I said this spell Sunday night, February 2, and the place I live got 8 inches of snow. The states around where I live also got a couple inches as well. I hope it works for you too!
You may need:
Strong Will
You may need:
Strong Will
Say this spell with as much passion as you can, and as clearly as possible:
Gods and Goddesses above,
let this snow be harsh. May the clouds bring ice and hail to this state and the ones around.
May the angels and spirits above relieve themselves of their tears so they may once again feel bliss.
May it be blizzarding until the end of the day.
May we have closed schools, and time to spend with family while the spirits rejuvinate themselves.
May it snow and hail for us all.
It is said that the herb yarrow can enhance a telepathic link between lovers, loving friends and members of your immediate family.
You may need:
1 mercury incense
Few pieces of yarrow stalk
You may need:
1 mercury incense
Few pieces of yarrow stalk
Light the incense. Consecrate the stalks by passing them three times through the incense smoke. Say:
"I dedicate stalks for the purpose of
Communication between us.
May they be used wisely and well."
Now distribute them to the people whom you wish to stay in contact. If doing this as part of a group ritual then spend a few moments to make a mental link with each person in the group
When you need to be in contact, need help or wish to draw power of the group, hold your piece of stalk in your left hand and call on the other person or persons
This is spell that pertains more to energy renewing more than healing, but it is a great help to our spiritual self either way.
Remember: Not all spells work for every one. You may want to change somethings to fit your specific needs and things that attune to you (herbs to a zodiac, etc).
You may need:
as many white candles as feels right (you may want to use 7; its a power number)
equivalent number of holders
anointing oil of frankincense
You may need:
as many white candles as feels right (you may want to use 7; its a power number)
equivalent number of holders
anointing oil of frankincense
anoint the candles from middle to bottom then from middle to top, this is so you can achieve a balance of physical and spiritual energy
place the candles in their holders on the floor in a circle about six feet in diameter
standing in the circle, light the candles in the clock wise direction stand in the center and 'draw' the energy of the light towards you
feel the energy as it seeps throughout the whole of your body, from your feet to your head
allow the energy to spill over from the crown of your head to fill the space around you
now, imagine this cocoon of light around you gently radiating outwards to the edge of your circle of candles
when you feel ready, sit on the floor and allow the energy of the light to settle back within you
ground yourself by sweeping your body with your hands but do not lose the sense of increased energy
snuff out the candles in a clockwise direction, and use them only to repeat this technique until they are used up
This spell, under supervision of an expert, can call on Angels of Good to help with what you need as long as it's good not bad.
You may need:
As long as you are there, you don't need anything.
You may need:
As long as you are there, you don't need anything.
Just think in your head:
''Help, help, that's what I seek,
May help come within one week,
The answer now shall be known,
Every step of the way is shown''
This spell will summon spirits. But I must warn you that this spell is very powerful magic. It will take a lot of focus to do this spell.
You may need:
Full moon
All your concentration
Will power
You may need:
Full moon
All your concentration
Will power
Stand outside at night and cast your protective circle before you cast
This spell. Let the full moon energize you. Then with full concentration. Say this spell 3x.
Phasmatis of orbis terrarum, supplex pro nos. Nos es vestri Vinnco quod mos sceptrum vos insquego terminus of vicsis. Vos mos vulnero nemo ut sub nostrum alica.
Then to make them go away say this 3x
Succurro illud nos dico vos iuvo, vestri vox es nostrum vox. Supplex quod hail or do. Nos ex nox noctis dies quod infinitio.
Put one hand with palm faced toward your target. Now charge your palm with ki energy. Once it's charged enough, just blast the ki in your palms through your target.