7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Emotional Banishment
- Good Luck Prayer
- Banish The Fear
- Searching Spell
- To Raise Energy Spell
- going to the future
- Conjuring a demon very powerful
- half and half
- Strength for your Body and Soul
- Force dyad (Psychic link) tested works
#361 - Emotional Banishment
1. Take the sheet of paper, and write the emotion which you want to get rid of. Write in big, bold letters.
2. Crush the paper as hard as you can, putting in all the emotion you can muster
3. Bury the paper, or burn it. Or simply put it away somewhere you will never find it again. Within some time(Not sure how long), you should stop feeling whatever it is you're feeling
Last edited on Dec 22, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#362 - Good Luck Prayer
1. Close your eyes, imagine the symbol of the Triple Goddess and say once:
"(Deity of Choice), to you I pray.
Keep life's little annoyances at bay.
Lend me your strength and let this day be.
How I want it to be."
2. End with a 'Thank you'.
What happened next:
My tuition teacher didn't hit me for not completing my homework, which was weird since yesterday he threatened me that if I didn't complete the homework, he would beat me up. Weird, right?
My mother didn't ask me to take my brother to the playground like she usually asks, and even took him by herself! Leaving me all alone to type this down.
That's all for now.
This lasts for a day.
Last edited on May 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#363 - Banish The Fear
1. Focus on the chosen person, or you, and imagine them doing the activity
2. Keeping the previous image in mind, say 3 times:
"Good Moon, round moon, full moon that appears. Hear me now, cast away all fears. Earth, air, fire, and sea, let Him/Her/ Me see how wonderful (Whatever activity you want to do) can be. So mote it be"
3. It can take a while to work, depending on the activity. It only took five minutes for me, or six. I don't really remember the time, but it was around 5 to ten minutes
#364 - Searching Spell
1. Sit cross-legged in your chosen place. Make sure you are sitting in the west direction and have the bowl in front of you. Place four candles around the bowl in east, west, north, and south.
2. Cast a circle of protection to make sure nothing messes with your spell.
3. Close your eyes, imagine whatever you want to find clearly in your mind, and say 3 times:
"Water, reveal and show. What I seek, what I must know.
The location of (Whatever you want to find) is what I wish to know, let it be so.
By Earth, air, fire, and sea, this is my will so mote it be."
4. After casting, you may see for a brief moment, a particular location or thing that belongs in a location. Or you may be drawn to a particular area. Watch out for signs. You may even see dreams of a place.
If this works for you, please comment and tell your experiences.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#365 - To Raise Energy Spell
1. Sit in a meditative posture in your chosen place. Breath in and out a few times and relax yourself
2. Cast a circle if you want with the salt. Or just imagine a circle of light around you. That's what I do.
3. Chant 3 times:
"I call upon every force I've come to know
From the blazing fire to the cold snow
By all that I am, and all that we are
By the glow of the moon, by the light of the stars
By Earth, air, fire, and sea
Multiply now my power by three"
4. End with a "So mote it be" and take in the deepest breath you have ever taken through your mouth. When you breath in, imagine vibrant energy of every color mixed together coming within you and going into your stomach or abdomen.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#366 - going to the future
Now I command go to the future. So let me go to the future.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#367 - Conjuring a demon very powerful
1 pentagram with sticks
11 candles red and black
A lighter
Some of your blood
Circle of summoning
#368 - half and half
Half and half is the way show me the way
half and half give me another path
Last edited on Jul 30, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#369 - Strength for your Body and Soul
"Give me strength to my arms!
Give me strength to my legs!
Give me strength to my body!
Give me strength to my soul!
Hear me spirits this is my plea.
This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on May 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#370 - Force dyad (Psychic link) tested works
I call upon the spirits of the force to make me a dyad in the force with ********* and it will be exactly like the force dyad that Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker have in the last 3 movies of the star wars saga and we will be able to do anything that they could do with their force dyad and we will get all this instantly so mote it be. "