7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection charm
- Live in your ideal reality spell
- Leprechaun Summoning
- Hindu Fairy Ritual (1)
- Make time go fast (it works I have done it)
- Haunt your Enemy Spell
- Peace Orb
- command a wand
- To Ward an Object
- To Cleanse an Object
#341 - Protection charm
Pour the salt into your pocket. Put in the obsidian, quartz, and jasper. Smash an acorn and put it in. Put in rosemary, rose, and basil. Close your pocket. This charm will protect you and give you good luck.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#342 - Live in your ideal reality spell
Go into the place you want to sleep in. Meditate, then light the candle and the incense. Wait until the candle melts, then burn the incense and wait until it's done burning. Then arrange the herbs and put them around your bed, an put the salt around the herbs. Turn on the relaxing music. Now, say the incantation once you are in the bed:
"I've used magic, I've cast spells
Yet there's still something I need
O (name of god/goddess), grant my wish as I speak
You will take me to (where you want to go) in my dreams!"
Now let yourself fall aslleep.
#343 - Leprechaun Summoning
Start to meditate and imagine a leprechaun and picture it walking toward you till it's right in front of you then recite this chant out loud or in your head "Leprechaun please talk to me please be real as can be thanks so much so mote it be"
Last edited on Dec 14, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#344 - Hindu Fairy Ritual (1)
➤ Condition : You have to buy it before Eleven.fifty nine O'clock am . You can't bargain with seller for price. If the seller tell you the price is 500 dollar, gives him 500 dollar . Don't think that your money is wasting or price is too much . If you think that ritual will not work. It means, you have to buy or collect the items seller fixed rate, don't fight with him.
☞ After buying the items before Eleven.fifty nine O'clock am . Go to home, put them in secret place. You have to do it in secret, only you should be present in your room.
Wash your rooms with water, sprinks rose water, make it fully clean.
At night, after Eleven O'clock pm , Take bath any natural fragrence in your body ( perfume is restricted) .
Then sit in the red cloth you have bought by facing north. Beautifully present the twenty one Basil leaves ahead of you , also put the three flowers ahead of you.
Then, make a circle besides you with Salt and water & recite a protection prayer according to your religion. Salt & water shouldn’t touch your ritual items. No light should be in your room.
Then chant this mantra One thousand Five hundred times:-
Shong sottang bhoyotong meri Bhakti thongbir
Niggshoinno tratoi pritosacchoy engdhir ojang
After chant this One thousand five hundred times, one beautuful fairy will come to you. When she present herself ahead of you, take your three flowers and dismount it behind of you . But don't look at your behind.
Then fairy will ask you, what do you want? Then you tell her to stay with you as your sister, in your whole life and do your all work, without making harm to you & your family
Fairy will accept it, and will discuss how you can call her any time.
[NOTE: This ritual i have got from my master , So if anyone want to do this ritual ,he/she has to mail me, without my permission if anyone perform it and fall in danger ,I will not be responsible for that ]
#345 - Make time go fast (it works I have done it)
Write down the time and than draw a pentacle over the thing you are doing and then say: Make time go to (the time you want it to be) by the power of 3x3 so mote it be. Then tap the pentacle 3 times.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#346 - Haunt your Enemy Spell
Light the black candle, channeling all your hatred into its fire. Make sure you feel negative instead of positive. The more negative energy, the more likely this spell will work. After a little bit of channeling energy, start to chant.
"(Enemy's name) has haunted me.
So I shall haunt them.
Spirits of darkness.
They shall be condemned.
To misery and dark.
To hatred and despair!"
Chant this 6 times, and then put out the candle.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#347 - Peace Orb
First, imagine what color you would like your orb to be. It is best if you choose the color that helps you relax the most. (personally, I picked light purple) Now imagine a ball of light that is that color. You have successfully created a peace orb. You may use this as you wish. You can also use this on other people.
Last edited on May 05, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#348 - command a wand
Now I command wand my hand.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#349 - To Ward an Object
- Set up an uncluttered space with direct sunlight in the midafternoon
- Put incense burner in the middle of said space
- Place objects around it (of a single type/purpose)
- Steel your mind
- Light incense
- Pass objects though smoke
- Say incantation as you pass each object through (in commanding voice)
- Set objects around incense
- Use feather to fan smoke around objects
- Continue the chant (speak in a authoritative manner)
- Half way through, close eyes and visualize the smoke turning to embers/sparks, enveloping items with power
- When finished, set/hang them on or around doors and windows.
"Ward the veil,
Wall the mists.
Lock the enteries,
Close the exits.
Seal our Space."
Please Note: This is a follow up to, "Cleanse an Object". Hence, the similar name and direction structure. This is to be done in succession to the cleansing.
#350 - To Cleanse an Object
- Set up an uncluttered space with direct sunlight in the early afternoon.
- Put incense burner in the middle of said space.
- Place objects around it (of a single type/purpose).
- Clear your mind.
- Light incense.
- Pass objects though smoke.
- Say incantation as you pass each object through (in whispy voice).
- Set objects around incense.
- Use feather to fan smoke around objects.
- Continue the chant (speak in a breathy manner).
- Half way through, close eyes and visualize the smoke carrying away the old energy.
- Let thoughts of fresh, clean air, gratitude and significance of the spirit of air wash over you.
"Energy Erase.
Negativity Negate.
Cleansed as you are.
Pure as I will.
Blank slate integrate!"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.