7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Easily Changeable Enchantment Spell
- Simple curse
- Draconic Cleansing Spell.
- The Witches Prayer to Hekate
- Asking for a Deity or spirit to present in an object
- Painful Urinary Tract Infection
- Special Eclipse of the wolf moon spell
- For Any Wish To Be Granted
- Protection Enchantment
- How to make sigils
#471 - Easily Changeable Enchantment Spell
Take your object and charge it overnight/day. If you are charging it by the moon, leave it in direct moonlight or by your windowsill overnight. If you are charging it by the sun, do so over day. If you are charging it in dirt, fire products, water, air, or any other element based item, do so in whatever way you generally do, or immerse it in said item for as long as you wish. If you are using an appendage/body part, consider doing so during a bath or another related time. Once your item is charged sufficiently (as per your wishes, but recommended to be nine hours/minutes/seconds) you may proceed onto the next part.
This next section is not necessary but it is recommended. Soak your item in a wash of salt and water, for at least nine seconds, but extend as long as you wish, and then pat dry with yourself or a towel or such. Then do the same with Epsom salts. When they are dry, hold it in your casting hand (whichever hand you feel is dominant in casting this spell) and meditate on your intentions. If you cannot do this because you have enchanted your body, then you must meditate but not hold the object. You many then proceed.
If you have particular herbs you wish to use, you should make a "tea" or something like that of them. A paste will also work. Consult the following list for correspondences (but know you do not need the corresponding herb(s) to make the spell work. Putting in whichever herbs you find work best for you also is encouraged.):
- Money/Pecuniary Wishes: Mint
- Romance/Amorous Wishes: Rosewater, Strawberries, Apple, Saffron (Can also enchant a lipstick if you wish)
- Protection/ Protective Wishes: Cactus, Peppercorns, Thorns
- Healing/ Health Wishes: Jade plant, Aloe Vera, Basil, Cardamom
- Innocence/Innocent Wishes: Cucumber, Cactus, Cinnamon, Lemon
- Beauty/ Beauty Wishes: Citruses (Orange, Lime, Lemon), Mint, Berries
You may use none of these or all of these if you are on the extreme ends but you can also choose to use whichever you prefer. Once completed, you may redo the "ritual" with the salts, but this time, do the reverse, putting Epsom salts before the table salts.
Keep this item close to you when you need the effects. If you can form a connection without it, do not worry about keeping it close by. Do not ingest any of the ingredients unless you know they are edible. Aloe Vera, many varieties of cactus, most thorns, and many herbs are not safe to ingest (at least in large quantities) and you could be gravely harmed.
Blessed be!
#472 - Simple curse
Step 1 : light the candle and start burning the picture. When it burns, chant: I curse ( the enemy's name) with the power of fire !
Step : take the picture and throw it in the wind ( if you don't have a windy day, use an air conditioner) and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of air !
Step 3: take the picture and throw it in the water jar and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of water !
Step 4 : take the picture and put it under a heavy boulder and chant: I curse ( enemy's name) with the power of earth !
Step 5: Chant: This is my will so mote it be !
Last edited on Mar 31, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#473 - Draconic Cleansing Spell.
Use a lichter or match to light the incense, then put the stones in your pockets (or any other way of wearing them) then grab the sage and burn the leaves enough to make sure they keep smoking for a while....(then while speaking the incantation below) slowly keep moving the smoking sage trough the air in circular motions.
Incantation: Mrecheh ae rhounetheos auf ae djjageng ahrngcestoros koeanhob ah e rhurifieh mehs nyehgdy, shynd, luohudo ah e chedirylil ah e mrecheh jenl yehlingos ghgativyuk tett honne!
See ya later.....or in Draconic: Lieh'debo ya lyrteub
#474 - The Witches Prayer to Hekate
STEP ONE - Clean space and self - call corners - recommended
STEP TWO - light candle and incense and meditate - focus on her and what you need or the message you wish to give her
Mighty Hekate, Queen of Witches, my journey is a blessed one. Each Key you give me unlocks great power.
Grateful I am for all your keys.
The key of acceptance for that which I cannot change
They key of courage to overcome adversity
The key of compassion for myself and others
The key of pain through which I discovered my own strength
The key of suffering in which I found my healing
The key of peace that brings me contentment
The key of my wisdom that I may live a life of truth
I added this-
Thank you My Queen for guiding me and protecting me and my family.
