7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Lemon Uncrossing Spell (Break A Curse)
- How to See Monsters
- Dream Charm Bag
- Stop the Rain
- Candy charm
- Bring Good Fortune and Protection
- Wedding Candles
- Shh, Listen
- Witch/wizards Handshake
- Beginner Dream
#5761 - Lemon Uncrossing Spell (Break A Curse)
Light the candles and the incense. Hold the lemon in both hands and visualize it magnetized and drawing the negative spell away from you. Dip your athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces. Set the athame aside and visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into the pulpy fruit. Repeat the following:
''As sour as this lemon be
Charged and cut in pieces three
With salt and water I am free
Uncross me now, I will it be.
Let this lemon do it's task
It's cleansing power I do ask
As this lemon dries in air.
Free me from my dark despair.
Uncross! Uncross! I break his curse.
But let not my simple spell reverse.
I wish no ill, nor wish him pain
I wish only to be free again.''
Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated. Set the slices back on the altar and say:
''As it is my will, so mote it be!''
Leave the lemon pieces on the altar where they can dry. Once dry the spell is complete and the lemon can be thrown away or buried. If however the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell. While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5762 - How to See Monsters
As you sit in the dark room, let your eyes slowly adjust to the light. Make sure the candle or little light you have is very dim, just enough to barely see. Then focus on an object in your room.
Last edited on Oct 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5763 - Dream Charm Bag
During the full moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Before sleep each night, rub the bag over your third eye (center of forehead) and concentrate on the question, problem or situation. Then place the bag under your pillow. Continue to concentrate on the situation as you drift off. When you wake, jot down whatever you remember in your dream journal. Your question should be answered within the first few nights. Remember dreams can be symbolic or literal.
This pouch can also help increase your skill at lucid dreaming, by keeping your mind focused on the fact that you are just dreaming.
Last edited on Oct 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5764 - Stop the Rain
''Gods of power, Gods of might,
I bid you now, stop this plight,
Stop the rain, we need no more,
Let it fall, nevermore.''
Put a lot of feeling in stopping rain from falling from the clouds and it will not fall, it will simply move to a area away from where you
are and then fall.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5765 - Candy charm
Light the candle, and put the candies in a pile. Make a triangle with your index finger and thumb of both hands, and them in a deosil (clockwise) direction over the candies while chanting: "Charmed are these candy treats. Good fortune to all I merry meet!"
Then give out the candies to friends and family and three people you don't know.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5766 - Bring Good Fortune and Protection
Light the candle and place the drawing beneath it. Intone the ancient words;
" There is no refuge for the heart except Amun, him-whose-name-is-secret. I speak your words aloud that all may hear of your goodness and - I ask for your protection and good fortune"
Then take the paper and place in front of the candle and say;
" Proceed in peace that I may repeat to you the good deeds that my heart has done in the midst of the coiled-one in order to silence evil. I have done four good deeds in the midst of the portal of the horizon. I made the four winds that every man might breathe in his time.This is a deed thereof. I made the great flood that the poor man might have power to the great. This is a deed thereof.I made every man like his fellow, i did not command that they do evil, it is their hearts to cease forgetting the west, in order to make divine offerings to the gods of the nomes, this is a deed thereof"
Then take the paper and place underneath the candle again and say;
"Amun, these words spoken by him whose names are secret, bless me with your protection and good fortune"
Then let the candle burn out and take the remains and the paper and throw them in a fast flowing stream or brook.
Last edited on Oct 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5767 - Wedding Candles
Create a wedding alter, with decorations or photos for things you want at your wedding. Add a bride and groom from a wedding cake most resembling you two.
Carve your names circle with a heart your birthdays, astrological signs, and maybe the desired wedding date, into each candle.
Dress your single candle with as many of the oils as possible. Light the candle, focus on your goal as it burns. Once they've burned down, wrap all the wax in a silk scarf and put them in a safe place.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5768 - Shh, Listen
Find your place of quiet. Set up your items and try not to think about it. If using almonds, and you are on a clean surface, gently toss them and see where they fall in relation to the other objects. Light the incense and trail a circle around you. This does not require casting a circle fully, just a small clearing of negativity and promoting positive energy will do.
Light the candles in the order listed regardless of placement while pausing to reflect on what they stand for, and what each means to you. Why do they mean this? What would you think they stood for, if you did not know anything about them? Collect the almonds from the tossed position. Place them individually where your hand plops them without thinking of it. Take your bay leaf or parchment and write your intention. I suggest keeping it clear, raw, no frills.
Place parchment on your lap and hold the almonds. Say the following with a clear voice as many times as necessary.
"I admit to you, my mother
The Universe hears it now
I have not been listening
My filter did not allow.
This is my fault and
I shall change my way
Because every time I do not listen
It comes back, then I must pay.
Only for my aid do they come
So I welcome with open arms
Then silence the negative voice
That springs the "don't listen" alarm.
I am in control and
Destroy the barrier between
Me, myself, and I
Truth comes clean.
I am everything and nothing
Physical and no
Now we shall form friendship
Forged from within shall grow
I trust you with my life
Though know I live here and beyond
I am sorry I silenced you before
Now we shall get along.
Thank you for always being there
From then to now and tomorrow
Seen through every smile
Euphoria to sorrow.
We meld, you and I
Though deeper than before
Anytime I sense you
I will know for sure."
Take a moment to feel your inner selves. Call them. Speak to them with your mind, or out loud if it feels better. Do not worry about the sometimes silliness associated with talking to yourself, you cannot think without somewhat speaking to yourself. Do they have a name, or no? What are their distinct personalities? What senses are engaged when they speak/feel to you?
Take the leaf/parchment and recite the words. Burn with the pink candle, symbolizing a bridge of friendship and communication between you, yourself and you are. Place into small bottle or container, better if clear but a box where you can look at the ashes worked best for me, you modify how you see fit. Hold the bottle to your solar plexus. Think about the times you did and did not listen and the result. How will this change? Keep the ashes upon your alter, windowsill, desk.. wherever feels best. Look to it when you need to. Hold it and think again of past and future communication.
Take the almonds and pass them depending on the size of the candle, a safe distance to remain edible from each flame. Let them absorb the energy radiating from each. Gobble one at a time. Think of the connections. The leaf of the plant relates to what part of your body? The roots? Feel the nourishment nugget travel in your body. When all is done, thank the elementals and any beings if you called any. Extinguish flame. Let the incense continue to burn to finish.
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5769 - Witch/wizards Handshake
This is more of a technique than a spell however I found this out and I just had to share it with the site: Extend your right index finger and lightly touch the wrist of the person exactly where the pulse is felt . By touching the pulse it throws the acquaintance completely off his balance for just an instant , but in that instant plant an initial thought, ( example : I am the one you want for the job ) this really works.
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5770 - Beginner Dream
Write your question with a yellow marker on a piece of paper, and chant 3x:
"As I travel into the astral, I wish to know, (ask the question from the paper). This is my wish, blessed be the way"
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.