7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Rid Anger Cool Down
- Wish
- How to become a Demon
- Raven's Feather
- Yuko no Hijo (Fear)
- Tengi no Makio (Fear)
- To Give You Every Power
- Becoming
- Healing Through Pure Energy
- Psi Energy Finale
#5091 - Rid Anger Cool Down
On tuesday take a red stone, channel all your anger and hate into this until its hot. Then throw into a stream or water and say 'Anger in this stone is gone where none may find it. Water bind it '
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5092 - Wish
Focus on what you desire and imagine it happening. Put your hands into a prayer position and chant: "Lord, hear me. Make my wish come true".
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5093 - How to become a Demon
2.) Say this once over the water.:
Diablo give me your blessing. Your soldier I wish to become. I ask that you make me a demon. I no longer want to be of humanity. After I drink this water I instantly will become a demon. Lucifer, please come into me and give me your blessing.
3.) (Probably obvious) Drink the water.
4.) Symptoms.
You may feel dizzy for a brief moment. It will pass over quickly.
You wont feel like you did before.
A completely relaxed state may occur.
A feeling of complete peace is normal.
#5094 - Raven's Feather
Manifest your fear and form it into raven feathers. Speak the word "idle" then imagine the raven feathers you've formed falling over the person, turning everything around them black. Send that energy to their eyes and take away their vision. They will not be able to see you.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5095 - Yuko no Hijo (Fear)
When you have manifested your energy into fear then at that point coat it around your body you blocking every ones senses that you are there because the energy that turned into fear is block all awareness of you. Its taking your energy and making them unaware that you are there even though you are.
This only works on the weak minded and weak hearted. But if you have mastered it then it work on anyone unless they can cut fear.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5096 - Tengi no Makio (Fear)
When you bring out the energy and turn it into fear you then coat it around the area with out you covering yourself. Then when the person comes near you or notices you that's when you bring all the fear into an abundance and make an artificial body where you are standing. Cover your real body with the energy you amassed then at that point you move anywhere you want without you been noticed.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5097 - To Give You Every Power
Powers of the earth come to me
I wish to posses every power so mote it be.
#5098 - Becoming
Take your picture, then write down the traits you want, your desires, who you want to be and any wishes you have on it. Once done, place the picture in an important spot such as on your altar. Alternatively, you can burn it with candle.
Last edited on Jan 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5099 - Healing Through Pure Energy
Center yourself, and your patient through meditation. Form the psi ball and hold it in your projective hand. Locate the center of the disease or disorder in your patient. Press the ball into them, and use your third eye, or second sight, to view the disease and your psi ball. Use the psi ball to absorb the negative energy from the patients disease, by replacing your healthy and positive energy, with the diseases negative energy.
Pull the tainted psi ball out when all of the positive energy is gone, or at a point where you feel you can not finish. If you can, seal the negative energy in a stone or amulet, if not, disperse it. Then place your projective hand were the psi ball went in, and flood your patient with any positive healing energy you can spare.
As a warning, this spell can take allot out of both the caster and the patient. The spell relies on your stamina and control.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5100 - Psi Energy Finale
First imagine your aura (or your energy, depending on your source) wrap itself around you. The aura should be close to your body, but if it isn't, pull it in with your mind. Don't let your mind wander. Concentrate on the aura, and lift your arms until you are a ''T'' shape. Then let your aura travel up and wind itself around your arms. Now concentrate on someone you want to help, or someone you want to harm. Picture that person standing in front of you, and imagine your aura travleing towards him/her and wrapping itself on him/her. Now if you want to hurt them, squeeze the person, and feel your aura pulsing with your anger. If you want to help them, the aura should smoothly glide along their body, purifying him/her. After the process is complete, let your arms down, and your aura should zoom back into your chest.