7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banishing Jar Spell
- Pure dark energy empowerment.
- protection spell
- Jade Power Spell
- beleving spell
- Creating A Coven
- Rituale Romanum (Short version)
- Curse an Item
- Simple Curse Breaker
- Energy Vampire (Feeding alternative)
#561 - Banishing Jar Spell
Light candle. Write person's name and date of birth in black ink nine times on the brown paper. Tear into pieces and place in jar. Add the nine pins or thorns. Layer the banishing herbs in jar. Add vinegar while chanting nine times:
"I banish you (name) from my life. No longer can you cause me strife."
Let candle burn out completely. Bury jar or throw in moving water.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#562 - Pure dark energy empowerment.
Step one: Cleanse the area you're going to use, and use a protection spell on yourself.
Step two: Create a pentagram on the ground, and put the elemental objects on the right points.
Step three: Meditate in the middle of the pentagram, and take at least ten to fifteen minutes to think about the things that you are going to do with the dark energy.
Step four: speak the following incantation three times, with a clear voice: Tenebris navitas in potentiam tuam, et potest etiam sine fine inanis mortis praebueris corpus meum, et in tribus diebus tunc magica ut reverterentur. (Note: the c is pronounced as k)
Final step: remove the pentagram and throw the non usable resources in a lake or other nearby water source.
#563 - protection spell
First, cast a circle to ensure nothing is interfering with your magick.
Hold the obsidian to your heart chakra and visualize a blue calming light glowing from the crystal and absorbing into you.
"Release all that harms me
I am safe now
I always will be
Energy can only affect me if I allow it too
As I will it
So mote it be"
Blow out the candle and watch the smoke twirl.
Meditate until you feel the spell is done
Blessed Be
#564 - Jade Power Spell
"I have empowered myself with jade,
my weakness shall fade,
As I say so mote it be.
So mote it be (10 times whole thing)."
Holding Jade in Power Hand (Hand you write with).
Last edited on Aug 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#565 - beleving spell
You need to be careful.
Last edited on May 14, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#566 - Creating A Coven
Covens are a group of people that are witches, Wiccans, Pagans, or something other. To start a coven, there are a lot of things to think of. You need to make sure what a coven is, and things you´ll need to know.
A Name:
You don´t have to have a name, or even a name when you first make one, but it´s a fun thing to make a title for your group. The name of the coven you want to make should be creative, if you want one. You could even look through this sites´s covens to get an idea of a name for the coven.
How Many people you want in your coven. First, you´ll want to think of how big you want your coven to be. Do you want three, five, or even ten? If starting a coven, it´s recommended that you should have at least have three people. You need to remember that covens are a group, so it´s best to have at least three. Also, you shouldn't restrict the gender of someone. You´ll need both equal sun (Male) and moon (Female).
A Symbol:
Symbols are also a creative thing to have. It could be a symbol, or a specific word. You could make necklaces, or just wear something that symbolizes your coven. You don´t have to, but it´s also a fun thing to do.
You´ll need to decide how often your coven wants to meet, where you want to meet, and when you should meet. Schedules are very important, as it´s a good way to stay organized with this coven group that you are starting.
You´ll need ways to contact your coven, in case you have to change a schedule date or time. This can be online, or a letter to your coven, so you can make important announcements. Your group might also need to contact you to say if they can meet up with the coven or not during a specific date or time.
Rules are very important, as they help ground people. Rules help maintain a calm and safe way to have your group in a mindset that is good for everyone to have.
Limits are different from rules. Maybe you want a limit of how many people you want in your coven, or a limit of the age group, or any other limits that you think are necessary.
These are ranks that you have for a coven. Each rank could be used as how skilled they are, or how experienced they are. Someone of a certain rank could also have a specific job or task.
I think that´s the basics. If i did miss anything though, then please do tell me! I hope this helped you.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#567 - Rituale Romanum (Short version)
chant the following incantation and sprinkle holy water on person as you feel necessary
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo draco maledicte
et omnis legio diabolica
adjuramus te.
Cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare.
Vade, Satana, inventor et magister
omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.
Humiliare sub potenti manu dei,
contremisce et effuge, invocato a
nobis sancto et terribili nomine,
quem inferi tremunt.
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire
te rogamus, audi nos.
Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris,
te rogamus, audi nos.
Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo.
Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem
et fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Benedictus deus. Gloria patri.
#568 - Curse an Item
Ok so first prepare mentally for this inhale and breath.
For this get the item and try to feel that is here try to focus at the energy inside.
After 34-35 seconds you can feel the energy inside you and the energy of the item ignore your soul energy and look at the item you want to use your magic energy. You need to grab or touch the item.
Now prepare your energy at your hand/hands/wand.
Say and send energy: With the power of my own I call this item to make (name your owner) to cursed forever and stop when I will say (you can also put a date ).
Ok now for the part of getting rid of the curse when you want to use the energy of your magic inside you and all you have to say is you have to stop.
- If the curse is from someone else you have to get your energy against the energy of the person that did the curse and say loudly : "I Command you to stop and release the energy now."
- If the curse item try communicate with it and do the thing as good as you can.
Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#569 - Simple Curse Breaker
Stand in the shower, letting the water wash over you. Feel the water’s cleansing properties rinse away the curse and purify you. Scrub yourself clean with the water as you chant ten times:
“If truly I am cursed today, Let water wash the hex away.”
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#570 - Energy Vampire (Feeding alternative)
To conjure up energy incant / chant:
Nunc opus est tibi ut venias mecum in navitas.
To send remaining energy back in chant:
Nunc opus est tibi ut me sine navitas abierunt.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.