7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Teleportation
- Calling the Light
- Able Spell
- Bowynn 3rd Eye Chant
- Bowynn 3rd Eye
- Clear Sky Clear Vision
- 3rd Eye Enhancement
- ShapeShifter Spell
- Threshold Protection Spell
- Magic Circle
#3931 - Teleportation
"Where I stand is not where I wish to be. My thoughts and desires pull me elsewhere. Let me stand where I long to be. My wish and my will is to be ______. This wish I will all of my heart, let me be there in a snap. So mote it be." x3 At snap you snap your fingers.
Side Effects:
- Splitting Headache
- Empty Stomach
- Feeling a little missing/displaced
- Extreme energy drain
- Some mild mood swings
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3932 - Calling the Light
Cast a circle. Draw with the white chalk a large circle with a pentagram large enough to stand in. Place the five white candles at each point of the pentagram. Light each candle invoking the god and goddess and your ancestors
Burn the herbs in the center of the circle then add the salt to the water and anoint yourself. Ring the bell three times welcoming the spirits and chant the following:
"In the darkness where evil is at
I invoke the light into my heart
Divine light from the heaven's above
Fill my soul with courage and love
Pulsing power mighty and strong
Cleanse my soul and remove all wrong
Burning flame of goddess might
Cleanse this heart and cleanse my sight
I cast this circle strong and round
I cast all darkness bellow the ground
White light entrance me fill my life
Protect me from darkness protect from strife
By the power of sun moon land and sea
As I will it so mote it be"
Then ring the bell as you walk round the circle while sprinkling the salt and water
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3933 - Able Spell
When ready take the black candle in hand and start charging it with Black creation energy (Black is not a color of black arts and negativity, it is the color of the universe and its powers of creation. If you perform this spell charging a black candle with destructive negative energy, this spell will not only NOT work, but will back lash on you with negative energy) As you charge the candle speak the following 3 times:
''Let this witch now be able,
Make my spell-work very stable.
Universe send me what I need,
send this gift so I can lead.
And if the gods so desire
Never let my powers ever tire.''
Now place the candle in its holder and on the altar. Light the candle. Place your hands about the candle and charge the candle more, saying the following:
''Powers of ______ empower this flame,
This I beg, in my magick given name.
With your powers of creation of deepen space,
Open the gates of possibility around my place.
Ancient powers that created sky and earth,
Let my spells be able to bring about a new birth.''
Repeat this chant 3 times. Give a pause and say:
''Let this witch now be able,
Make my spellwork very stable.
universe send me what I need
send this gift so I can lead.
And if the gods so desire
Let never my powers ever tire.''
When done, end the spell with a second prayer to the gods. Let the candle burn itself out.
#3934 - Bowynn 3rd Eye Chant
''Teel tau quanill ad Brand,
''Teel tau quanill ar Rhya,
''Teel tau hlat ad Bia,
''Em ano beed velen tso tor.''
Repeat this for no more than 5 days. Use 2-3 days as a break and start again till you feel your 3rd eye opening up and your psychic gifts come to bear.
#3935 - Bowynn 3rd Eye
Start off by setting up your altar as you normally wish. Follow up with the invokation of gods of your faith. (Note; the goddess here is from the Bowynn faith. Do not invoke her unless you are of the Bowynn faith. Instead substitute names with your own.)
Begin by sitting quietly surround by the 13 candles (they should be varies ex: purple, white, purple, white....) Speak the first prayer to Rhya, thanking her for her gifts and just being. After, start to light the candles and with each one lit say
"With Rhya's blessing"
When done take up the tea and sit on your meditative pillow with the cup of tea. Drink the tea but not all of it. Just half. Now gaze fixedly into the surface of the tea like it was a scrying mirror (If your hand is not steady, place it on the floor in front of you. Now say:
"Sweet lady Lady Rhya,
All-seeing Queen of the Gods
And deliverer of psychic giftss.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light.
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the universe, as so you wish
and as so you desire me to see.
Lord Brand, to you I pray,
Grant me the gifts thy mother gave you.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the universe, as so you wish
and as so you desire me to see.
To see, to scry, to divine."
After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your 3rd Eye. See your eye as a purple flower in your forehead that is closed. Envision it opening with each breath you exhale.
Continue this till the candles snuff themselves out.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3936 - Clear Sky Clear Vision
Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke your gods or gods appropriate to the powers of psychism. (Never invoke divinities that are foreign to you.)
After opening prayers and offerings sit on your meditative pillow with the anise seep pod in your hand. Gaze down at the pod. It's little arms stretching out like an open flower. See this as your own 3rd eye. Now close your eyes and say
"Star of wonder, star so bright.
Power my 3rd eye on this starry night."
Picture your 3rd eye as the Star Anise pod. The scent of the pod will help open your 3rd eye. As is the pod, see your own 3rd eye opening up a bit with each breath you take out. Continue this for a few minutes. Do not rush the meditation.
Now light the candle and place it in the middle of a circle of lavender and orange rinds. Close your eyes again and imagine the flame of the candle just like your 3rd eye. See your 3rd eye growing brighter and brighter.
Once you are done, place the star anise with the orange and lavender and blow out the candle as you say "With loves sweet kiss."
On the 3rd day when you perform this spell, finish up by placing the orange, lavender and star anise in a satchet (preferably purple) and use it whenever you feel your 3rd eye may be closing up.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3937 - 3rd Eye Enhancement
When ready, take the candles in hand and charge them with purple, spiritual and psychic energy. When they are radiating, place them down and light them. With each one you light say the following:
''By purple light on this psychic night
I empower and radiate this candle with Psychic light''
Now sit quietly on your meditation pillow, utterly and totally relaxed and hear naught more than the sound of your breathing and heartbeat. Lightly touch the center of your forehead with your fingertips and imagine there is an opening which is emitting a shaft of bright purple light. now say the following:
''My 3rd Eye powers are as strong as the rays of the sun and the moon. My psychic vision is wide and clear and the purest ocean. By the gods I bless and behold my second sight.''
Say this 9 times as you sit there. Finish up only when the candles are burned out.
#3938 - ShapeShifter Spell
Next, picture your soul, shaped like you. Do the same thing, morphing your soul how you want it. Do these two exercises at least once every day for at least a week.
Ok, now this is the hardest step. Do the first exercise, but when it morphs imagine that you feel it morphing in real life. For example, if you wanted to become taller, feel your spine and legs growing. Just keep doing this until you have mastered it, which could take time.
Yay, final step! Do the above practice and really put your heart into it, and while doing so say why you want to transform, and saying ''because i want to'' or any evil purposes will cause the spell to fail, and lying about your purpose will also do so. After doing this a few times, you should start to actually feel the changes happening, and it worked!
Message me if it worked for you or if you have any questions. :)
#3939 - Threshold Protection Spell
Then take the bowl outside, and spread the salt and herbs around the outside of your front door and any other doors in the house. The main door that you use should get the most of the mixture. For added protection, sprinkle a little on the window sills too.
If you live in an apartment, this spell can still be performed but the garlic smell will be noticeable if you sprinkle too much on your door to the hallway.
#3940 - Magic Circle
2) When your area is set up close your eyes and imagine a luminous, clear, pale sky blue ring of fire around you.
3) Next make the circle of blue flame expand and imagine the interrupting energy being forced away.
4) Congratulations! You made a magic circle.