7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Invoking the Flames of Hades
- Shadow Chakras
- Shadow Ball
- Heavenly Rest
- Vampire Summoning
- Simple Strengthening
- Physic Abilitys Enhance Potion
- Peaceful Meditation
- Summon God
- The Spell of Revelation
#4091 - Invoking the Flames of Hades
Watch your enemy burn in the eternal burning flames.
Light a small fire in your cauldron. After it has burned to a quite acceptable brew, begin melting black wax into the flames until it begins to burn itself. As you melt the candles down say: ''As I melt this Candle Wax,
Oh so darkened, Oh so black,
I invoke before me,
The ever burning fire of Hades.''
Do this for quite some time until the only thing burning is the wax itself. After this is achieved, pour your energy into the hadetic door to the Ever Burning Fires. As you focus on this, say:
''I call to the Realm of Hades,
and invoke the powers of the ever burning flame,
and before me shall they burn,
in the name of Lord Hades!''
Meditate on what you have just done. KNOW, that before you burns the flames of JHades. This rite can involve other forms of death magick and cursing(i.e. passing pictures through the flame, etc)
Kolaid has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Jun 22, 2009
#4092 - Shadow Chakras
A spell to be used before Dark arts, of which will greatly increase the darkness flowing within Thee.
Yet another spell requiring great experience with Shadows, yet well worth the practice.As you do your pre-meditation before your Dark Rituals, open your chakras, the main line of seven(groin through crown). Feel the vividly colorful energy flowing through your spine, all the way down to the tingling of your Atoms.
Just as they nearly open completely, draw the energy of Shadows through your Third Eye(my preffered), Crown or Groin Chakras. Feel the icy cold shower of darkness ring through your spine as the dark power within you grows to great levels. As your Third Eye ends its opening, Envision it as a Flowering Lotus, though it is a brilliant(too briliant), bright white color. Then feel it erupt with darkness in a way so violent, so shaking, that you nearly(or do) scare yourself.
Stand up, and begin your dark workings, utilizing this new found chaotic and destructive power. After a dozen of times or so, the scared feeling should be worn away, and you should be totally calm with this new form of Chakra Opening/Empowerment.
I suggest cleansing your chakras VERY thoroughly with your preffered method after each time of doin ghtis. I have found Crystals to work the besta at Restoring the Original Chakra. After so long of doing this, You should Forge a strong enough connection with Shadow not to have to Cleanse them any longer, but I reccomend it for at least the first two dozen times after your working is over.
Kolaid has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Jun 22, 2009
#4093 - Shadow Ball
A darker form of a Psy ball, with a bit more of a bang.
For those of you familiar with creating a Psy Ball, this will be a descently easy technique to get the hang of. If you do not know how to create a Psy Ball, then I DO NOT reccomend you try this. To start with, create a Shadow Circle. Fill the circle with the enrgies of darkness, and do a short meditation, just long enough until you find inner peace. The room should be cold, and incredibly dark, especially now that you have forged a Shadow Circle with a descent amount of energy.
Lift your recessive hand and Begin to draw in the Darkened energies of the circle. After you have drawn about a quarter of the energiues therin, open your eyes and take a look at what you have forged. Continue this process until you have a ball that has consumed all of the energies in the Circle. What do you see now?
This technique can be used in many ways. One, to send after somebody if you have experience in energy-storing Thoughtforms or Servitors. Or you could use it as a direct attack on a nearby enemie's Soul. Tis your choice.
Kolaid has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Jun 22, 2009
#4094 - Heavenly Rest
Short and easy sleeping spell.
You may need:
Confidence and Concentration
A relaxed sleeping position
Or someone who you want to cast it on.
If being performed to oneself.
Gently close your eyes and visualize pure blissful energy shining from your third eye region. As you are calm, try breathing slowly and chant this:
Gods of power
Gods of might
Take my pain
Take my fright
I just want to sleep tonight
Let it be
Mote it Be )0(
If this is being done on someone else, just place your hands over that person as they sleep and say the spell. Magick shall flow from you onto that person, making them fall deeper and deeper asleep.
Have fun and remember use Magick wisely.
Blessed Be )0(
GypsyGuy has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 14, 2013
#4095 - Vampire Summoning
Say this day or night. (Night Works Best)
Prick your finger, let 10 drops of blood in the cup. Imagine a vampire come not physically but spirtually and bitting you. Imagain the pain then in 5-8 minutes you will be full and when you imagain the pain imagine one special power .
Vampire_Luv has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Sep 25, 2013
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#4096 - Simple Strengthening
A simple spell to strengthen your magick, also helps before you open your third eye.
Just sit or lay down somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes and relax your whole body. When there breath in deeply, imagine that air filling your whole body, when you breath out imagine that air you just breathed in turn white. Keep doing this. You might even enter a meditative state which is perfectly fine.
FireTiger has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Mar 10, 2013
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#4097 - Physic Abilitys Enhance Potion
This potion will improve your physic ability's.
Once you obtain your ingredients smash the herbs into different sections,take 1/2 - 2 cups of water put it in a pot and boil the water then once the water is boiling put your ingredients in to the pot,once the water has turned a brown color get a cup and put a paper towel over the cup,then get the pot and pore the liquid slowly on the paper towel getting all the left over herbs out that u don't need to consume,and that the potion is going inside of the cup,u may need to do this twice, and now u may consume your potion,If u store the potion Put it in to a glass department or metal (not plastic)
Euterpe has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jun 30, 2013
#4098 - Peaceful Meditation
Basically, it's how to meditate and make yourself peaceful.
You may need:
A quiet room
Darkness (before you sleep if you want to)
Anyone else who you want to meditate with you.
If you have done this meditation correctly, then you will actually feel the water lapping at your feet and the sand too, or you will actually feel the grass on your feet!
It has worked definitely, no joke for me. I do it when I'm tired or angry or just feeling unsettled.
roserocks01 has been a member of the site for 12 years, since May 18, 2013
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#4099 - Summon God
Summon god
"God of night, god of light help in this endless night so that you may protect me."
magickeith1 has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Dec 24, 2012
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Last edited on May 01, 2017
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#4100 - The Spell of Revelation
To reveal the true nature of a wicked person. (Perhaps a bully at your school/workplace who gets away with everything)
You may need:
Magician's circle
Round, circular altar
Photograph/hair of the wicked
3 purple candles (Empowerment)
3 white candles (Truth)
Pot with small fire inside
Wand (One per person)
OPTIONAL: Wax figure of a human
1. Set up the magician's circle.
2. Place a round table at the center of the circle.
3. Place the photograph/hair in the center of the table.
4. If using a hair, you may mold it into a wax figure of human.
5. Place the pot with the fire burning behind the image, if it will burn the table, place it on the ground or on a stand that is fire-proof.
6. surround the pot of fire and waxen image/photograph with the white and purple candles(Perhaps anointing them before use) alternating between white and purple, forming a hexagon. Do not put the candles so close to the pot to make them melt.
---The Ritual---
1. Light the candles.
2. Link hands around the table if there is more then one of you.
3. Recite an invocation to an ancient god or goddess of war, the invocation is your choice. Perhaps instead invoking the God Mars.
4. After the invocation, release your hands.
5. Each caster takes out a wand, aims it at the figure or photograph, and chants this:
''We see thy actions, wicked one! Thou have caused pain to come to the innocent! Thou have caused pain and suffering without justice! We curse thee that thou will show thy shame and evil for all to see! Take a life, thou won't. So mote it be!''
6. The candles are burnt out, and the item burnt, thoroughly.
7. The circle is banished, and the ashes of the item, if any, are scattered to the wind.
I have not yet tested this spell myself, but I am fairly optimistic it will work. However, I can not guarantee HOW it will work; that is, how the wicked one will be revealed in the end. The candles should burn down to at least halfway before the spell is complete; if you have to make sure this occurs, either repeat the incantation provided or, as an optional step, have all of the casters, including yourself, walk in a circle around the table in a clockwise direction for a few minutes, thus letting the candles burn down and heightening the spell's power.
You should use Oak, basswood, or apple wood wands.
WizardNathan has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 03, 2013
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters