This spell will allow to give you revenge on a certain person.
I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm trying it soon.
You may need:
Hate for the person
Reason for you to hate the person
You may need:
Hate for the person
Reason for you to hate the person
1. Meditate for 5 minutes on why you hate the person
2. Think about why you want revenge
3. Imagine the person in intense pain and agony.
4. Once you are done with those chant:
(Full name of the person)
I wish to get revenge
I want you to feel the pain I have felt
You will regret ever hurting me
5. Take a deep breathe and close your eyes. Imagine the person in pain again.
6. Now chant:
My saying is over
Please ALGEA grant my wish
Make this person in pain
Make them regret hurting me!
I made this up to offer up protection and guidance.
You may need:
1 white candle
1 white or silver ribbon
1 Lavender piece
3 Chamomile flowers
You may need:
1 white candle
1 white or silver ribbon
1 Lavender piece
3 Chamomile flowers
Light the candle in front of you. Place the flowers and lavender in a bundle and place to the right side of the candle Place the ribbon on the left side of the candle. Say this spell 3 times
"Arianrhod please guide this spell.
Danu, Give me the wisdom for guidance
Skatha give me the Gods protection
Please hear my cry Celtic lords."
If the candle blows out by itself you are welcomed and guided. If it didn't blow out by itself, blow it out and say Celtics I hear you but you are guiding me!
Have your familiar summoned and close to you. Have it and you cut your hands/paws/other and drip a drop of blood onto the charm. after this you must say.
"By the blood on this charm I ask to bond us for life. If one lives the other shall not die. If one is harmed the other shall as well."
Ask the familiar "Do you accept?". And if it says no then do the spell over if it says yes then you will put the charm in the safest place you can think.
"The flames punish sin. Purgatory governs the flames. Purgatory was created to burn sinners, as the only violence God recognises. Violence is the affirmation of death. Affirmation is recognition. Recognition rests within. Within refers to the world. Connect your inner self with the outside world."
Start saying this all at once make sure its together.
"The wings of the seraph shines brightly. The bright light is a pure white color that reveals all sins. The pure white color is the mark of purity. The mark is the result of one's actions. The result is the future. The future is time. Time is uniform. Uniformity is all.
All is created by the past. The past is the cause. Cause is one. One is sin. Sins are humans. Humans fear, and fear is guilt. Guilt resides within oneself. Oneself if there is something one despises within, the wings of the seraph shall reveal your sins, and remove it from within you."
If done correctly this will send a large burst of energy to the foe, or foes. this spell can be stopped by not saying it or interrupted when saying the spell.
This spell is used to ward off demons and stop weak spells.
You may need:
You may need:
Stand around the spell or demon then chant. "Revelation 8:7, the first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down onto the earth!"
it makes a well it makes a flame that attacks your foes, note that this is a risky spell it could burn you like any normal fire!
You may need:
(X) paper (need at least one)
(X) thing(s) to draw with
(X) voice (more voices better result)
You may need:
(X) paper (need at least one)
(X) thing(s) to draw with
(X) voice (more voices better result)
draw Jera under Mannaz on paper(s) (you can fined jera and mannaz in my photos) and place them around the area you want the spell to be in. (note: if the paper(s) are destroyed the spell will stop.) after this use your knowledge of fire spells (if any) to build a basic flame to your hand. then chant
''The king of the world of fire and the weather god Freyr both die after battling each other. The deer antler carried by Freyr could not be removed by the followers of the king! The masses who cannot match the king even as a group can only accept defeat!! Let the subjugation of the strict scales fill you with the order of my temple!!''
(to command the flame call it Freyr)
if you loose control you MUST chant this
''The color is yellow, the shape is a dagger. With the action of defense and the symbol of flow and change, one of the five great internal symbols of my temple shall be contained in my hand!!''
the flame will be shot into your hand you can get burned in the posses of this spell.
If you have stones, pick out one with a high vibration, or go outside and find one. Go outside with it and sit on the ground somewhere peaceful. Stare into the stone, ground yourself, and charge the rock with energy, saying,
''Stone, evil shall you deny.
Send it to the Earth and sky.
Send it to the flame and sea,
Stone power, protect me.''
You can carry this stone with you or keep it in your home or give it to someone else to protect them.
This is a technique to restrain your energy of you have to much and if is going out of control.
You may need:
You may need:
First get comfortable or into a meditative position. Once done you need to close your eyes and visualize your energy. Feel your energy surrounding you. Once you have sensed the range at which your energy stops imagine it getting smaller. Compress your energy until it fits the outline of your body. That may be hard for you to do when you first try to do it so if you can just get it within 2-3 inches of your body than that's fone. As you keep trying you will be able to compress it even more and eventually fill your body.
Take a piece of paper (any size) and lay it flat in your hand or on a table. draw a symbol of power (any that you feel comfortable with works) i would recommend a rune for the symbol.
Clear your mined then ask/chant for a familiar, this means something like "come to me familiar" any thing works.