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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. Shifting Realities
  2. Covid 19 spell
  3. Sweet Apple Enchantment Spell
  4. Fae Meditation
  5. Get your wish
  6. the thought spell
  7. Perfect temperatures WORKS!
  8. Summon Ultimate power
  9. Protection For Exploration
  10. Spell To Summon Rain

#321 - Shifting Realities

I don't really know much about the spell i just know that it's possible
You may need:

  • Your Script
  • Your Mind
  • A Bed
  • Yourself
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    You may need:

  • Your Script
  • Your Mind
  • A Bed
  • Yourself
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    ~First you Script~

    How to script~ Write what you want in your desired reality

    Write Your personality in this reality,Write who will be there with you,Write what you will look like (you can make an entirely different you if you want), Write what others look like, Write The age you will be in this reality, write what gender you will be,Write your Birthday,Write when/what time it is when you shift, Write that a clone will take over if you are gone to long, Write that you won't get stuck, write how much time like 1 min=1 week

    Close your eyes while sitting down on your bed

    Focus on your scripted reality in your head

    Visualize being in a wating room, let someone form your reality be there with you,there is music playing there, dance with the person, feel their touch and the movement of your body as you dance together. Notice your surroundings, what do you see?, What do you feel?, What do you smell?, Let yourself sense it until you can really feel it, let yourself dance until you're really there,until you're ready.Take as much time as you need. when you're ready hold the persons hand and walk to the exit door, open the door, and through that door is your desired reality (in your head)

    Added to on Mar 07, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #322 - Covid 19 spell

    This is a summon spell to end covid 19 once and for all.
    You may need:

  • aloud
  • summon
  • repeat
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    You may need:

  • aloud
  • summon
  • repeat
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    I wish I want to end the covid 19 to end.

    Added to on Mar 06, 2021
    Last edited on Dec 31, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #323 - Sweet Apple Enchantment Spell

    Don't all good black magic spells include a lock of hair? Well, that's because it's a powerful way to connect another person to your spell. Follow the steps & see the results.
    You may need:

  • 1 apple, preferably a red one.
  • Honey.
  • A few strands of your hair.
  • A few strands of your intended lover's
  • hair.
  • Length of red ribbon or yarn.
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    You may need:

  • 1 apple, preferably a red one.
  • Honey.
  • A few strands of your hair.
  • A few strands of your intended lover's
  • hair.
  • Length of red ribbon or yarn.
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    Slice the apple sideways across the middle, so you can see the star formed by the seeds. Spread honey on either half of the apple. Take the strands of hair, and twist or braid them together.

    Put the hairs between the two halves, and tie the apple back together with the ribbon. Tie it tightly. Bury the apple either outside, or in a large flower pot (outside is best). You'll find your desired lover start to show a strong interest in you almost immediately.

    You can watch this ritual video performed in youtube :-

    [N.B: This is super spell .Try it & share your opinion .Don't think that result will presented to you very fast . Result may vary from person to person. So have patience & see the outcomes]

    Added to on Feb 20, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #324 - Fae Meditation

    This is a meditation method I use when I?m waiting for a faerie to take my offering.
    You may need:

  • A nice, clear, sunny spot
  • A clear or at least remotely clear mind
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    You may need:

  • A nice, clear, sunny spot
  • A clear or at least remotely clear mind
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    First, sit or lay down. Which ever feels right or better to you. Clear your mind of all thoughts and distractions. Now, focus on what your goal with the fae is. For me, it's to befriend and get to know them. Focus on that for a while, for however long feels right.

    Now let your mind sort of drift. Notice every thought that comes through your mind go to a state of peace, however that feels like to you. It's different for everyone. Stay in that state for how ever long you want to. To 'wake up', direct your attention back to your body and move your hands, or make a sudden movement. This always refreshes and relaxes me; and most of the time attracts faeries. It will attract good luck, too!

