7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon Wind
- Life Detect
- Sweet Dreams
- Awaken the Magic
- Friend's Seal
- Blue Sheild
- Bugs be Gone
- Volatile Love Spell
- Make A Lucky Coin
- Leave me alone (Hoodoo)
#5881 - Summon Wind
Take your wand outside, point it at the sky and repeat the following words ten times: "posvati vieta".
#5882 - Life Detect
#5883 - Sweet Dreams
Create a tranquil and calming environment for your bedroom. The curtains or walls need to be light coloured. Make sure the head of the bed is far away from the door.
Hold the laveder and walk through the room. At bedtime turn of everything in the room TV radio etc. Put a lavender sachet under your pillow and before you go to sleep say to yourself: "Feather light on starry night, cozy warm and tired, pleasant dreams and sweetest thoughts as little angels smile."
#5884 - Awaken the Magic
On monday take a bath or shower to help cleanse and purify your aura. Find a quiet place in your home so you can be undisturbed for half an hour . Sit down in front of a table . Close your eyes and take a deep breaths.
Open your eyes .With the pen draw a rectangel in the book of shadows. Now look into the rectangel and imagine it is doorway and you are steping through the door into a sunny garden full of your favorite plants and herbs and say: " to the left and right of me, above and below me, I awaken the spirit of nature and magic within me."
When you feel ready come back through the door and close the book of shadows as you say: "I am a wonderful child of the universe, and so will it be."
#5885 - Friend's Seal
Fist get your paper and draw a circle with a 5 pointed star in it. In the center of the star write the name of your god(ess) you worship, in a circle, and in the middle of that circle write your friends name. Then in each point of the star write what it is you wish to seal(being able to control their powers better, protection, an element, luck, etc.) Something in each point, but in one point put "I conceal (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc.) Of my power into this seal".
Then place the object(ring, bracelet, ring, charm, etc) into the center of the star(on top of the name) and 3 times you must chant what you have written in each point. After each time you finish chanting, say "in the name of (god/goddess), I give(how ever much power you put in this seal) of my power to (your friends name)."
After saying this 3 times, blow on the seal(without picking it up) and then remove it from the paper. After this u should feel some what over whelmed or drained and might need to lay or even feel its hard to breath. This may last about an hour depending on how much power you put in the seal. Then when you give the seal to your friend, have them blow on it as well.
Note- this seal will eventually run out of power and can only be repowered by the maker(you) using this same spell. Depending on how much power is in it
- 1/4 of your power- up to 3 months
- 2/4 of your power- up to 6 months
- 3/4 of your power- up to 9 months
- 4/4 of your power- 12 months(1 year)
#5886 - Blue Sheild
Think of a large bubble of bright blue light that envelops you, both over your head and under your feet. It can be enhanced by saying: "As above, so below. All around me protection grows" up to three times. Then visualize the angry persons hate bouncing off you and harmlessly melting away.Then you can say this protection spell:
"While I'm safe here
Within my bright shield of blue,
All anger and negativity
Now returns to you.
Leave me alone
Go bug somebody else,
Your temper will soon make
You ashamed of yourself.
Safe from all harm, I forever shall be
And as i will it, so shall it be.
#5887 - Bugs be Gone
It is a very easy spell. First think about what you want protection from (the bugs name) then say this chant as you draw a circle around yourself:
"With this cirle I errect
From (name of bug) I now protect"
You may need to chant this several times before it works.
#5888 - Volatile Love Spell
Take the petals and scatter in a circle around you, then step into the circle of petals and place the candle in front of you and light it. Then hold the rose quarts above the flame and say: "let this rite begin!" and place the rose infront of you. Hold your hands above the crystal.
Chant this 3 times:
"By goddess name and goddess will,
by Aphrodite's power,
let his heart no longer be still."
Wave your hands above the candle and and then replace over the quartz.
"Candles power, and candles light,
sift my love into his heart.
and let the spell work its might."
Channel the love into this stone,
whence he takes forth,
he will no longer be alone!"
Now write yours and his name onto the piece of paper, and say:
"Incase of untimely problems arisen,
keep the names and the petals,
to release him from his unearthly prison!!!"
If you wish to reverse the spell, the petals and the names on the paper must be burned by the light of a red candle.But bear in mind that this spell is not always reversible, especially if it backfires, then you must use a different spell to remove the charm.
When burning the paper and the petals repeat these words:
"To reverse my rite, already spoken,
I awake the powers that must be awoken,
twist the lines, and burn the facts,
reverse all unwanted magical acts!"
#5889 - Make A Lucky Coin
Carve a diamond shape into the quarter, with a line and an X through the middle. Bury this at a crossroads at midnight on Wednesday. Come back and dig it up at dawn or the next friday. This will draw luck to you. You can also annoint this with Luck, Success and Money oils
#5890 - Leave me alone (Hoodoo)
''(Name) Go away!
Out of my life forever stay!''
Mail this to the person, without a return adress