7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon a God
- To Call Love to You
- Summon a Spirit of a Loved One
- Sleep Chant
- How To Control The Four Elements
- Fly by Time
- Control Air
- Harleen's Hex Antidotes
- Summon a Pokemon
- Basic Ki Defense
#3121 - Summon a God
Do the same with summoning a goddess just instead say goddess.
#3122 - To Call Love to You
Do this at night. Get the paper heart, and the picture of the crush. Light the red or pink candle. Put it in the paper heart. Get the picture ready. Look into the picture and Say: "Oh gods and goddesses of love, and Aphrodite, I ask of you to make my crush fall in love with me so mote it be". Burn the picture. Go to sleep. Sooner or later your crush will love you.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3123 - Summon a Spirit of a Loved One
At night go to the grave of a loved one. Lite the candle, get some of your blood. Say: " Oh gods and goddesses of the underworld. Lord hades, I ask of you to send my ex. Grandma, so I may talk with her so mote it be". Then put the drop of blood in on the grave. Go home, and the next night your loved one will be there.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3124 - Sleep Chant
Spell to induce sleep: (chant or focus your mind to these words 3x)
"Nyx and Hypnos
(Or your choice)
Tis I, (your name), that calls upon thee
I seek thy aide into sleep this night
Protect my dreams from darkness and plight
Bestow upon me dreams of youthful flight
And, I beseech thee, hold me tight
til the Lord's first glorious light
Tis my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3125 - How To Control The Four Elements
Say the spell with your hand in the water (The more you say the spell, the more powerful it is). Spell- "Water, water, blue as the sky. Give me the power to control you with my mind." x However many times you want
Say the spell with your hand near the fire (The more you say the spell, the more powerful it is). Spell- "Fire, fire, a burning flame. Hot as the sun, the beautiful flame. Give my the power to control you." x However many times you want
Say the spell while holding the dirt (The more you say the spell, the more powerful it is) Spell-" Earth, earth, beautiful earth, give me the power to control you." x However many times you want
Say the spell (The more you say the spell, the more powerful it is) Spell- "Air, air, the invisible, deadly force. Give me the power to control you. " x However many times you want
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3126 - Fly by Time
Take the paper and draw a pentagram on it with the pen and while you draw it chant:
"Make time go by fast make it go the speed of sound gods and goddesses of time and space hear my plea so mote it be."
And then carry the paper with you and when you get rid of it time will go back to normal.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3127 - Control Air
Sit down while wind is blowing (if it's in grass, it's better). Close your eyes and don't let anything and anyone distrub you. Feel the breeze of the wind blowing around you, feel like it's surrounding you. Open your eyes and blow your fingers, like sprinkling dust. Voila! If you did it work, wind will be on your command! If it didn't try again, be more confident this time.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3128 - Harleen's Hex Antidotes
Jinx removal powder
1. Place arrowroot powder in a bowl
2. Sprinkle the powder lightly with essential oils of chamomile, peppermint, and wintergreen
3. stir the powder to blend the essential oils.
4. sprinkle as needed
Red brick dust method
1. Spread red brick dust around the perimeter of your home or the inside
2. sweep it out with a ritual broom
3. dispose of the broom after sweeping or reserve it for similar use
Ash Hex breaker
Gather fallen ash leaves. Murmur your concerns and fears over them and disperse them at a crossroads In all directions
Bamboo Hex breaker
Inscribe your goal, wish, or prayer onto bamboo wood. Grind into a powder then burn to break a hex
Curse removal powder
1. grind and powder sandalwood, red sandalwod, frankincense, myrrh, and pine needles
2. Burn the resulting powder on a lit charcoal, wafting the smoke as needed
3. go to a crossroads and scatter the ashes to the winds in all directions, praying and affirming that the curse is broken
Last edited on Jul 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3129 - Summon a Pokemon
Normal: Pokèmon game
Fire: Candle
Water: Water
Grass: Grass
Electric: Electronic Device
Poison: Drop of Poison
Flying: Feather
Dragon: Dragon figurine
Bug: Bug
Ghost: Pic. Of Ghost
Psychic: Pentagram
Ground: Dirt
Rock: Rock
Dark: Black Ink
Fighting: Weapon
Ice: Icecube
Steel: Metal
Put the item(s) on the Pokègram and chant this three times:
''May Arceus appear before me,
Let his his followers show.
Once I see the vision,
The one I love will come.
May Arceus Grant US happiness,
For all the years to come.''
After, you should get a brief vision of Arceus and all 711 other Pokèmon. When you see your chosen Pokèmon, say:
''*chosen Pokèmon*, I choose you!''
It will take a week or two for your Pokèmon to arrive.
Signs it worked: You will dream of the Pokèmon, you will see it in the corner of your vision, you will see Arceus
You can't summon Fairy Types however, because they are new and only in X and Y of the Pokemon Universe.
#3130 - Basic Ki Defense
Ki Ball: This is the basic starter for most techniques. First, cup your hands like you were holding a basketball and feel the Ki flow from your chest and palm chakras into your fingertips. the, when you've built up enough Ki, push it out of your hands into a physical form. You should be able to feel it's energy. You will be able to see it when you become more advanced.
Ki Shield: First, create a Ki ball. After that, expand it into an outer shell (If you put too little energy into the ball, it will simply disappear!). Now start to fill it with your Ki. If you've done it right, you should be able to defend yourself from a few magical attacks.
Ki Overload: First create a Ki Shield, and fill it with as much Ki as possible. (Remember not to Ground yourself as to be able to put less Ki into the Shield.)now put even more Ki into it so it can't handle it all. This should cause it to explode, knocking everybody back.
Ki Blast: First, create a Ki ball, and fill it up with as much power as you can (It helps if you're grounded). Then, aim BEHIND the target (This is because Ki travels like a shockwave, and ends where you aim.) and do a double-palmstrike. (Think a Dragonball Z Kamehameha.)