles at each end connecting with the big circle. Draw a triangle in the middle. This is where you will sit. Then put the four candles in the four circles. Put them in this order: yellow, green, black, and white. Light them all in the same order. The candles can be scented if this helps you focus. Next sit in the triangle. Visualize yellow energy flowing into you staying. Next visualize green energy flowing into you and staying. Next visualize black energy flowing into you and staying. Then the same with white. Do it in exactly this order.
Say: I ask of the universe to bind me with these energies. Yellow, green, black and white. So mote it be.
Then go to sleep and when you wale up in the morning, you will not feel a change, but your bound with the energies of the universe.
It's to summon a earth spirit. It won't appear physically it's a spirit.
You may need:
A piece of earth. A Rock preferably.
Brown candle
Outside in nature
You may need:
A piece of earth. A Rock preferably.
Brown candle
Outside in nature
Do this outside. Light a brown candle. Get the piece of rock. Hold it, feel it. Be one with the rock. Say: spirit world I contact you send me a earth spirit so mote it be.
It's a ritual/spell to call upon Freyja the Norse goddess.
You may need:
An alter.
An offering (preferable gold or honey).
Devotion (you just can't say this with no connection to the goddess or it's not going to work). You also have to say this with respect.
As for another offering, you can do strawberries.
You may need:
An alter.
An offering (preferable gold or honey).
Devotion (you just can't say this with no connection to the goddess or it's not going to work). You also have to say this with respect.
As for another offering, you can do strawberries.
Go to the alter. Put the piece of gold and strawberries on the alter. Say a prayer with devotion. Beatriz Prat has a good invocation or prayer. This is part of the real one. The real one is way to Long.
Say over the alter: we call upon the great goddess of the Vanir, who is also know as vanidis. Freyja shamanic mistress of magick. And the art of seidheir. Teach us as you taught the all father Odin. She who flies though the night. With her feather falcon cloak. And who rides her chariot. Driven by cats and her boar Hildvinisi. We invoke your power as a warrior. To protect our hearth and home. So mote it be.
At night go outside. Make sure it's a full moon. Take the non existent spell. Light a candle. Say: "Oh great goddess hecate (or Freyja if you are a Nordic pagan) I ask of you to make this spell magick, forever floating in the universe for eternity so mote it be."
To summon a family ancestral spirit.
Lares originated in Ancient Rome.
You may need:
Purple candle (it's the color of Rome)
You may need:
Purple candle (it's the color of Rome)
Light the purple candle. Get into a meditative trance. Think about the lare coming to your aid. Snap out of it and say: oh lare of mine I call to you. Help me in my hour of need. So let it be.
It's to call upon Thor. Thor is a Norse god. Not like the comic character. Don't do something stupid with the hammer and go bash someone upside the head like in the comics.
You may need:
Medium rare stake.
A hammer
Thunder storm.
A small hill
Belief in the Norse god Thor.
You may need:
Medium rare stake.
A hammer
Thunder storm.
A small hill
Belief in the Norse god Thor.
Outside in a raging thunder storm, gather stones. Get a hammer. Put the stones around the hammer. Make sure you are on a small hill. Get a medium rare stake. This will be your offering. Get some dirt. Put it on the hammer. Say oh Thor I call son of Odin, mighty protector. I ask for your strength in this time of need. Bury the steak. Leave the hammer there until the storm is over. Come back and get it.
Don't do something stupid with the hammer. Don't go and bang someone over the head with it. You are not Thor. This not the comics. Doing this is abusing the power. You don't summon lighting. The porpoise is for protection. You carry the hammer and your protected. Unless it's a life and death situation. Don't throw the hammer.
Use this to get in contact with a summoned spirit servitor.
You may need:
You may need:
Light the candle. Take the energy, hold it. Visualize it forming into a being. The being can look human. Say: "Gods and goddess I form this familiar ex.she will appear to me so mote it be."