7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Weak Defensive Barrier
- Abilities Spell
- Dream Of Me (For Girls)
- Cleansing Spell
- Happy Home spell
- Drawing spell
- Love Me
- Banishment Spell
- Home Protection
- Shadow Circle
#4081 - Weak Defensive Barrier
Raise your wand/palm in front of you and concentrate all of your magical energy into it and make a pentagram shape. After this say this incantation "I call power from the earth sea and sky to protect me from all negative effects"
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4082 - Abilities Spell
Light the incense first and use it not only as an offering but also as a stimulant to awaken you body.
Start off by invoking the gods you called, to help you with the spell, in your own words. Tell them why you are doing this rite and ask for their help.
Light the first candle. Place your hands about it, draw in its energy and say:
''Powers of the earth, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of rock and tree, plant and ground
You and I now be bound.''
Light the second candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of the air, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of wind and voice, storm and sky
We are now as one. So says I''
Light the third candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of the fire, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of flame and soot, ash and fire
Give my abilities the power I desire.''
Light the forth candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of the water, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of the sea and stream, pond and river
Awaken on my powers, make them shiver.''
Light the fifth candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of the soul, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of being, direction and soul,
Awaken my powers and make them bold.''
Light the sixth candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of the spirit, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Powers of the divine, Gods and Fae
Enhance my abilities and adhere them to stay.''
Light the seventh candle and, with hands about it chant:
''Powers of balance, to you I call,
I ask you to enhance my abilities, one and all,
Power of creation and force, balance and laws.
Enhance and awake my abilities, this is my cause.''
Now sit and meditate in the basking candle light on what abilities you wish to regain or enhance. See yourself in the near future and how you will use these abilities. See your abilities as closed flower buds, now bursting open and spreading out like fire works, invigorating your body. At the same time, continue breathing in the scent of the incense.
End by thanking the gods. Let the candles burn out as well as the incense. If you plan to continue this spell for the next several days (And I suggest you do) then blow out the candles and use them again the next day. You may also wish to burn more incense throughout the house to help invigorate yourself and energy in the house. Mint, Clove, Orange and Lemon are best for such things as they have a zing to get things going. You may even want to have a tea made of one of these foods in the day.
This spell-rite is used ritually by the Autumn Wood, my clan, when things get a bit hazed down by mundane life.
#4083 - Dream Of Me (For Girls)
So in that place that reminds you of him somehow, get a picture of him into your mind and go through a slideshow of pictures in your mind. Think of him asleep. Once you feel like: You can literally smile from ear to ear ORYou have "butterflies in your stomach", then you're in someway connected to him.
If you continue to picture him, the more intense the feelings will be for you. Then picture you and him, alone, somewhere. It could be on the seat of a bus, in a meadow, or in your bedroom, either way, alone (it's best to picture you guys in the spot you are at now). Then talk to him, as you normally would. After awhile (this part is for more intense feelings) picture him leaning in to kiss you OR (less intense feelings) giving you a hug.
Then once your done with your picture recite this: "In your mind I have invaded, you have seen what I've pictured. You know how I feel, and you know that you are the one in this picture. It may have been a dream but when you awakin, it will become real to me and you. (Name) I love you, you shall love me when you awaken from this replaying dream. I know I've invaded your dreamland but it's the best for us. Dream of me"
When you are done picture him once more and try and fall asleep. Signs that it is working: Being shy around you, feequently staring at you, asks to meet you in place you pictured, sits by you on bus frequently.
Last edited on Mar 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4084 - Cleansing Spell
Peel the Orange and only keep the rind (skin).
Put the Orange Peelings, Coconut & Lime Juice in your bath.
Close your eyes and chant 3 times:
"I cleanse myself
My slate is clean
Release negativity
From my very being
Positivity surrounds me
My soul is free
The Divine is within
Protecting me
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done."
For added power you may turn off the lights and use white candles. Close your eyes and inhale the aroma, feel the negativity being removed from you and envision a white light of positivity surrounding you. Be careful not to fall asleep!
You can also collect some of your concoction (before you step into the tub) and sprinkle throughout your home, or vehicle, or workplace for a little added protection in your environment.
Note: Do not use ingredients you are allergic to!
CAUTION: Be very careful when using fire!!!!
*Do Not Leave Burning Candles Unattended*
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4085 - Happy Home spell
Mix all of the Dry Ingredients into the Ginger-ale.
