This spell charms your amulet(s) to bring happiness when your upset or angary. A good spell for beginners in the magickal arts.
You may need:
An amulet
Sea salt
You may need:
An amulet
Sea salt
Fill the bowl with water and place the amulet into the water.Put the bowl somewhere it can be in the sun and moonlight. Let the amulet sit in the water until midnight. At midnight, put some sea salt into your hand and visualize your happiest mermory.Think of what it means to you,let those feelings swirl around you. Imagine a silvery light traveling down your arms and into the sea salt. Now sprinkle the sea salt into the water. Do this for 13 days, never removing the amulet. On the 13th day take the amulet out of the water and dry it off. Hold it close to your heart and say:
To look into someones eyes and see what they've seen.
You may need:
Believe that it will work
Strong third eye
You may need:
Believe that it will work
Strong third eye
Take a deep breath, look into someones eyes and focus on there eyes. You should feel emotions rushing in, If none of this is working please email me and I will have the answers.
A little knowledge in Chakras, Kuji-in, chi/ki, qigong and/or telepathy wouldn't hurt (would help serve a purpose), but really you don't need anything.
You may need:
A little knowledge in Chakras, Kuji-in, chi/ki, qigong and/or telepathy wouldn't hurt (would help serve a purpose), but really you don't need anything.
First take a deep breath and get into a meditative state.
Then hold the Kyo Mudra.
Now hold this Mudra to your third eye (located in the center of your eyes on your forehead)
Hold it there for as long as you feel you need to.
Side note, This should help with the telepathy spell I previously listed.
An easy to do spell, where you can charge a battery with your chi!
You may need:
You may need:
We've all been there: Your playing a game and you're at the final boss and your batteries die! Blam you lose and all your progress is lost.
Well luckily I've recently figured out a way to charge those batteries back up! With you chi!
If you can make a chi ball (more importantly a one handed chi ball) then its really simple. Just hold the battery in one hand so that the negative side is facing your dominant chi hand. Make a chi ball over the negative side and hold it there for a while.
Now if your battery is dead, it will be pretty light. When you are holding your chi hand over the batter, you will be able to feel the energy in the battery moving around! Its pretty cool. It will also start to get heavier. When its done it will be as heavy as a brand new battery!
The first time I did it, I was really excited. I had heard of chi masters lighting up actual light bulbs with their chi, thats what gave me the idea...
This is a spell I created when my body was aching for days. Simply say the chant as many timed you feel is needed.
You may need:
You may need:
Chant the following: "Healing rain. Mend with might. Take away the pain, make it rain. Let water fall, absorbed within me. Healing my wounds of lethargy. Restore my energy".
This simple powder will divert unwelcome ghosts and spirits when placed in their path.It is best done when the moon is waning.
You may need:
1 part dried rosemary leaves,ground
1 part sea salt
1 part garlic powder
died black beans
You may need:
1 part dried rosemary leaves,ground
1 part sea salt
1 part garlic powder
died black beans
Blend the first three ingredients and seal the powder a glass container.Store the beans in a separate container.Beans are an ancient charm against ghosts,and black is the best color for banishing.Keep the beans handy for emergencies.Throw or spit beans at a ghost to drive it away.If there is a ghost or spirit in your home,try to observe its behavior.Note in which room it is most often seen,felt,or heard,and pay special attention to its coming and goings.Sprikle the Ghost Powder so as to make a barrier across the place where it enters your space.Also sprinkle the powder where it exits,but be sure to do this when it is not present,so that you will not trap it in your home.Spirits are easy to call but can be hard to get rid of,so Ouija boards and seance are dangerous.If you insist on on calling on spirits despite this warning,be sure to cast a circle first,to protect yourself.Ghost Powder could be sprinkled to mark the circle on the floor.If the Ghost Powder cannot banish the ghost or spirit at your house,you are dealing with something very stroung and need professional help.Look for a witch,psychic,or other practioner who has experience and expertise in banishing ghosts,or helping spirits to move on to the light.