7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Meditation
- To gain energy
- Control the Wind
- Spirit Guide
- Wind Summon
- Chanting Storms
- Simple Killing
- Rid One of Thy Siblings
- Alleviate Ones Heart's Desire
- Simple and Easy Powerful Protection
#4801 - Meditation
in the lotuse postion. Put your thumb and fore finger
togeter. Sit up nice and tall. Close your eyes. Clean your mind.
Think only black. Breath in though your nose. And out though
your mouth.(If you do yoga, You know how to breath while meditating.)
Do this for 5 minutes. When 5 minutes are done, start to do charge/ground energy, and circle casting while in meditation.charging energy: visualize and feel white light entering your body, you should feel warmth, or even hyper. you can do this by meditating, dancing, jumping, singing, chanting, playing an instrument, and so on.
grounding energy: visualize the energy you charged leaving your body, as well as feel it leave. you should feel calm, possibly sleepy after. the most common way is to meditate and visualize roots leading from your body to the ground, the energy should follow these roots. you can also lie down, drop down, stomp your foot, slap the ground, and so forth. do this for another 5 minutes then do the Same meditations once more. If you have trouble, message me. tell me what your problem was, and i`ll try to help you with this.
#4802 - To gain energy
#4803 - Control the Wind
You need to be outside for this to work.
Focus on the wind. Imagine it as a part of you. Feel it move at your will. Once you feel the wind blowing against you, draw the energy in.
Repeat the steps until you can control the without effort.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4804 - Spirit Guide
Close all doors and windows. Cast your circle. Light your candles. Gaze in to the mirror
"Spirit Guide, I summon thee,
Allow me just this once to see,
Guardian, always hidden from sight,
Reveal yourself this hallowed night."
Repeat this at least three times. Those who are sensitive enough to see, will see, though some times all you will get would be the flickering of the candles' flames or they will completely die. Note, no air movement due to closed doors and windows. Make sure you turn off the fan or AC.
If you feel that you need one, rephrase the spell and add a circle of salt to prevent the nasties to enter.
Last edited on Feb 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4805 - Wind Summon
Allow the wind to pass through your hands. In your head, picture as thought: you grabbing the wind. As you do, curl your hands into a fist. All you have to do is take a deep breath. After each breath, the wind will slowly increase in speed. It may take a few days to master.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4806 - Chanting Storms
''We call Emena, Mother of all created.
We call the Wind, Son of our Mother.
We call the Earth, Sister of the wind,
We call the Father, Fire and Soul mate.
Hear us Spirits of the world,
Hear us cry your names.
Let wind and earth meat,
Let a storm spring forth.
We call Wind and Water (repeat this seven times)
Let us meet in perfect harmony,
An it harm none
So mote it be.''
Close your circle.
The name of the Goddess depends on who you see as the Mother Goddess. It was written by a close friend of mine and she preferred the Goddess Emena. I substitute if for Isis.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4807 - Simple Killing
Sit on your floor, put the black candle in front of you and the red beside it. Then the yellow and purple behind you side by side and hold the white candle in your left hand. Then light the match light red,black,yellow,purple,then the white in that order.
Hold the white candle and say "Nature this person has unbalanced your beauty, be rid of them" and blow out the candles expect for the white. Then lick your thumb and index finger and say "My water puts this fire out" and hold the candle wick with these two fingers.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4808 - Rid One of Thy Siblings
Write the name of the ones you wish to be rid of. Put them in the warm water. Put your hand over the bowl. Say this spell"
"God and goddess of all
I call fore thy help
Those who I have trapped
In this bowl are
A nusence
Aand shall be sent away
For one hour
So mote it be"
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4809 - Alleviate Ones Heart's Desire
Recite First Half of the spell,Burn Inverted Pentagram in the flame of the candle, Next recite the Second Half of the incantation while gazing into the Fire.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4810 - Simple and Easy Powerful Protection
Lay on a nice flat surface, preferably near the mother (on grass, dirt, the earth) or somewhere you feel most at peace (comfortable bed). Place the stone upon your heart holding it in your hand.
With your mind create a beam of yellowish-white light and focus it on the stone, the stone colour may Change too a blue or purple (don't worry that's okay!). With that light spread it gently and even all over your body, take it slow you want too avoid any thin light and any holes
Any fear or anger or anything of that, and any negative sickness or illness, draw that into the light around your body. The light should turn a big of a darker colour or a colour you find not present (I hate dark yellow so my colour is always that) you want too scoop up it all and then push all that ugly colour out of your body into the sky. A goddess or god will catch it so don't worry about it coming back
You should be left with a faint peaceful white glowing light around your body. Open your eyes and relax for a few minutes as your spirit gets used too the new light.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.