7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banish Them
- Control The 7 Seas
- Open Your 3rd Eye
- Make His Mom Accept You
- Bind a Wind
- Summoning Beezlebub and Capturing
- To Set A Spirit to Peace/Converse With A Spirit Safely
- Good Luck Locket
- How to Hold Black, White and Grey Magic
- A Witch's Glass
#5651 - Banish Them
Put the candles as a circle then put the ouija board in the middle. Then light the candles and chant: "Family, banished from my life" three times.
Last edited on Nov 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5652 - Control The 7 Seas
Drink the 2 soda cans. Wash the top off using the cloth. Hold the top of the cans and say:
"God Of The Water
Please give me control
Over the seven seas.
I will control with all my might.
And relieve the power in sigh>
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5653 - Open Your 3rd Eye
Go to the room where its most peaceful and calm. Clear your mind and sit their and meditate for at least 20 minutes you can play the music if it helps. After that try visualing stuff like colours then shapes the fine detailed stuff.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5654 - Make His Mom Accept You
Light the candles and incense as you focus on the photo with his mom. Clear your mind and chant five times:
"Make this woman give me her son,
Because she knows that for him,
I am the only one.
She must do what she can
To send him my way,
And convince all others
That with me he will stay.
To give him up to me, this she must.
She will send him straight to me, this I trust."
Believe in it and watch it work. If not right away but some day soon.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5655 - Bind a Wind
Braid the 21 strings into seven braids
As you do, imagine a type of wind (e.g. dry, cold, ect.) rushing through each braid.
Mark the strings so that you remember which string is for each wind.
Use the glitter as a focus if you need it, and cast a gust of Magyic (and glitter) over the braids.
Proclaim: So mote it be
To summon a wind:
Undo a braid and throw the strings in the air. A wind will be summoned, probably of the type you requested (Not always, sometimes the winds are busy elsewhere).
#5656 - Summoning Beezlebub and Capturing
Draw a pentagram. Put the black candles around the points and the red candle in the middle. Take a piece of string and tie all three together and say: "I invite you, Oh prince". When you feel his presence, throw the limestone at the red candle.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5657 - To Set A Spirit to Peace/Converse With A Spirit Safely
Make sure the guests you have chosen won't be disturbed by the presence of spirits.
Decide what spirit you want to communicate with, this can any spirit at all. Choose a medium (person considered to have above normal psychic ability).
Once all of the discussing is done, set up the candles half/half on the round table. Place the food in the middle of the table before the candles are lit. (Candles should leave room around the edge of the table)
You and your guests should now sit. Join hands around the outside of the table, laying your arms on the table.
You and your guests will repeat the following:
''Our beloved (name of spirit), we bring you gifts from life and death. Commune with us (name of spirit) and move among us. Venit, Venit.
Remain silent until there is a response. If there is no response, repeat until there is.
Once responded to, you may ask them simple questions.
When you have finished, thank the spirit for joining you and ask it to go in peace. Break the circle of hands after dismissing the spirit, and blow out the candles
#5658 - Good Luck Locket
Light the green candle and say: "With this green candle, full of luck I bless it and my locket to bind as one. So mote it be." Blow out the green candle and open your locket and quickly catch some smoke in it. Now just wear the locket around one of your body part.
Last edited on Nov 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5659 - How to Hold Black, White and Grey Magic
First, invoke dagon. Beg him for energy, and as he leaves you will feel heavy energy in your hands. Next, invoke an angel and beg it for energy. Take some of this energy and combine it with the first to create gray energy.
Last edited on Nov 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5660 - A Witch's Glass
''I call upon the magick of the mirror.
Help me so I may see now,
The one I so desire.
Magick mirror show me the one named _______
Another way, I don't know how.
Show me now, and by the powers that be.
Mote it be, so mote it be.''
Say as many times as you wish, and say it with feeling. It may take awhile to work, but it does.