    Added to on Feb 15, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 05, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #325 - Get your wish

    This will make your wish come true.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Step 1: Identify Your Wish

    According to research by Gabriele Oettingen, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at New York University and author of “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation,” our wishes emerge from our innermost needs. As she notes in her book, “it might be a deep-seated wish that has been lying dormant or has been pushed aside in [your] consciousness.”

    How to do it: To identify your most heartfelt wish, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and tune inward. Ask yourself what will make you happy and what will bring you joy? Look to any area of your life, from work to your health. Whether it’s changing careers or building more connected relationships, your wish should be both deeply meaningful and one that you can fulfill.

    Step 2: Visualize the Outcome

    Visualization is a powerful tool that’s proven to help build confidence and motivation, increasing your ability to make your wish come true.

    How to do it: Picture yourself realizing your wish. How do you feel? What is the best outcome? Use imagery that’s as realistic as possible by including sights, sounds, feelings, and even smells. Go back to these visualizations whenever you need a boost.

    Step 3: Uncover the Obstacle

    When it comes to manifesting our dreams and making exciting big changes, we tend to throw up obstacles that block the way, whether out of fear or just not believing in ourselves. The key is to uncover the belief, behavior, or emotion that’s holding us back. According to Oettingen, this obstacle is typically the obstacle for other wishes, too.

    How to do it: Take a moment to identify what’s standing in your way, whether by sitting quietly, journaling, or talking to a friend. For example, you might think you don’t have what it takes to write a novel. You might feel guilty spending time on a personal project.

    Step 4: Make Your Plan

    Now, it’s time for action! The key to a successful wish-fulfilling plan? Identifying how you’ll overcome your obstacle head-on. Another critical part of enacting any kind of change? Breaking that big wish down into smaller goals and adding specific action steps for each part of the process. Called “the progress principle,” this technique lessens the overwhelm of big dreams and projects by taking “a big wins with small gains” approach.

    How to do it: To address your obstacle, come up with an “If, then” statement, such as: “If I think there’s no time to write, then I’ll remind myself that I can make time for the things that matter most.” Write the statement down, post it on your bathroom mirror, and remind yourself of it regularly. It will keep you moving when self-doubt and sabotaging behaviors want to creep back in.

    Next, break down that big wish, creating a do-able 3-6 month goal. For example, your big dream is to write a book, but the 3-6 month goal would be to complete the first three chapters. From there, create specific action steps, such as: “On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I will write for one hour after work with the goal of writing 1500 words a week.”

    Your wishes don’t have to remain unrealized desires. By using these science-backed strategies, you’ll make your meaningful wish come true—and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

    Added to on Feb 04, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #326 - the thought spell

    To be able to see all thoughts of any person and what other person thinking about.
    You may need:

  • none
  • say
  • aloud
  • friend/partner
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    You may need:

  • none
  • say
  • aloud
  • friend/partner
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    All the thoughts I want to see, so let me see all the thoughts I want to see.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #327 - Perfect temperatures WORKS!

    Enchant an object to keep your room/ chosen area to have the perfect temperature all the time.
    You may need:

  • Enough magic experience to place energy into an object
  • An object to enchant (this can be anything in the room but wouldn't be an obvious magic item like a crystal geode would be obvious bit something like a pot plant)
  • An area to enchant
  • Belief this will work
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    You may need:

  • Enough magic experience to place energy into an object
  • An object to enchant (this can be anything in the room but wouldn't be an obvious magic item like a crystal geode would be obvious bit something like a pot plant)
  • An area to enchant
  • Belief this will work
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    Step one- Call your magic into your hands (it acn be anyway that works for you)

    Step two- Focus on your energy sinking into your object (touching it or holding it makes it easier) and stop when you have enough energy

    Step three- Think at or say "I enchant (your object) to keep (the area, best to be your room) at ghe perfect temperature for me, this is my will so mote it be" repeat more than twice, you choose.

    Step Four- Leave the room for about half an hour and then return and see if it works! It did for me so it shoulc work for you.

