This spell will stop gossip. They won't stop thinking about it but if they try to write or say something that has to do with that they can't.
You may need:
Poppet that looks like the main gossiper
Some hair from the gossiper
white candle
You may need:
Poppet that looks like the main gossiper
Some hair from the gossiper
white candle
1. Sew the persons hair on the back of the poppet's head.
2. Use the white candle to cast a circle.
3. While sewing up the poppets lips say
''Dear Gods of the North, South, East and West
Let the ill speech from this person rest
And if something ill is tempted to come from there lips and make someone bawl
Let that thought not escape there lips at all''
4. While tying the poppets hands behind there back say
''Dear Gods of the North, East, South and West
let this persons ill thoughts written on paper come to rest
and if they try to write them, make them pay
for writing those thoughts is not ok
#3722 - Spell to Rid Oneself of a Bothersome Spirit
This spell is one I use in many small exersisms and it works wonders!
You may need:
A clear mind and a loud voice!
You may need:
A clear mind and a loud voice!
Before starting, place your hand before you, and start the flow of power out of your hand and then say the words below, letting the envisioned blue-white light from your power hand fill the room or house or any other place that you might be.
''What is dark be filled with light,
remove this spirit from my sight.''
You may have to repeat it a few times. If you are face to face with the ghost of spirit put your hand(s) up like you are touching it for better results.
You fall asleep. When you wake up, you are your favorite book character, living their life in the book. When you are the character, you won't remember who you really are or how the book ends. When you're back to reality, you'll remember everything.
You may need:
You may need:
Make sure it's a book where the character doesn't die. If you die in the book, then you're soul will be trapped there forever!
Lie down facing up while holding the book against your chest. Right before you fall asleep, chant "I wish to live, see and breathe through (character's full name). May I walk in his/her shoes, feel what he/she felt and experience their life. Transport my soul on this night. Make me him/her!"
Like the title said, in three steps you gain telekinesis.
You may need:
Light object
You may need:
Light object
The first time is always the hardest. Keep that in mind. Sit in a meditation position with your light object in front of you. Then think that the object is object is merging with you. At this point, you should feel a pull towards this object.
Chant "This object is mine to control and mine alone. Let me bend it and shape it to my will. Let me control it without touching it. I wish to have a power so great that it will rock this world. I will honor the sacred laws to which all items are entitled. This is my will, so mote it be."
Have the client lay on the table flat. There must be no noise. Only total concentration. Fold one edge of the table. Then fold the other. Your client should be levitating.
Say 3x
''Kinesis abilities, I will get.
All abilities I shall be able to do.
Kinesis abilities in my life.
Never fail when I try.
This is my will, so mote it be''
This spell will bind someone from doing harm to others.
You may need:
Blood of who your binding
Matches or lighter (preferably matches)
Cauldron or fireplace
You may need:
Blood of who your binding
Matches or lighter (preferably matches)
Cauldron or fireplace
Take knife and cut who you're binding. Put their blood on the pice of paper. Fold the paper to a small square. Take the ribbon/string and wrap it around the paper while saying " I bind they ____ so that you can not do harm to ____. Repeat untill the ribbon is folded completly all the way around the paper.
When you're done burn the ribbon covered paper in the cauldron/ fire place until it's complete and in ashes
Say 3x ''As I astral project, protect my body. No harm shall come to it. While I do my out of body experience, my body stays in perfect condition. This is my will, so mote it be''