7151 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Conflict Healing Spell
- Good Night
- Practice With Magical Energy
- How To Summon Your Own Cat With Powers!!!!
- Shush Your Parents
- A Simple Way To Go Into A Trance
- Smudge Protection
- Warding Dark Influences
- Protection Potion
- To Freeze Somebody
#3781 - Conflict Healing Spell
''I block all harm in my direction.
I reflect love and healing to you.
May I be forgiven for my deeds.
I forgive you, too.''
Repeat the spell for seven days. Spend some time thinking about the situation and your role. What in the conflict is your roll? While casting the spell, be willing to look within to heal. Approach the situation with love in your heart and you can do no wrong.
Whats left of the candle blow out and place in a jar of water. Close it tight and bury it, without breaking it.
#3782 - Good Night
Before you go to sleep say this spell
"Goddess Hecate hear my plea
Let me have a peaceful night sleep"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3783 - Practice With Magical Energy
2. Close your eyes. Feel the magical energy and clear your mind of all other things.
3. Step on the x. Close your eyes and clear your mind once again. Feel the magic energy.
4. While closing your eyes start walking in a circle. Let the magic guide you.
5. If you did it right you should open your eyes and be back on the x.
6. Try more advanced patterns. If you want to, make several xs. Try adding some turns in your patterns.
#3784 - How To Summon Your Own Cat With Powers!!!!
2.Draw You Next To Your Cat (You Can Color Yourself In But It's Optional)
3.Take You And Your Cat's Size (On The Paper)If You Were 5ft put five Lines above You And Your Cat's Head Then Underline It
4.Fold it (Hambuger)
5.Put Your Cat's Info On One Side (Like Name,Eye Color,Fur Color,Elament,Tail Size,Food,Abllirtys And Etc.)
6.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
7.Read Out Loud And Write On Paper:''(Element), Cat of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So Mote It Be.'' (''So mote it be'' should be written as big as you can.)
8.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
9.Draw A Pentagon On One Side
10.Fold It Again (Hambuger)
11.Every Night For 3 Night Say This:''God/goddesses, grant my dream Cat in the real world from egg to end.'' Then, chant, ''(Element), Cat of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be.''
12.Then Kiss It And Pur It Under You Pillow (Repeat 11. And 12. For 3 Nights)
13.On The 4th Day Go Look For The Egg
I Am Using This So I Don't Know About The Eggs But I Will Say Soon!Good Luck!:D!!!!
And Message Me If it Works thx!!!
#3785 - Shush Your Parents
"Lord love me and be me
Make me pure and holy
My parents are interfering with me
Please lord have them quiet"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3786 - A Simple Way To Go Into A Trance
#3787 - Smudge Protection
Light your smudge stick. Let itburn until you can get smoke from it. Giro every window, door, and mirror with it and in the air draw the cross and star. This will protect you from demonic and unwanted energy/entities.
Last edited on May 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3788 - Warding Dark Influences
Be calm. Breathe in and out and then say:
"Warding darkness paving light
Speaking through a crystal night
If crossing shadows along the way
Escape into a greater plane"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3789 - Protection Potion
Put the hot water in a bucket. Use the rock to make the ingredients chopped up. Now, put in all the ingredients. Sprinkle in the sugar. Say this:
"This liquid will protect (name)
And keep them from death
Who it is is who is left."
Stir the mixture and pour it in to the jar. The person whos name you said in the spell must have this had around them. After 4 months, if results don't show pour the liquid out.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3790 - To Freeze Somebody
Warning: You should not keep the water frozen for more than 3 days or else the chances of the person appearing will rise.
I used this on my classmate, they were annoying enough to make me freeze them. The next day they did not appear.