7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Magic ring protection spell
- Spell Boost
- Magic Protection Spell #2
- Magical Protection
- Protection Spell
- Lunarkinesis
- Create a servitor/minion
- Blessing Water with The Power of the Moon
- Three stones of Equal Power
- Ki Drawing
#6271 - Magic ring protection spell
Place the ring in the North of the room you wish to cast the spell in.
Place around it stones and symbols of earth.
Take the ring and in a shell or crystal dish filled with water mix some salt in.Say over this:
''Creature of earth, I beseech of thee.
Protection from harm is what I wish for me,
In to you this ring I place,
Bind the protection well and to evil give chase.''
Leave the ring in overnight in the light of the full moon and in the morning wash the salt
water off, clear everything away and wear it!
To remove the spell, place it in the south and say:
''With thanks for protection given
I now wish this spell riven!''
and leave it there overnight in a window during a new moon.
#6272 - Spell Boost
This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This will add a certain boost to the releasing of energy. It works best if you happen to be wearing a pentagram or other amulet/talisman you have attuned to yourself and charged.
Speak these words with all the fibers of your body while you focus on releasing energy: "By the pentagram/amulet/talisman I wear. Water, fire, earth and air! Ruled by spirit, all should be. As I will it so mote it be".
#6273 - Magic Protection Spell #2
''Trice around the circle's bound
Sink all evil into the ground''
Say it 3x and end with
''So Mote It Be!''
#6274 - Magical Protection
Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells.
Visualize your self sitting in the middle of the pentacle facing upwards with 3 circles of purple light around you and chant:
"Protect me with all your might
Goddess gracious day and night."
Say it 3x and end with
"So Mote It Be!"
#6275 - Protection Spell
''By the dragons light, on this (month) night,
I call to thee to give me your might,
by the power of three, I conjure thee,
to protect all that, surrounds me, so mote it be!
#6276 - Lunarkinesis
Lunar energy drawing: Sit in a dark room and see the shadows of the room entering your being,charging you.
Lunar energy drawing: This is something I myself created. Sit in a room (dark or lights on) and visualise the darkness coming from the ground and surrounding you like a wall of darkness,see it spinning with spirits of darkness,Now see these spirits coming inside you,one by one.
Dark ball: Now as you have gathered enough dark energies,visualise the dark energy flowing inside your body and send them to your hands and project the dark energies out,and form it into a ball.
Dark sap: Take any living thing (plant,animal or human) and see a cord of purple energy coming from your victim and into your hand and just sap the energy from them. I visualise it like this,see the victims aura and as you sap the energy see their aura reducing,until all of it is gone.
Dark death: This is a dangerous practice that i cannot post it,if you want to know this,then message me.
#6277 - Create a servitor/minion
I make a form, I make a name, For my minion, who shall be the same. (He/She/It) shall perform (his/her/its) destiny, For in truth (he's/she's/it's) a part of me. (He/She/It) shall by my minion, For my dreams are (his/her/its) only food. A minion of (light/darkness) you shall be. Your name is ______, SO MOTE IT BE!
Now to summon it, chant this and imagine your minion pulling itself out of your back:
__name___, ___name___, appear before me. I am your master, SO MOTE IT BE!
Don't worry if it doesn't look good, minions can shapeshift. Also, your drawing will be an actual size(it grows as it ages and feeds) version. Yes, it DOES have a gender, or if you choose not, it's an ''it''. A minion will do whatever you want, and it will do better things as it grows. If it's light or dark depends on what you are. It ''sleeps'' when dismissed and ''feeds'' on your dreams. It IS alive. If it's light, it grows stronger on goods dreams. If it's dark, vice versa. Only you can see your minion. You must charge it by placing the picture in a light/dark place, then going to sleep to feed it. Then, when you feel it's well rested, try summoning it. