7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Angel of Waters Chant
- Angel of Earths Chant
- Sinful Delight
- Wizard to Wizard
- Opposite Shrink
- Stay Awake
- Mirror spirit
- Spirits Power
- Bound Scythe
- Fear Banishment
#4141 - Angel of Waters Chant
- Sit in a quiet place with the blue candle lit and open your heart to the powers of the Element of Water and all that it represents.
- Yell this repeating part and take in the energy of the angels.
- With the chant done, you will notice a change in your personality. With each use of this chant you will notice even greater changes.
"Angel of Water I invoke your awesome might to give me your power and blessings! Power of Water with tenacity and malice, bless me great! Angel of Tenacity, facet of Water, give me your power! Angel of Malice, facet of Water, give me your Power! The great power of the Angel of Water come in to me and bless me."
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4142 - Angel of Earths Chant
- Sit in a quiet place with the yellow candle lit and open your heart to the powers of the Element of Earth and all that it represents.
- Yell this repeating part and take in the energy of the angels.
- With the chant done, you will notice a change in your personality. With each use of this chant you will notice even greater changes.
"Angel of Earth I invoke your awesome might to give me your power and blessings! Power of Earth with strength and greed, bless me great! Angel of Strength, facet of Earth, give me your power! Angel of Greed, facet of Earth, give me your Power! The great power of the Angel of Earth come in to me and bless me".
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4143 - Sinful Delight
(1) Place the altar facing magnetic north. Have the altar bowl in the center with two large red candles behind the altar bowl. Draw a six point star with the chalk large enough to sit in the center with the altar at the north point. Place a red candle at each point. Light all the candles in whatever order suits you and sit in the center. Sit and relax your body. Let the thoughts in your mind go without paying attention to them.
(2) Open your third eye to see your guides.
(3) Visualize a radiant white light while chanting the next line.
(4) Burn an offering after you call each name.
(5) Burn an offering after this line.
(6) Open yourself to Jubali and imagine that he comes into your life and fills the night with the greatest sexual pleasures you can imagine. Once you complete this part of the incantation you put out the candles at the points of the star and leave the candles on the altar burning through the night. With this done you break the circle, so Jubalis power has access to you while you dream. If there are no signs of a sexual encounter or memories of a sex dream, you should repeat the spell until you have memories of your night of pleasure.
(7) Do not finish the spell until you have a sexual dream, wake up with sexual fluids on or in you or desire to stop any hidden encounters with this demon. Burn the last offering.
(1) Hear my thoughts and answer me Puthadian Gods. With the candles to light my path, I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and their fires are their swords to protect me on my journey. Almighty Puthadian Gods come and hear me!
(2) The candles light my path and I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and you guide them.
(3) Puthadian Gods, guide me to the light.
(4) Rekale, Goddess of Dreams, I invoke thee.
Jubali, God of Temptation, I invoke thee.
Fovita, God of Sexual Pleasure, I invoke thee.
Toko, God of Time, I invoke thee.
Shana, Goddess of Peace, I invoke thee.
Tivanuf, God of the Majestic, I invoke thee.
Tosha, Goddess of the Righteous One, I invoke thee.
Juda, God of Wine, I invoke thee.
(5) I ask of you these favors to make this journey safe and joyous in your sacred names, accept this offering of Prophecy pages?
(6) Come onto me in my dreams and give me the greatest pleasures of all. I want only to be your Joy Fire for the night of my dream and be with you. There is no other love in my life than you who are the God of Temptation. Give onto me your pleasures and let your juices flow. I want to be with a god tonight and I choose you Jubali of all the gods of pleasure. There can be no other to give me the pleasures of my fantasy. Make me dream of wild abandon in your Temple of Temptation. I shall delight in the immortal sin and desire greatly to mark my body with your love in sinful delight.
(7) Hail most sinful Jubali.
I now have to be done for this time and release you from the bonds I placed around the circle. We can now end this session and return to our worlds till next we meet.
#4144 - Wizard to Wizard
Light the candle and heat up your gem in your wand. Then sit across from your partner and point your wand at their heart then chant:" I take the power of (your element) and give it to (your friends name), for a day they will control this element, but only to use its power for (good or evil). So mote it be! " Then blow out the candle.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4145 - Opposite Shrink
First you put the bowl of water in front of you. Then you put the rosemary and rose petals in the bowl and sprinkle some sand in the bowl then you put the red/pink candle to the right and blue to the left and light them in the same order. Next you chant ,"shrink-a-dink, take this body down a size,until they realized that an hour has passed so mote it be." Then blow out the right then left candle then stick your hands into the water and swish them around and you feel taller for a minute or two.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4146 - Stay Awake
Light a candle of any colour you want. Make sure it's at night. Chant the spell near the candle as many times as needed
"Each night I stay awake,
I pray to the Gods
The feeling of tiredness to take.
Make me a Night Owl
That never sleeps.
Make me it now,
Oh how it'll be sweet.
So mote it be!!"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4147 - Mirror spirit
Mail me for any questions at darth_mavy :)
#4148 - Spirits Power
Take your wand and point it at your spirit then say:
"By the power of my wand I give (spirits name) the power of humans. Moving objects, casting spells, breaking items, at ease. I mote it be."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4149 - Bound Scythe
Relax, center yourself, raise a cone of energy and say:
"Bring me my handle,
bring me scythe,
may this scythe take this demons life."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4150 - Fear Banishment
Side affects:
A sence of power and having no fear
Slight tingling (will stop within the first 5-30 minutes of having casted the spell)
Complete peace
Last edited on Jun 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.