7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How To Make A Wand!
- Identify Your Spirit Animal
- How To Create An Energy Ball
- Emergency Protection From Harm
- Nine Knots
- Protective Tree Talisman
- Control the Winds
- Images of Past Life
- Reborn
- Empower
#4291 - How To Make A Wand!
Grab your soon to be wand. Iif you have sand paper than sand the stick (makes it more soft and more powerful). Hold up your wand in a nice sunny day and say "Oh this wand I power thee,make it stronger as can be."
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4292 - Identify Your Spirit Animal
First, you go to somewhere you can meditate without being disturbed. Then,imagine sloping out of your body and into the spirit world. Next, close your eyes and meditate. Now Open your third eye and in it, you should see yourself in a garden. Just do whatever. But then, your animal will come. Talk to it with your mind. After, just imagine sinking back into your body. If you don't it can give you a massive headache.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4293 - How To Create An Energy Ball
#4294 - Emergency Protection From Harm
Put one drop on your wrist and rub it on your neck like cologne/perfume any way whatsoever, safely, though.
If they are out of stock go to a botanica (google them like this: "Botanica, NYC or your city")
If you don't have a credit card go to a walmart and buy a greendot gift card and put like two bucks into the card and then you can buy items from this store. You can also use paypal I think, they sell paypal cards at walmart. Check first, though.
Again, here is the item in the spellsofmagic.com store: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/shop_details.html?c=O&s=Indio+Oils&id=9060
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4295 - Nine Knots
Tie the knots as followed: 1-6-4-7-3-8-5-9-2. Relax and make a pentacle sign and say-
" Oh gracious lady I ask that you bless this cord as I perform this rite". Then concentrate on the cord and your goal for protection or to banish and say-
"By the knot of one,
The spell has began,
By the knot of two,
My words are true,
By the knot of three,
It comes to me,
By the knot of four,
May the spell be strengthened more,
By the knot of five,
May the spell come alive,
By the knot of six,
The spell is fixed,
By the knot of seven,
May the power though me be given,
By the knot of eight,
May the within be great,
By the knot of nine,
May the thing I wish for be mine,
In the name of the lady,
The spell is cast
So mote it be".
Then bury it or wear it for protection or to banish negativity.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4296 - Protective Tree Talisman
Using a blue or clear bottle fill the bottle with water preferably from a running steam. Add one Silver Coin to the bottle. Set the bottle out under the light of the full moon. Then using white cord, bind a single Bat Nut and a sprig of Witch Grass to the neck of the bottle. Hang the bottle in a tree in your front yard, or at the corner eave of your house. Repeat the following spell after hanging the talisman.
"Rattle Now Rattle Clear
Rattle Far and Rattle Near
Protect this place and all within
Keep away harm, away widdershin"
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4297 - Control the Winds
First, go outside. Then, concentrate on the wind and think 'Winds' or something like that. I can do it with just the word winds though. If you want the wind to blow in a certain direction, think it and point your arm in the direction.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4298 - Images of Past Life
Sit in a comfortable position and begin to meditate. Focus on trying to find lost memories. Don't fight it if you feel like you are moving or falling. As you meditate, say:
" Remember
Everything about me
All blocked
All erased
Shall be remembered "
You might have to say it more than once.. But just keep moving until you see images or feel how you died.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4299 - Reborn
Hold your symbol in your hand and chant:
"Sun and Moon
I want to be reborn
I want to be reborn as a (___)
Make this me
So mote it be"
Then when you go to bed you will be something else when you wake.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4300 - Empower
Chant x 3
Power to ascend please descend unto me.
Pass on your knowledge Oh great one!
Teach your child what he/she needs to know.
Power from above i invoke thee, I welcome thee into my body.
We must be whole and complete as one i do you bidding.
As one i am your child.
Grant me your knowledge
Grant me your power
Be one with me.
So mote it be!
So mote it be!