7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Water
- Control Water
- Negativity Cast Away!
- Create: Psi Ball
- To Become A Fairy
- Break Up
- A Letter to an Angel
- Nightmare Begon
- Relaxation
- Banish Cigarette Smoking From Your Life
#3601 - Water
First get a bowl/cup of water. Light a candle. Mediate on the water. Imagine it flowing up and down. Next wave your hand in a circle 10x. Chant: "Air, water, earth, fire".
Last edited on Jun 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3602 - Control Water
Firstly you have to meditate and visualize yourself controling the water. After that say: "Oh water, water, by the sea. Give it to me, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jun 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3603 - Negativity Cast Away!
Now light the Incense (optional) take your hands and place them together and think about all the negativity, feel it going through your body and into your hands, now form a ball out of the negativity. Then say;
Negativity away and never come back.
Then throw the negativity from your hands.
#3604 - Create: Psi Ball
#3605 - To Become A Fairy
2. Sit down with object, and close your eyes.
3. Imagine yourself flying with wings, using your element/power (mentioned later)
4. Say this spell 3 times and once for the end: (eyes can be open)
Say X3
Goddess of wind, goddess of earth,
Please make my desire come true.
I wish to be a FAIRY!
To fly high and be truly free,
This is my wish to be.
My wings shall be (size)
like that of a (type of wings).
(Colour) and (colour),
Are the colours chosen by I.
As I say the words, (summoning words),
My wings shall appear on my back.
Once I say the words, (disappearing words),
My wings will be absent.
I shall rule over the element (element of choice),
With the special power of (any special power; only 1).
My special power shall come in (time it comes) time,
My wings in (time they come) time.
Goddess of wind, goddess of earth,
Please bestow upon me what I desire.
By the power of three,
So mote it be!
5. Believe it will work, and be patient until your element/power and wings appear!!
Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3606 - Break Up
Take the Pink candle and place it on a flat surface and do the same with the two blue candles, take the picture and place it in front of the candles, place the scissors and yarn to were you can get it, light the Pink candle and this shall be for love and say;
"Love that died, but hasn't concealed I light this candle to help it heal."
Then light the two blue candles for the waves that will wash the feeling away and say "Waves of the tides, wash away the feelings of hard break back through the tide, like it hasn't happened."
Then take the two green yarn pieces and twine them together, and say; "These pieces of yarn represent you and I our paths use to be intertwined."
Take the scissors and say; "Now our paths are separateded and the feeling is still here, I cut the yarns and it shall disappear." And cut the yarn in half.
Last edited on Jun 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3607 - A Letter to an Angel
Write a good peaceful and kind letter to invite an angel to your life or to your home. And you must believe that it will work.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3608 - Nightmare Begon
Take the Pentacle (paper or necklace) and place it on a flat surface, than take the White Candle and place it on the pentacle if it's paper or place it by the top of the pentacle if it's a necklace. Then take the Incense and place it by the White candle, and light the candle and say;
From the power of the moon in the midnight sky I banish the nightmares from my mind.
Then light the Incense and say;
By the power of the universe that runs through my veins, I banish the darkness that dwells in my brain.
#3609 - Relaxation
"I am peace, I am calm. I am love, trust, and hope. Quiet, I need. Send me angels of forgotten times. Lead me to peace inside."
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3610 - Banish Cigarette Smoking From Your Life
Put Sage and cloves as a base part in your cup which is in the center of the circle. Mix them around evenly. The sage is for purity and the cloves demonstrate your intent. As you mix these take as many incense sticks as you feel like and crush them into the mix. The Powder you are making should be dark, black even. Keep mixing it. Now, take as many cigarettes as you desire (the more you do, the more powerful the spell works) and crush the tobacco and put it into the mix. Focus your intention as you keep mixing it, and dispose of the butts, do not litter them nor put them in the cup.
The mixture is complete, and take the cigarette paper and write down on these why you want to stop in the wiccan alphabet. This takes more time and clarity, and the stronger effort you put into this spell the more powerful it gets. Do this on all papers.
When you feel the mixture is ready, BURN THE ENTIRE MIXTURE, either near a window or most preferred, OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOUSE. Watch as all of the ingredients burn together, the incense covers most of the tobacco smell depending, and the sage and cloves take away from the tobacco burning.
When the entire thing is done burning, it should be cake-like and black. MIX IT AGAIN. Stare into it as these are what your lungs look like with every drag you take. Keep mixing. Store the powder somewhere where it will not be tampered with. It is best to keep this mixture for at least a week or so, looking at it whenever you crave a cigarette, if you even crave them at all.
Saturn has the overall rule on banishing spells, so doing this on a Saturday helps tremendously. At least a week later, take these ashes and bring them near water and destroy the mixture, however you feel necessary. Bury it, put it near a ocean shore, etc. The craving should go away once you take a smell of the essence you created when you first make it. If you continue to smoke, that is your call. If you feel the desire less and less, your intention was strong, and the amount you put into the spell pays off.
Another things you can do is take cigarettes, do not break or crush them, and lay them in public. A graffiti pentacle works just fine, and but the full cigarettes in the circle and leave. People will walk by and pick up the cigarettes, and once they are all made use of, you desires will shorten, less and less.
I did this and at first I kept smoking, but the desire shortened. As of now, I have said no to every cigarette offered to me and have not had cigarettes in a decent amount of time. How you do this spell and its effectiveness is entirely up to you.
I hope this helps.