7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Water Power
- Opening Your Chakras
- Good Luck for You
- Imprisonment spell
- Immortality
- Infinte Love
- Energy is You
- Protection Potion and Spell
- Turn a stone/small Object into a Weapon
- Animal Winter Protection Spell
#3841 - Water Power
Crumble the leave up into the tub of water and say
"Mermaids please give the power to
Make bubbles in the water
Mermaids please, mermaids please
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3842 - Opening Your Chakras
Hold the pendulum in the proper manner if possible. However, if you are working on the chakras in the head and the cord is long, you may want to hold it by the cord. Make sure the knob (the bottom part, what ever you may call it) is aligned with the chakra you wish to open. Spin it in the deosil fashion (clock wise) slowly, and say this or something like it:
''Chakra of -insert chakra name-,
I need your guidance,
I need your strength.
Open for me
and show me what I must see.''
I suppose you could do this until your arm gets tired... Just make sure you feel right with stopping.
When you are done, take a break on your magickal usage for a bit... I've been told this exercise can be very tiring. I have not had to use it; I came up with it for a friend.
#3843 - Good Luck for You
First, ignite the candle and make sure it is ignited by watching it for a few seconds. Second, have someone draw blood from your arm through an insulin needle(if you do not have the knowledge of where to draw the blood from do not attempt this, use common sense please).
Also if you fail to extract blood after three attempts, the ritual is not meant to be so cease it and try it again another day.
Third, call upon what deity you follow, if you do not follow a deity simply use the flame's spirit as the substitute. After this, state what it is that you desire, be specific.
For example: ''Oh spirit of the flame that is here before me, I ask thee to bring me good fortune for as of late my luck has been on the down in the slums and unfortunate events have been occurring left and right. I ask thee to hear thine prayer and relieve me of this unfortunate bestowed upon me and bring me 'O spirit of fire purge this negativity from me, renew me as a phoenix from the ashes.''
Take the insulin needle filled with blood and let a few drops fall upon the candle, for an offering to the flame spirit. Do not be too close for blood does pops like hot grease mixed with water. Be cautious.
Now, on the paper put a little pool of your blood from the needle and write in your own blood what negativity you desire to banish. It can be in sigils, a different language, it is whatever your heart is saying. If more blood is needed extract more. Reminder: (if you do not have the knowledge of where to draw the blood from do not attempt this, use common sense please).
Proceed to burn the paper after you write it and visualize the flame purging the negativity from your life and after it completely burns see yourself revitalized and revived like a phoenix from the ashes.
I hope whomever tries this succeeds, and is very careful. I hope this helped.
#3844 - Imprisonment spell
Spell: Moon, moon of night bless, I call to you from being of forever life or death frighter slow and stop in the line. Bless it be....
#3845 - Immortality
Draw the symbol first, pour the water in the cup. Light or start the fire, place the candle in the middle of the symbol. Put salt at each corner of the symbol. Say the spell, then burn your hair. Pour the wax on the knife and find your druid tree and use the knife to write your name in the tree and say the binding chant three times.
"I call for years of (#) to my life. I ask,I give this to the fire strength,speed, and abilitys come throw the air in me grow from night and light."
Binding chant: "You are one,I am one, we are one"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3846 - Infinte Love
Draw a pantacle on a plat surface and put a red candle in each spot of it. Place the bowl with the sand/dirt in the middle of the pentacle. Then light the red candles by following the lines of the pentacle and say this words:
"Fire burning,wind howling,water flowing and earth strengthening. Witness me and be my guide"(X5)
While saying this throw some water on the pentacle,be careful not to turn of the candles! Then write your's and your lover's or the one you wish to atrract full names on the white candles,one on each. Take the red rope and tie the white candles with the infinity symbol(turned 8)while doing this imagine there's a red rope tying you and your love.
Place the tied candles in the bowl of sand and say 5 times:"forever and ever" while imaging both of you holding hands. Light the white candles while chanting:"as they are binding so shall we"(X5) Again think of both of you.
If you want to use some jewelry you can take your piece put it in the dirt and say:"when gift will be accepted so shall our love"(X5) After chanting the ring give it to your love. Then say the final chant:
"Elements around me united as one,
our love shall be hot as much as the sun.
binded forever by the long course of life,
our love won't be cut as the red rope by knife."(say this 10 times)
"nos amant in aeternum"(say this 5 times after finishing the first chant)
Cut the red rope using a knife.(don't get the candles out of the sand). Burn the candle using each one of the red candles(burn it using one and blow,then the other-again by the pentacles lines) Burn the red rope using the white candle you wrote your name on. Then spill some of the red wax into the bowl with the white and candles and let them burn.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3847 - Energy is You
Sit down get comfortable and close your eyes. Then visualize a ball of energy coming towards you. Now grab it and put it to your heart and smush it. Open your eyes and you will have the energy.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3848 - Protection Potion and Spell
Fill up any sink 3/4 the way full with warm water. Add in the 2 tea bags and the coffee. allow to steep until water is darkened. then remove them they wont be needed. If you have a lemon cut it in half and put it in or shake in some lemon juice
Put in all of the spices and herbs above, if you have it fresh it will work the same. Cut your orange and carrots in half and add them in along with the pecans. Your mixture might not look tasty but it should smell good.
Put in the item or items you would like to enchant and begin to slowly stir the mixture. While you are stirring say this spell and you don't have to memorize it:
"A bay leaf for protection,
Celery for psychic ability,
Thyme for attracting loyalty
Parsley for calmness and protecting thy home,
Garlic for healing and protection,
Lemon for cleansing,
Cloves for banishing the hostile,
Sesame for money,
Dill for luck,
Carrots for lust,
Orange for abundance of happiness,
Orange peel for love,
Tarragon for healing,
Pecans for employment and success,
Oregano for strength,
Coffee for anti-negativity,
Paprika for adding energy to a spell,
Chamomile for love and healing"
Stop stirring the mixture and reach in and find your item/s but do not pull them out hold them in your hand and repeat the spell. You shall know whether or not it worked, because you will feel the energy radiating off of the mixture and the room itself. Take the object out and dry it. you will have more energy.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3849 - Turn a stone/small Object into a Weapon
#3850 - Animal Winter Protection Spell
When done, speak first prayers and give your offerings.
Take the brown candles in hand and charge them with animalistic brown energy. As you do this chant the following
''Wild animals near your life is in my hand
and now to these candles I give some of your power
May your life essence grow bright and strong
As bright as these candles burn bright
And when these candles go out fear not
Only tender sleep not death you will find.''
When done place the candles down in compass layout with a space on the Middle for the animal images. Now light the brown candles. Next to the layout, place the bowl of water and seed/grass. This is a spiritual way of offering them food and water to last the winter. Slowly wave the picture of the animal over the candles but do not burn it and speak these words:
''Gentle gods of wildlife, hear my prayer tonight
protect the __(animal species)__ through Winter, 'tis done by candle's light.
Though the winds of the gods blow strong and snow does fall,
May you be safe and comforted, as assured as in a barn stall.''
Take the next picture and do same thing with each picture you have.
When you are done, let the candle burn out on its own. When complete take the pictures and roll them up in a scroll and tire them with a ribbon. Place them in a place of comfort and warmth in your home. If you wish, you can redo the spell once a month till spring comes and wildlife re-emerges.