7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell to break / reverse a Blood Curse.
- whi tri
- Protection for your house.
- Dark Barrier of protection
- Easy Psychic Enhancement
- Rain
- Energy transfer for cleansing
- Simple Protection Pills
- Spell to cleanse your body and workspace.
- Two powerfull protection spells.
#551 - Spell to break / reverse a Blood Curse.
Gather the materials and make a circle big enough to stand in, then light the incense and candles.
While standing in the circle of salt, stones, incense and candles, chant:
"sub peccato cuius sanguis effusus est et seditionem missus fuerat ad me: avertet illud autem iam non ego conteram: maledicite sanguinis usque in aeternum super vos discedite!"
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#552 - whi tri
#553 - Protection for your house.
1: Light the candle, and mix 3/4 salt and 1/4 water in the chalice or bowl, then put the small stick in the mixture.
2: Light the incense with the candle.
3: Then with the incense draw a pentagram in the air.
4: Then put out the incense in the mixture of salt.
5: Carefully let a small drop of the salt mixture fall on the candle flame, if the flame turns yellow, chant this incantation three times:
"ut flamma ex hac clara flavo a malo defendat, et lucerna vi repellere omnia nociua!"
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#554 - Dark Barrier of protection
(Optional step: If you're using the stones then hold the stone(s) in your hand or put the stones in a circle around you)
Chant the following incantation three times:
"Voco super antiquorum chao et tenebris potestas aeterna core inanis et ad protegat et defendat me a malitia!"
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#555 - Easy Psychic Enhancement
The process is fairly simple but requires some focus and an empty mind. The instructions are:
- Light your candle first to get the mood set up, you can dim some lights if you need to. Anything to help yourself relax.
- Place down some mugwort and press down in the middle to form a depression.
- Fill the depression with sandalwood. I found it easier to keep both herbs burning this way without any charcoal.
- Light the sandalwood in the middle, and it should spread to burning both of the herbs. Both of these herbs are very good for enhancing your Psychic abilities.
- Hold the Clear Quartz between your hands and close your eyes. Ask the Quartz politely if it will lend you some of it's energy for this time.
- Meditate like this while smelling the burning herbs. Focus on opening your mind. Let your energy wander around your body.
- Do this until you feel you are done. Blow out or snuff your candle, and let your herbs burn themselves out. Always clean up your magical space once you are done.
#556 - Rain
"Almighty Rain, descend from the darkest minds.
Bring forth the flood of salvation and wash away thy sadness.
So mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#557 - Energy transfer for cleansing
Hold the incense firmly in your hands. Focus all of your energy to your hands, and let it flow through the incense.
"I let my power flow freely. Let this smoke cleanse this room and ward off all negativity. Let the smoke bathe the room in prosperity and light. Ward off all negative energy. So mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#558 - Simple Protection Pills
The process to make these pills is very simple.
- Open the gel capsule and add a very small piece of dragon's blood, this will help make the pills more potent.
- Add in a few cuts of chives, chives are known for protection, and they are known for weight loss as well.
- Add a small pinch of sage. Sage is known for protection, and healing. Sage has also been known to drive away spirits if burned.
- Add a single clove into the capsule last, using it to pack the other ingredients in. Clove is known for banishing evil and protection, so these should be good for keeping evil energy away.
- Finally, add the other side of the gel capsule back on and squeeze together until there is a small snap, this will mean that it is sealed off.
You can store these for however long you want, they should remain good so long as they are not exposed to moisture.
#559 - Spell to cleanse your body and workspace.
Light the incense (or smudge stick) and concentrate on your environment, feel its negative energy and concentrate on it while you chant the following incantation three times:
Incantation: Invocamus et operationem virtutis naturalis omnium negativam vim purgandi locum et quae corrumpit.
Note: If after the incantation negative energy or corruption isn't gone, the repeat the spell 6 more times.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#560 - Two powerfull protection spells.
Spell One:
Voco super potestate quod apud antiquos in me protegas me.
Spell Two:
qui affecto protego mixtisique iubas serpentibus et posteris meis stirpique ad infernante
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.