7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell Writing
- Meditation Grounding
- Make Someone Go To Hell
- To Know What He/She's Doing
- Protect Someone From Accidents
- summoning of the sandman
- Become a Wiccan
- To Bless a Familiar
- Mermaid Power Potion!
- Banish Your Power
#4031 - Spell Writing
Clearly state your need, determine what is the purpose of the spell. Think about this carefully you must be VERY specific. Asking for protection could mean anything. You can not leave anything to chance in spellmaking. You must cover all aspects, be certain of all parts. Clearly state all dimensions of your need (enduring love, rather than just love; complete protection, rather than just physical protection; etc.).
Once you have the spell specifics determined clearly in your mind especially its purpose it's time to start building the spell together. This is where your correspondences come in. You will need to research things like candle colours, moon phases, herbs, and elements while you decide what is right for the spell. You must also decide what materials you need if any. Go with your instinct and what feels right for you. Make notes about what you want the spell to consist of and what you want to be the outcome.
Next we begin to write the spell or ritual. Don not expect the words to flow from you especially when first starting to Spellcraft. With all things it takes practice to formulate words and actions together. The more you practice the better you will become. Your mind will know what you need so always go with instinct and heart, trust your inner self. If you are using tools in your spell then try to mention them in the spell, infuse your words of power or magickal rhyme into the spell or ritual to strengthen it. Sometimes it is these words that may help you to build the entire spell or rhyme. Also think about the actual words you use, match the words to the type of spell you're composing, strong words for protection, gentler words for healing or love. During any spell or ritual chanting is used to raise power. Try to build a chant one that rhymes and repeat it several times depending on how powerful you want the spell to be. Also when writing be aware of any actions like writing on some paper, what type of paper, candle lighting, burning anything etc. You must match the words to the actions of the spell or ritual.
To finish off you must read it through carefully and make any changes or additions. Check each stage of what you have written, anything you need to do to prepare, any action at the end must also be considered. When you have everything in place you will be readty to preform your spell or ritual.
Remember that all this will be going into your own Book Of Shadows. It is very important to keep a record of the whole spell or ritual, when it was performed, what you did, did you feel anything etc.
#4032 - Meditation Grounding
Before meditation take your wand and place it close to your head (crown chakra). This is the incantation I use: "Earth,Air,Fire and Water - ground this stick( or whatever object you are using) quick so I don't feel sick". Now you can begin meditation.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4033 - Make Someone Go To Hell
Draw an inverted pentagram on the floor,then indian seat on the middle facing the horns of the inverted pentagram. Then place the picture of that person in front of you in the middle again of the pentagram then place the five black candles of each corner of the tringles of the pentagram. While you are lighting the candles chant this:
"You are one luckily borned,
You have now the devil's horn,
With all the sins that you've been done,
Will not erase until you've gone"
Repeat this 6x. After this cut the picture into five pieces and burn every piece into each candle, when done collect the ashes and drop some wax to the ashes from the candle to it and bury it.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4034 - To Know What He/She's Doing
Draw a pentagram on the mirror/table/altar. Think that the person who you need to know what he/she is doing is in the pentagram. Put the thumb, the forefinger and the middle finger together, like you are holding a pencil. Put the hand in front of the person. Focus on him/her so you will know what are they doing.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4035 - Protect Someone From Accidents
First wear your lucky charm if you want or/and rosary placed in your right hand. Then choose someone and stare the person you want to protect and close your hand like you are praying
"I'm calling you god with all my might
Give me/him/her/them protection of holy light
To this person/people i will pass the spell
Make me/him/her/them away from creatures of hell"
After you chant this make the top of your closed hand where your fingers are there is touched to your chest but the lower part is not like making a isosceles without the lower part and quickly release your hand like passing it to that person.
Repeat this chant several times if you want because it will make the spell more powerful
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4036 - summoning of the sandman
#4037 - Become a Wiccan
Chant: "ti la ba im a wicca coma won tun na ta dela ba so mote it be" say this 10 times.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4038 - To Bless a Familiar
Small-Medium Animals:
Hold the animal over the altar and say "Gods and Goddesses, I ask of thee, to make this animal a familiar for me, to help me with my magick forever more, with this blessing he'll/she'll never bore, this is my will so mote it be"
Large Animals:
Take the animal near the altar and do the above chant.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4039 - Mermaid Power Potion!
"Mermaids of the ocean deep,
Grant me this while I'm asleep.
Powers are what you must send,
For on them I will depend.
Hydrokinesis is number one,
For mermaids use this just for fun.
Hydrothermokinesis is number two,
So mermaids can heat things too.
Shapeshifting is number three,
Because, for me, it's mandatory."
Gather ingredients. Put 3 dashes of salt into the water. Swirl the water with your finger clockwise. Add the hair and repeat #3. Whisper the spell over the potion 3 times. Drink 5-10 sips of the potion, depending if your new doing magic or not.
Side Effects:
- Water bends to your will
- It gets hot in the room you're in
- When you think about certain objects, you start to turn into them
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4040 - Banish Your Power
Draw a yin and yang symbol with the black and white chalk. Put the candles black on the white side and white on the black side. Cut your hand and outline the circle with your blood then light the candles and chant: "Half of me I do not want the other half of me I do want. Now take away all my powers and that which I do not want"
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.