Please watch over me while I cast my spell
May it harm none - unless you deem it justified, and if so, may it go to them 3 fold or more
I am most Grateful to you
For this tomorrow I will do at least 1 good deed in your honor for a random stranger and for the goodness of the world
(I suggest if you do this - make sure you do the good deed or she will not be pleased)
STEP THREE - Place Roses on alter
Do your spell
STEP FOUR - Place Mints in offering bowl - I sometimes add other things that I feel she may like
As above, so below the circle turns forever
May the spirits within protect me and bless my workings
So mote it be
(then meditate some more, thank her again for all she has given you)
Close your circle
Please note you cannot summon Hekate, but if you are lucky she will come to speak with you as she does me)
Blessed be!
#475 - Asking for a Deity or spirit to present in an object
I recommend doing it once every two months or if the spell is done under a specific time such as moon form do it when it comes again.
Cast a circle
Chant this 5 times per time
"I ask for (name of spirit or deity) the spirit/deity if ( what they are know of) , aid me (what you want them to be present in)
-So mote it be"
If you use an object add whats below to the spell
"I use (what you are using) in calling upon you , may this sacrifice be used in your name,
-So mote it be
#476 - Painful Urinary Tract Infection
1. Swab the targets urine with a piece of toilet paper or cloth
2. Dip the urine in the hot sauce three times. Do so as you say:
"May your penis.vagina burn hotter than the fires of hell, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
2.Get the mousetrap and slam it shut on the piece of urine. Cuss out their name if you like.
4. Put mousetrap in a dark place.
#477 - Special Eclipse of the wolf moon spell
There's two parts to the spell
what to do
go outside and draw a pentagram star (this represents the land the wolf will roam when you shift) and sit in the centre holding a crystal (the crystal represents the heart and soul of the wolf)
Part 1 of the spell
say/chant 4x
By the aura of the moon, two eyes stare, a wolf is calling, crying as it's howls touch the moon, I will become one with the wolf, running on all fours and hunting what I need to survive, SO MOTE IT BE!!
Next use your blood and draw a pentagram star on your forehead (this represents the soul of the wolf)
Part 2 of the spell
say/chant 4x
The blood on my forehead is the blood the wolf and I will share, I will be a (type of wolf eg antartic wolf), as I change at will, I will protect those who I love and care about, i am the wolf this is me SO MOTE IT BE!!!
sit down for five minutes after casting as you may blackout
side effects are unknown
pm me side effects if works
Last edited on Jan 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#478 - For Any Wish To Be Granted
Take a goblet or cup full of hot water and three chairs in which three girls or women of the same age must sit. Each must take a pinch of salt and put it into the boiling water all together at once. The one whose salt dissolves first will be the most fortunate. Then each must take a little bag of red wooden stuff full of ashes that have been very finely sifted; let them sit with the cup in the middle all three clad in black with black veils, and each with a sacred wafer taken from communion. Each shall throw her ashes with the wafer into the boiling water and say:
I do not throw the ashes,
But I throw the wafer.
I do not throw the wafer,
But I throw the body and soul of [Name]
That he may no more have peace or happiness
Until I have obtained this my desire!
Then they must place their hands behind them, and not turn round to see the cup for a quarter of an hour; and when they at last look they will see whether the wafers are floating on the surface. I this case thry will all three have obtained their wish, and if only one swims, then the one whose it is will be favoted; but if none float, no favor will be granted.
#479 - Protection Enchantment
First get your clothes or piece of jewelry and lay it in direct sun / moon light, then light your incense and hold it in your hand while you walk four times around the said object. Then sit down in front of the object (note: do not block the light by doing this) Then chant the following spell:
Praecipiam virtus lucis ad vesperam circumcingunt nec quicquam rei me propellere laedantur.
I wish you luck and blessed be ;)
#480 - How to make sigils
1. Write on the piece on paper the word/sentence you want to use to make your sigil.
Example: protection ( your's should be in caps)
2. Re-write the sentence but eliminate the letters that repeat.
Example:protecin ( in caps on your paper)
3.Tramsform the letters into simple lines
Example : p will be : a vertical line and a a sort of reversed c ( on your paper should be the lines , but as a drawing, not like a sentence. I did it like this because I can draw on this article)
4. Chose a shape from : triangle/square/circle/etc
Example : Triangle
5. Arrange the lines into the geometrical shape and to look like a simetrical figure.
6. You made your sigil ! Now, put it sonewhere it won't be disturbed. The sigil will act like a spell bssed on the word/sentence written .
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.