7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Barrier Protection
- Warding Off Unlickiness And Evil Spirits
- Find your Element
- Sleep Spell
- Flame of Death
- Overall Weather Stopper
- SUPER easy relaxtion
- Split your Soul
- Deceptus
- Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
#5961 - Barrier Protection
Draw a circle around the person or thing being protected. Place the barrier seal in the middle with them on it, then have them focus there energyinto there hands ans blast the seal.
If your doing the spell for you make the seal into a pendent and wear it for prtection.
#5962 - Warding Off Unlickiness And Evil Spirits
#5963 - Find your Element
Ok, so first make sure you have all of your ingreients. So take your wand and point it up to the sky and say:
"Oh dear gods and goddesses, help me find my element, so mote it be!"
Say that 3 times,then take your wand and hold it with your righting hand and point it at the other. do u feel the energy? Well if you do,you are on the right track. so after that move your hand slowly across the, candle that is lit on fire, the bowl of water, and the pile of dirt rocks or whatever the earth provides. then if you feel more energy when you are moving your hands over one of them then thats the one you want, if its, fire say:
"Oh dear gods and godesses fire is my element, so mote it be!"
Then take you wand and burn the tip of it then blow the candel out... if your element is water say:
"Oh dear gods and godesses water if my element, so mote it be!"
Then drink the water... if earth is your element say:
"Oh dear gods and godesses earth is my element, so mote it be!"
Then take the dirt, rocks or whatever and put them in between you hands and rub 6 times... then say:
"Oh thank you dear gods and godesses, I have found me element, so mote it be!"
#5964 - Sleep Spell
Just sit in a room on a chair or bed.
Now close your eyes and feel yourself going into a deep meditated state of mind.
Recite once:
"Into the dark of night,
Let me drift to my mind,
Dream, dreams of things to come,
Or things desired.
And as I wake with the rising sun,
Shall I be awake and refreshed.
So Mote It Be."
#5965 - Flame of Death
Use a candle or something to hold a flame take what ever it is you have dead and burn it until it turns to ashes. Now pull out your wand and take the ashes then rub the ashes all over your wand. Next, point your wand at your opponent and chant "Fire to fire, death to death, mix them both with my next breath. Summon the flame of the burning death. Fire gets hotter depending on what they did, so show them what it's like to die. When it's over they've been told deathly lies, this is my will so mote it be"
#5966 - Overall Weather Stopper
First collect about a tea spoon of rainwater and poor it in a small cup (bowl is fine). Get some grass (leaves are fine) and put them in the rain water chanting: "As rain may come and go, please this time. Don't let it show. As all may know, Don't let it show."
Then get some dry dirt and mix it with the grass and rain water Then light your 2 black candles (On each side of the mixture). And recite: "From moon to sun, I call apon you. Take this weather away from us. Do not let it touch us."
Now light your single white candle and wave it over the mixture and put it down in front of the mixture. Blow the candles out and the weather shall not touch or harm you.
#5967 - SUPER easy relaxtion
then, keep it there and take a deep slow breath
then put ur pointer finger at the corner of ur eye where the faces edge is
keep it there and take a deep breath
then put ur finger under ur eye and take a deep breath
then take ur finger and put it above ur upper lip and below ur nose. take a deep breath.
then put ur finger under ur lower lip then take a deep breath.
now ur done! it is easy and simple and can be done anywhere!
NOTE: this is not mine but from another website!
plz mail me n tell me if it works it might be in my head but it worked try, rate, and mail plz -ty :D
#5968 - Split your Soul
Go outside at exactly midnight with 5 other people and place the objects on the ground. Then place a candle to beside each object light the candles and put them in a circle take the dead rose petals and place them on the flame of the candles you and the 5 other people take out your wands concentrate on the flame and chant:
"Deathly hour use our power take our soul and split it(then the number of times your splitting) times at a deathly toll this is my wish so mote it be."
#5969 - Deceptus
Take the 2 towels and lay them in front of you then take the 6 candles and make a circle. After that take the picture and put it in the middle of the candles then light the candles pull out your wand aim it at the person your casting at and say "Deceptus!"
#5970 - Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
Place both hands in the air. Speak loud and clear, " (Name), I bind you now from doing harm or causing pain". Continue to say this until you feel power coursing through your body.
Now say as loud as possible, "I've said these words of binding so now it shall be". Band your hands together as hard as possible, clasping your hands together at the end. Repeat this final chant three times.