7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Potion Making 101: The Sleep Potion
- Freya's Help
- Dragon Fist
- Fright To Someone Spell
- The Perfect Companion
- Poetic Inspiration
- Common Werewolf Spell
- The Angel Spell
- Break a Sorcerer's Curse
- Moon Kissed Luck
#3781 - Potion Making 101: The Sleep Potion
Preheat your Cauldron to 350F
How to get the chlorophyll
1.Put leaves in the cup, pour in boiling water until it covers the sample. Leave for ~30 sec to 1 min. Remove leaves from water and dry them with paper towel. Boiling water kills the cells and destroys enzymes which can promote chlorophyll degradation. It also breaks chloroplatsts which makes chlorophyll extraction easier.
2.Take the leaves and remove petioles and central veins - this parts of leaf do not contain a lot of pigments. Throw them away. Cut the rest of the leaf material into the small 1-2 mm pieces. Spread them evenly on the foil and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at temperature 104F (40C).
3.Put dry leaf pieces in the mortar (make sure mortar and pestle are perfectly dry!) and grind them. Continue until they turn into uniform yellow-green powder. Grinding breaks cell walls and at the same time increases area of the surface. Leaf grinds will release more pigment.
4.Put powder in a jar or container with tight lid. Add few ml of solvent, close the lid and shake
5. Wait 10 minutes to 30 minutes max. then go back and check if you did ever thing right then There should be emerald-green slightly opalescent liquid on top of dark green powder (which will sink to the bottom of the container)This is it. Chlorophyll is extracted. At the moment it's pretty diluted and solution contaminated with fine debris from the broken cells. Remains of chloroplasts and other cell components are floating in liquid making it slightly foggy.
Now add 1 cup of water, you may use more if you like. but don't use more then 5 cups of water.
First, add the chlorophyll in to the water stir a little about 5 to 7 times. next add the Feather. then add the animal fur. now add some body hair(for best results use the body hair of the person who is going to drink this). and lastly A little Alcohol for flavoring. put on med to high heat for 10 min. then add this to a food or drink.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3782 - Freya's Help
Decorate your altar with the images, amber and metal. You can inscribe runes from the Set of Freya (appropriate to your wish), on the candles. Now light the candles and allow them to burn down, bearing in mad as you do, your request. Then meditate on your problem and pick the answer that you feel she is presenting to you.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3783 - Dragon Fist
Use telepathy to say this to the dragons,
"Dragons, dragons, beasts of might,
Make me strong for one day and night,
Make me swifter, and hard to beat,
I beg you dragons, I'm in some heat,
This is my wish, by the power of three,
So Mote It Be."
The dragons will lend you their tough skin camouflaged to look like yours, and their rough fighting abilities.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3784 - Fright To Someone Spell
Oh -name of person-
Me being -your name-
From now on will make you shiver.
Shake, tremble, hurt, suffer and quiver.
When you hear my name or see me,
A what of fright sweeps over you
And you slink into the shadows
Until I haunt you again
On the last of the week, outside with your sticks and match, burn the photo of your victim. Do NOT use oak wood, however, for it resembles luck, greatness and overall goodness. A good (but not limited to) wood is Sassafras wood, for it resembles hatred and badness.
#3785 - The Perfect Companion
Draw your companion AS A BABY on a paper.
Color him or her.
Fold hamburger style and write his or her info.
Fold the other way.
Before you go to bed, say,
Holy Spirit of The Lord,
Create the perfect animal companion for me,
Plunged from the heavens into my room,
This is my wish, so mote it be.
Keep the paper with you always. You are the only one allowed to see your companion, he or she will be invisible to other people as he or she is a spirit. So you can take him or her to school/work! Yay! You must also train your companion to guard and follow you wherever you go. Blessed be!
#3786 - Poetic Inspiration
Lite a a purple candle. Clear your mind of all distractions and negative thoughts, and then desire the following in till you feel inspired.
"Sweet lady bright ancient goddess of fire,
And patroness of all poets ,
I call upon thee and ask thee now to bless my soul ,
Heart and mind with your divine inspiration.
Let your powerful muse guide me.
So mote it be."
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3787 - Common Werewolf Spell
''By the light of the moon and our piercing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land.''
Side effects:
Sharper teeth (especially canines)
Longer nails
Phantom hunger (hunger right after eating)
Tendency to howl/growl (pretty much being loud)
Better senses
#3788 - The Angel Spell
Chant: Angels of the bluest skies
I ask of you to please abide
I want to be one of you
An angel flying high and true
As beautiful as the moon
As bright as the sun
Please let me become this soon
So that I may have great fun.
2. After writing that chant fold the paper 7 times then recite the chant 7 times while holding the WHITE feather. Put your necklace on before reciting the chant.
3. Once you have finished reciting the chant 7 times take the paper with the chant written on it and light the corner of it on fire with your small open flame. Once it has caught, place it in the bowl and let it burn. After it has been reduced to ashes, place the feather on top of the ashes and go outside and toss the ashes ( with the feather on top ) into the wind, watch it float away.
Spell works in 1-5 months depending on you.
Side effects:
Possible vomiting
Slowly becoming more beautiful
Shoulder blades protruding more
Dreams of flying
Things achieved:
Great beauty
Beautiful wings
People seem more attracted to you
Good Luck
Blessed Be
#3789 - Break a Sorcerer's Curse
Burn any of the following ingredients above in a fire proof container. Hold a rabbits foot charm over your heart and say this thirteen times:
"With rabbits foot and magic verse
I turn around this wicked curse
As these words of mine are spoken
Let this evil curse be broken!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3790 - Moon Kissed Luck
2) Bless the area ( Normally I would plant a tree, which is new beginnings and purifications) others can use a spell
3)wrap the object in the leaf of your choice, object is preferably small
4) Allow object to be surround in moonlight for three lunar phases- preferably closer to the full moon
5) wear the item