    Added to on Jan 30, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 09, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #328 - Summon Ultimate power

    By completing this you can become a god.
    You may need:

  • 1 clear your mind
  • 2 feel your darkest impulses and desires
  • 3 feel that energy manifest in your left han don't lose that
  • 4 now feel your lightest qualities and hopes
  • 5 feel that energy move to your right hand
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    You may need:

  • 1 clear your mind
  • 2 feel your darkest impulses and desires
  • 3 feel that energy manifest in your left han don't lose that
  • 4 now feel your lightest qualities and hopes
  • 5 feel that energy move to your right hand
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    When you have followed the ingredients all that's left is to fuse the two energies and some might say it's impossible but I did it and with more people on the physical plane who do this the stronger magic becomes. Move your hands together and let both feelings run through your body then say who you are then use the ultimate power for what ever you want.

    Added to on Jan 28, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 06, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #329 - Protection For Exploration

    Spirits lurk in dark places such as abandoned buildings and cemeteries, but because the large numbers of spirits turns the area into a hotspot for negative energy, you'll want to put special effort into making sure you don't bring a malevolent spirit or harmful energy back with you.
    You may need:

  • Pure water (Either filtered/distilled by you, or commercial water from a brand you trust)
  • Piece of jewelry or any other accessory that can be dipped in water
  • Salt
  • Shower/Bathtub
  • Wand
  • Soothing tea leaves, dry herbs, or oils
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    You may need:

  • Pure water (Either filtered/distilled by you, or commercial water from a brand you trust)
  • Piece of jewelry or any other accessory that can be dipped in water
  • Salt
  • Shower/Bathtub
  • Wand
  • Soothing tea leaves, dry herbs, or oils
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    This spell has three components: A cleansing bath/shower that gets rid of excess energy before and after visiting a spiritual location, enchanted water, and an accessory consecrated with the power of protection to wear.

    To start, you'll take the first cleansing bath/shower by either

    1. Starting a bath and sprinkling salt in along with any tea or herbs, and adding 20-40 drops of oils
    2. Dilute your oils to make them safe for skin use by mixing in 10-30 drops of essential oils in 1 cup of water along with a sprinkle of salt and the tea or herbs. because this mixture will be automatically cold, I recommend heating it up in the microwave for around 30 seconds or longer to make it comfortably warm, but not hot, then rubbing it on your skin while taking a shower so your skin can absorb the comforting properties of the mixture as it's washed off.

    then, you'll need to enchant the water, which is fairly simple. You'll want to take a cup/bottle of water, hold it in your hands, and say

    "By the power of three,

    I invoke earth, air, water, and fire

    to enchant this water before me"

    three times, and then it can be used to drink for protection at any stage in the journey.

    Next you'll want to consecrate your protective accessory. This can be done by holding your wand directly at it and imagining the energy from the surroundings being channeled into the accessory via the wand. Now it can be worn or simply brought along in your pockets. As long as the accessory isn't damaged, you should be able to use it over and over again without recharging it with energy every time you go to a spiritual location.

    Once you've done all this you're ready to go to any location without being affected by its energy(s), and when you come back you should take one more shower to get rid of any residual energy- (you can ground if you'd like, but this ritual should make it so you don't have to.) And Voila! you're done, having gone out for a night of witching and come back without throwing off the balance of your home with residual energy(s).

    Added to on Jan 28, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #330 - Spell To Summon Rain

    This spell has not been tested but I didn't have time to test it so please don't hate.
    You may need:

  • A container (to hold water in)
  • Your voice
  • Cloudy
  • Outdoors
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    You may need:

  • A container (to hold water in)
  • Your voice
  • Cloudy
  • Outdoors
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    In order to cast the spell you must say the spell while filling the container with water . Make sure it is cloudy so it may work faster.

    Say as much as you need to.

    Here's the spell :

    From the clouds up above , to this [the container you are holding]. I summon thee to rain [for how long you want it to]. I asketh of thee to fall on my command . By the powers invested within me may this spell come to pass.

    Added to on Jan 27, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 02, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters