7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Basic Magical Oils
- Sweet Dreans
- Protection
- Get Luck, Love or Money
- Storm
- Summon The Dead
- Mystery
- Witch Light
- Peace and Light
- Speed-up a Slow Computer
#5901 - Basic Magical Oils
1 part juniper
1 part basil
1 part jasmine blossoms
9 drops jasmine
Come and See Me
5 drops Patchouli
1 drop Cinnamon
To attract the ideal mate, mix these true essential oils in an olive oil base, smear on a white imagecandle of the appropriate sex and burn with visualization.
3 drops Ginger
1 drop Black Pepper
1 drop Clove
Wear to increase your courage, especially before being introduced to people, prior to public speaking, & other nerve-wracking situations.
4 drops Orange
2 drops Lime
1 drop Cardamom
Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your own energy reserves. Especiallyuseful after heavy magickal ritual to recharge your bodily batteries.
Fire #1 (Elemental)
3 drops Ginger
2 drops Rosemary
1 drop Clove
1 drop Petitgrain
Wear to invoke the powers of Fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, passion & so on.
Good Luck
1 tbsp dried Wormwood
3 tsp ground Nutmeg
1/2 tsp powdered Mandrake Root
13 drops Pine
1/4 cup Olive Oil base
Allow to sit for 13 nights.
Healing #1
4 drops Rosemary
2 drops Juniper
1 drop Sandalwood
Wear to speed healing.
3 drops Myrrh
2 drops Cypress
1 drop Patchouli
1 dried Mint leaf
Mix the essential oils in a base of sesame oil. Add the dried mint leaf to the blend. Wear during rituals of defensive magick. Also wear during the waning moon in honor of Hecate, Goddess of the fading crescent.
3 tbsp Honey
3 dried Pumpkin Seeds
6 drops Honeysucklel
3 drops Rose
3 drops Patchouly
Use 1/4 cup Sunflower Oil as Base
When the Moon is full, crush the pumpkin seeds using a mortar & pestle, & then mix all of the ingredients together by the light of a new white candle. Using a sterilized silver pin, prick your right thumb & add 3 drops of your blood to the mixture. Spit twice into the mixture & stir thrice. Store.
4 drops Orange
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Pine
To infuse yourself with additional power during potent rituals, anoint with power oil.
Protection #1
5 drops Petitgrain
5 drops Black Pepper
Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also anoint the windows, doors & other parts of the house to guard it.
#5902 - Sweet Dreans
Chant the following before bed:
"Oh mighty Gods and Goddesses
Give me a dream,
A peaceful dream,
A meaningful dream,
A wonderful dream,
I light this white candle in respect,
For the Gods and Goddesses,
Who hear my plea,
Give me a dream worthy for me,
So mote it be!"
#5903 - Protection
Lay the pendant down and sprinkle tea tree oil on and around it. Shake or lay the sage around it. While doing so, chant: "Protect me from evil, Saint Michael. I ask of thee, please grant this upon me. Blessed be". Wearing the pendant will protect you from harm and ward off evil.
#5904 - Get Luck, Love or Money
Draw a pentagram on the paper then place your amulet in the center of the pentagram while sprinkling luck oil around the pentagram. Sprinkle some on the amulet while chanting: "da mihi amare pecuniam fortuna diis placet" then place the amulet on. Make sure no one touches it all luck will be gone.
#5905 - Storm
Place all of the candles in the shape of a pentagram. Light them, and stand in the middle. Raise your hands up towards the sky and chant:
Thunder growls and winds that howl,
lightening strike a storm that prowls,
louder and louder I call to thee:
Strike down, now, my enemies"
#5906 - Summon The Dead
#5907 - Mystery
Choose a small unlined bound book. Light a white candle. By its flame,draw a pentagram on the first page. On this page, beneath the pentagram, add the date of the spell you created, your mundane name, and the moon phase. Now hold it up before the candle and say these or similar words:
"O stars, O sun
O moon so bright,
Bless now this spell,
I've made tonight"
Raise the paper/book to the north, east, south,and west. Copy one of your spells that you want to work.
#5908 - Witch Light
During times of need, give yourself a daily protection spell by visualizing a light blue pentagram in the center of your forehead. Renew this as often as needed. It's also a good idea to place these pentagrams at the four corners of your dwelling.
#5909 - Peace and Light
Light be bright within my soul
Emerge from night, safe and whole
Peace is mine at this time
Piercing dark, my light shall shine
For now, for more, and ever true
With light and love am I imbued
#5910 - Speed-up a Slow Computer
Put your hands to the screen of your computer and push your energy into it. Imagine lights, if need be.