7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Nightmare Jar
- Eolas tested works
- Empathy link 2.0 tested works
- Improved Psy Wheel
- Electroscope
- psychic link
- Summoning A Djinn
- Crystalizing spell!
- Medaition
- Stop Slander Freezing Spell
#381 - Nightmare Jar
Focus on your target and the nightmares they'll be having as you pour in the sand until it's about a half inch deep and place your item representing the target on top of the sand. Place your poppy seeds and Valerian in while maintaining your intention and poor the Vinegar in until it's about halfway full close the jar and seal it with candle wax, glue, ribbon, string or whatever you have on hand. Shake the jar every night you want the target to have nightmares, when you are finished with the jar dispose of it with any method you wish.
Of course i can't take all the credit With the Help and conductor of Brittany Nightshade and the Book of Shadows Black Magick book thank you
Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#382 - Eolas tested works
Say this three times " I pray to the Wolf spirits to grant me a wish to have Eolas exactly how it was in the series Wolfblood and have the same capabilities as it had in the series so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 21, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#383 - Empathy link 2.0 tested works
Say this 3x "I invoke the God Hypnos to set up an Empathy link between me and ( insert name of desired person here) the link will be in affect unless we are both face to face and wish to get rid of it and if one of us dies then the other person will most likely die as well this Empathy link will be exactly like the one that Percy Jackson and Grover Underwood have in the books and we will have the link as soon as I finish this spell so mote it be."
#384 - Improved Psy Wheel
Take the base of your psy wheel and put your choice of glue on the bottom, sticking it to the inside of the lid of your jar. The lid of your jar is now the base. Set up your psy wheel as normal, then place the jar on top and secure. The air around your wheel is now more calm than before, and it is much tougher for outside influences to alter the state of the wheel. Will help with beginners telekinesis, as now your energy can directly alter the wheel without contending with other natural forces.
#385 - Electroscope
Take your hot glue gun, plug it in, and turn it on high heat. The hot metal bit will be used to melt a hole in the center of your plastic lid. You can use a drill for this part, however, not everyone has access to those. Once the hot glue gun is hot enough, press it to the center of your plastic lid to create a hole.
*Sometimes the plastic will only stretch and not break. This is fine, just use your scissors to cut the stretched part off to make the hole.
Now take your copper wire, and create a small hook at one end. It doesn't need to be larger than a centimeter, but do make sure it is a little wide, about as wide as a pencil is thick. Once that side has a hook, put the copper wire through the hole of your plastic lid, hook side on the bottom. Temporarily place your lid on the jar to get the level of the hook right, it should be at least 3 inches from the bottom of your jar, and must not be touching the sides. Once you have your desired placement, use the hot glue to keep it in place, holding until the glue cools. The other side of the copper wire on the top of the lid needs to be coiled, which can happen any way you like. Some like a neat spiral, some a tangled ball. Do as you wish, but leave 1 inch of space between the lid and your wire antenna. (This is the part where pliers are optional)
Now take your aluminum foil and fold it in half. Cut out 2 "leaves" with your scissors. These can be oval, triangle, or rectangle, so long as they will not touch the sides or bottom of your jar when they are in. I have found ovals and rectangles work best. On each leaf, put a hole on one side of the shape (this should be lengthwise, as they need to hang on your hook.)
Take your jar lid off and hook each leaf through the hole. It is okay if the leaves touch eachother. Place your lid back on and secure it.
Air up your balloon, rub it on a carpet or your head to create static electricity, and test your electroscope by bringing it close to the antenna of your new device. The leaves should spread apart from one another. This is the same way it works with ghosts, as they can change the electricity around the antenna and make the leaves split just like the balloon.
Have fun spirit chasing with this low tech device. Remember to be nice.
#386 - psychic link
Say this "Wind earth fire and water. I call upon you to make this spell magic so mote it be." Next say This 3x "I call upon the God Hypnos to set up a Psychic link between me and (first and last name). The link will be permanent and Irreversible. We will be able to do anything you could do with an empathy link in the Percy Jackson series, and we will have the link as soon as I finish this spell so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 20, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#387 - Summoning A Djinn
Chant the following to a fire:
"Spirit of fire, spirit of smoke, spirit of cleansed air, djinn of the purified winds, I summon you now. So mote it be."
Ring the bell three times.
#388 - Crystalizing spell!
Mix all the herbs together.Then add the salts and after that 1 and a 1/2 cups of moon charged water or just water.
Finally fold the piece of paper away from you then place it in the mixture and leave it to set for about a month or two and wait for it to crystalize.
Last edited on Jul 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#389 - Medaition
Once you are in your quiet area sit down Indian style. lower both over your hands near you belly make sure one hands is over the other. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep doing this will focusing on your breathing. It is normal to get discrated but keep thing about breathing do this for about 5mins everyday and you'll see the benefits.
#390 - Stop Slander Freezing Spell
This is a good spell to use against a slanderer or anyone who is trying to negatively influence others against you. This spell can also be used if you have a day in court and your opponent is dishonestly trying to Influence others.
This is a freezing spell.
If someone is working against you in a personal or legal matter and you know their name, you can try a freezing spell.
Write their name on a piece of parchment paper using a freshly sharpened pencil. Try to make the point of the pencil extremely sharp/pointy.
Fold the paper in half, until it is too small to fold anymore.
While you are folding instill your desires to make them stop lying, mocking or turning others against you. In short you are trying to freeze their actions. (Hence the spell name ).
Then pour vodka or denatured alcohol on the paper. I would advise doing this over the sink. Then put it far back in the corner of your freezer.
Leave it there for 28-30 days. Some believe this should be started during a waning moon.
This should stop the slander. Thus it has frozen them out.
Feel free to add any chants, candle magick etc. to infuse this spell with your intentions. Remember all magickal work HAS to be instilled with your intent. Adjust things as you feel comfortable.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.