7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Forget Me Not
- Dragon's Armor
- Dragon Power
- Vampire Potion
- Psi Ball Healing
- Easier Element Control
- Psi Crystal
- Animal Communication
- Ancient Egyptian Curse
- Witches Hand Shake
#4431 - Forget Me Not
Braid your colorful strings with your lock of hair in it every three braids put your favorite charms in it and then every six braids down put in the flowers (with the stems or the thorns cut off) when your done you should have a pretty bracelet then spray you special scents and chant 3times" forget me now forget me never forget me nots this is really clever"
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4432 - Dragon's Armor
After you have mastered the power summoning rub the power onto your skin like lotion and you should have a aura around your aura that with a stronger spirit stronger resembles dragon scales.
- Fire: with a weak spirit can consume you and fling you into a blind fury and rage
- Earth: although more protection you are slower and weaken your and your opponents magical ability with every hit
- Water: almost none the best for the weaker mage it balances defense with offense but it is hard to maintain in the shape you want it wants to just fall off.
- Wind: speed but less defense.
Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4433 - Dragon Power
Put your hands 2-3 inches apart, and decide which dragon you will use.
Picture a small flame between your hands and say in a deep and fierce voice "Rise with a mighty blaze, burning dragon of the searing flame!" the small flame should burst into a
roaring fire.
Picture a small pool of water in your hands and say in a calm and strong voice "Rise with the tsunami, serpent Dragon of the roaring tides!"The power should burst and cover your hands and/or arms in water.
Picture a rock of power in your hands an say in a deep monotone "Rise with a tremor, stone Dragon of the trembling Earth!"The power should then burst and cover your entire body just above your skin.
Picture a small breeze in your hands and say in a gentle and calm voice " Rise with a howl, Feathered Dragon of the whispering winds!"the power should then burst into a hurricane force.
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4434 - Vampire Potion
Put blood in pot make to a boile add 1/2 of a cup of salt cut needles. Then add make a triangle with candles then light let wax fall in the triangle then make a pentagram in middle of tringle with potion. While chanting this: "Oh gods of the night let me be a human no more but a vampire of the day and night. So mote it be". Repeat 6 times then you should feel different
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4435 - Psi Ball Healing
Make a psi ball (its simple if you dont know psi ball spell, this one wont work good). After you make the psi ball, get good control over it, just easily get the ball closer to the wound, and easiliy put the hands on the wound.
Like other healing spells, they may or may not work instantly but speed up the process.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4436 - Easier Element Control
First, think of which element to control, fire, water, air or earth. Choose one, and before you start, make sure you believe or it won't work. Next, lets say you chose air. To control air or wind, you must focus and either speak to make it move, visualize it, or use your hand. But if it doesn't move, say a spell to help you or get friends to help as well.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4437 - Psi Crystal
#4438 - Animal Communication
First lets start with the basic version. If you want your domestic animal (dogs,cats,turtles,etc.) to understand you keep them in one place.Next, put there wand and their head and flow energy into it, flow the energy like what you do to a psi ball.Do it for a good 3 seconds. Say a greeting to your animal. Notice the way the move and look at you? Grats! You linked to a domestic animal!
Now to tame a wild one is not guarantee.This is were the food is handy. Once the animal has trust in you do the same procedure except hold the wand on theirhead for a good 10 seconds.The animal now understands you.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4439 - Ancient Egyptian Curse
Go outside and place the candles around you then use the black sand to connect the candles and by doing that it should make a circle. Now place the picture of the person you wish to curse in front of you and picture the worst thing to happen, then call upon Osiris, Anubis and Set to damn then to misery. Once that is done let the gods take care of them.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4440 - Witches Hand Shake
Extend your right index finger and lightly
touch the wrist of the person exactly where the pulse is felt . by
touching the pulse it throws the acquaintance completely off his
balance for just an instant , but in that instant plant an initial
thought, ( example : I am the one you want for the job ) this
really works and is cool try it