As you do so, chant:
Surround my home
With happiness
Together we all
Live in bliss
Feel the power
It now begins
To eternally affect
All within
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done
Now, pour this potion around the outside perimeter of your home. If you live in an apartment, or for some reason can not put this around the outside of your home then you may put the potion in a spray bottle and spray it around the inside of your home. Be sure to envision the people in home smiling with genuine happiness. Feel the happiness within yourself emitting into your environment and all who enter.
Every morning when you wake up, and night before you fall asleep, envision a white light of positivity surrounding your home. Smile!
*Never use ingredients you are allergic to
#4086 - Drawing spell
What You Need:
White Candles
Confectioner’s Sugar
Use any size candles, but keep in mind that you have to let them burn completely. The larger the candle, the longer you have to let it burn. The candle size does change the power of the spell.
Engrave your name on a White Candle. This represents you.
Next, use a single white candle for each item you wish to attract to yourself.
Engrave your desires on the candles.
(Example: If you want to attract wealth, engrave wealth on one candle. If you also want to attract love, engrave love on another candle).
Use as many candles as you have desires.
Next, place the desire candles in a circle around the white candle which represents you. So now you have a circle of candles with the ‘you’ candle in the center of them.
The Confectioner’s Sugar is your Drawing Powder. Use the sugar to draw a line from each candle to the ‘you’ candle.
Light the center “you” candle.
Now light the circle of candles. While doing so, chant:
Drawn to me
These which I seek
The pull is strong
Resistance is weak
I use each with trust
This I vow
Come to me
I call to you now
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done
Let candles burn until they are completely melted.
If any one of the candles goes out before it finishes burning then this is a sign that this one particular desire has not been fulfilled. In this case, more spell work is needed. An option would be to repeat the spell and write only that one particular desire on each candle. (Example: If the LOVE candle went out, cast the spell again engraving only ‘LOVE’ on all of the candles. Use as many candles as you wish.
CAUTION: Be very careful when using fire!!!!
*Do Not Leave Burning Candles Unattended*
#4087 - Love Me
Place the pictures together, face to face. Tie them together with the Red Ribbon. Melt the Red Candle and pour wax over the pictures to bind them together. As you do so, chant:
"We are one
Bound by love
I am the only
One you think of
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done "
Now, put this spell in a safe place and keep it out of harms way. If you ever want to reverse the spell you will need this. Note: You need actual pictures for this spell, so drawing them won't work this time. Any picture will do, whether it's an actual photograph, from a yearbook, out of the newspaper, or anywhere as long as it is a picture of the person you are performing the spell on
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4088 - Banishment Spell
Place all items together, melt the Black Candle Wax and pour it over the items. While doing so, chant 8 times:
I banish you
Away you go
Far from me
And all I know
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done
Now, bury this spell, throw it into a body of water, or throw it in the trash!
Note: Be sure you actually want this person gone before you do this spell! It's a good idea to bury this spell in a place where you can later retrieve it from just in case you change you mind! If it is someone you definitely want gone for good, then be sure to get it as far away from you as possible!
#4089 - Home Protection
Spread Chamomile around the perimeters of your property and also around the outside of your home, especially along the pathway leading to your door. It is a good idea to also put some just outside the entrance-way of your home. While doing so, chant:
"Chamomile around my home
and around my property,
so it is known to all who enter,
all who try to cross.
This place is protected
By the God this spell is true
and harms no one
As I will it,
It is done."
This will ensure that nothing negative or harmful enters your home. Be sure to perform this spell every month. It is also a good idea to re-do this spells after a rainstorm. Any negative person who enters your home will feel a sense of uneasiness. Someone who is there who intends you harm will feel very ill and want to leave as soon as they can. Keep an eye on someone who suddenly feels ill in your home! Be safe!
*Never use ingredients that you are allergic*
Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4090 - Shadow Circle
Envision the energies of Shadows flowing around you, and vividly visualize the Shadowy cretaures clawing and scratching at you. If you are utilizing the Athame, then direct the circle with the Blade in your Recessive hand
As the Shadows Whirl around your form, feel the pressure growing greater around you, and more and more shdow energy compressing together. Feel the cold and icy tempurature of the Abyss of whence they arose flowing around you and brushing your skin.
As the shadows close in, even tighter, until they just brush your body, Feel them Explode into a six to nine foot circle around you, blocking out hte light form all outside viewers(if you can visualize that.) The Athame should be in your Projective hand at ther point of Explosion. This is your Shadow Circle. It may be small, but do not underestimate ther enrgies you have conjured here.
To close the circle, simply cut with the athame if you utilize it. For more experienced users, You can draw the energies into yourself if strong enough, or you can direct them back to their darkened depths:) This circle can also be used a s an ultimate form of protection if the shadows have come to trust you.