First you need to draw a 8 on a piece of paper, then go outside. This spell has to be done at night on a full moon. When you are outside, hold up the 8 so that the moonlight is reflecting off of the paper, then chant this:
"Angels, angels from far far away, take me high in the sky, let me be one of you. Wings of two ,I wish to fly just as high. I wish for wings as beautiful and as powerful as golden rings, take me far far away"
Say this at least 5 times or more to be more powerful. It will take at least a week for your wings to grow. In the morning of the seventh day, your wings will be spread out in your bed, so if you're a guy don't wear a shirt and if your a girl try to wear a sports bra.
CLose your eyes. Visulize yourself falling alseep. The longer you focus on this, the sleepier you will become. Eventually you will fade into sleep without knowing.
Spell to make things that are inflicted on you by an enemy happen to them.
You may need:
Washable red marker
Picture of enemy
You may need:
Washable red marker
Picture of enemy
Go in front of a mirror and look at your self for a few minutes. Then tape a face picture full size on the mirror. Then chant as, you do to me, I do to you, 3x. The use red marker(ERASABLE!!!)and draw a penakle onhis/her forehead and do the same to yours(need be same size and spot). Then draw a short chain from the pentackle and draw your noame at the end(on picture). then draw the same on the penakle on your head but at the end put the enemys name. then chant, we are now bound, 3x and at the end say, so mote it be. Then wash your forehead with empowered water (just visualize a powerful light beaming into it and making it glow) then it should be done. this is very adanced magic and it may not work or go horribly wrong like everything that happens to your enemy happens to you or something ofthat sort. The binding is intact as the picture is and burning it is the safest way of desolving the binding as other ways may leave residual effects.
Repeat 2 times only in times when you need help and or protection.
You may need:
20 white candles
You may need:
20 white candles
Have faith in God.Visualize what you need help with.Put the 20 white candles around you.Do not step out of the circle once your in it. Chant: "I call upon seven of gods angels to guid me and help me, I need guidance and and couldnt do this on my own". When your done doing all that you should feel relaxed and positive and full of energy.
Helps for protection(mental&physical). May also heal pain.
You may need:
You may need:
Wrap thee in cotton, bind thee with love. Protection from pain surrounds like a glove. May the brightest of blessings, surround thee this night, for thou art cared for, healing thoughts sent in flight.
Light the red candle. Close your eyes and chant: "God and Goddess, I wish to be a vampire. A vampire, make me be. I wish to be a vampire, so mote it be".
Take the wand in hand and chant: "Ashes to ashes, fire and thunder: Rise together and become one. Banish this evil for all the harm they have done. So mote it be".