7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection Potion
- Candle Wish
- Vampire
- Energy Meditation
- Fang Spell
- Increase your Spells Accuracy
- Purification
- A Dragon Protector
- Most Powerful Addiction Spell
- Psi Peace Ball
#3851 - Protection Potion
Then say:
Through air and earth, water and fire,
I grant protection on this pyre.
Through sky and sea, land and eternity,
as I will, so shall it be.
You may drink or bottle the potion.
#3852 - Candle Wish
-Light the candle.
-Write your wish on the paper (even a crazy wish if you want.)
-Stare into the flame and say, ''Goddess of the night, please grant me this one wish, (wish). So Mote It Be.''
-Fold paper 3-4 times and burn a little bit of it.
-Blow out the candle.
-Go into the bathroom and flush the paper down the toilet.
-Light the candle again and say this while staring in the flame, ''Goddess of the night, please grant me this one wish, (wish), And as my wish sails in the blue, let the water make it come true. Thank you.''
-Blow out the candle.
And you're done!
#3853 - Vampire
With your voice call the vampire out and he will come.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3854 - Energy Meditation
Clear your mind of all thought than imagine you breathing in green gas symbolising energy and breathing out alot of red gas symbolizing your tiredness leaving. Do for a few minutes and that's it.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3855 - Fang Spell
#3856 - Increase your Spells Accuracy
First place the 3 white candles in a circle around you then light them, second make sure your in the circle along with the piece of quartz then hold the piece of quartz in your hand and (if you can) channel the energy of the crystal then say the spell.
When you say the spell you haft to mean it be serious and be focused. This spell can make you feel drained: Please if you feel drained relax and take a break.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3857 - Purification
Chant the following over an altar or place of ritual: "enu shub am gig absu kish egigga gar shag da sisie amarada ya dingir ud kalama siniku dingir ninab guyu nexrraniku gaya shu shagmuku tu"
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3858 - A Dragon Protector
First meditate and clear your mind. Then use your minds eye and see your dragon protector. Take the clay in your hands and work it into the shape of your dragon. Open your eyes and add details like ears, spikes, scales, and eyes. Then slowly fire your dragon in your kiln. When it comes out paint your dragon any way you want.
Take the needle and prick your finger. Squeeze a drop of blood where his Heart would be. Name him and call him to be. Repeat his name times three . Then say "as I will it come to be, as I call so mote it be". I'm not sure how long it takes for the life to go into it but when it does you will know. When you need protection call its name then say "as I made you you shall see ,I need protection so mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3859 - Most Powerful Addiction Spell
To cast your circle. Light a white candle in the center of the area you will be working in. Take salt and do a circle big enough for you to work in in a clock wise direction. I usually start in the South. When finished with your circle call in the 4 Arch Angles Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael to protect you will doing your work. Face South and call in Michael to join you. I say the name three times and wait until I feel his presence before calling in the next Angel. Call in Uriel facing West, Raphael facing North, and Gabriel facing East. Finish by facing South again. You are now ready to begin the work.
Charge your Green Candle by using the healing oil of your choice. I usually start at the top and work my way down to the center and then start again at the bottom and work my way to the center charging the candle with the intention to heal. Light the candle.
Clean each and every stone with the power of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. I usually run the stone through the light of the White Candle cleansing it by Fire, use White Sage Smoke to cleans it by Air, Water to cleans it by Water, and Salt to cleans it by Earth.
You can consecrate each stone with the healing oil you have selected. Holding it in your power hand (the one you write with) and focusing on the purpose of each stone will help charge it. I also concentrate on the person I am doing it for. Place each stone in the Green Medicine Bag when finished.
I use the Seals of King Solomon for the purpose of this bag but if you have another healing seal that you prefer it can also be used. You will draw the seals on parchment with Doves Blood Ink. Make the seals small enough to fit inside the bag or you may chose to put them on the bag its self.
Wile creating this spell I found some information on Demons that are associated with Addiction according to King Solomon. Deception is the first named Demon and has a corresponding Angle named Lamechalal that stops its progress. Strife is the second Demon but she is frusterated by Baruchiachel. Klothod is the third Demon but is frusterated by Marmarath. The fourth Demon was not named but gave a description and corresponding Angle. ''I cause men to forget their sobriety and moderation. I part them and split them into parties; for Strife follows me hand in hand. I rend the husband from the sharer of his bed, and children from parents, and brother from sister.'' ''I have an Angle that frusterates me, The Great Balthial.'' The fifth Demon is called Power but is fruterated by Asteraoth. The sixth Demon is called Error and is frusterated by Uriel. The seventh Demon is called Worst and it makes people worst than they were to begin with It is frusterated by a Locust. I got a piece of Locust jewelry for this purpose.
I would also include the names of the Angles that fight the Demons on parchment in this bag with a request to each of them to frusterate and cast out the Demons.
I am doing this work and it is a LONG PROCESS. The materials are often HARD TO FIND but worth it. THE DEMONS WILL SENCE YOU GETTING READY TO CAST THEM OUT SO BE PREPAIRED. I have experienced ANGER, DOUBT, all kinds of attacks wile doing this work or preparing to do it. I have had people report FEAR because the Demons have been disturbed and know they will soon be cast out. It is very important that the person you are preparing this bag for continue to go to what ever program they are attending. THIS BAG WILL HELP THEM but there has to be effort on their part too.
#3860 - Psi Peace Ball
Think of peaceful thoughts and get rid of any form of negative energy (please meditate before hand if need be). Make a dense round crystal ball shaped psi ball at the same time put all the peaceful thoughts in it.
Place ball in air (for those who can't see the ball visualise it in your head). multiply the ball depending on how much rooms are in the house and send the balls into each room. Watch your psi ball burst in each room and en-light the household with peaceful energy.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.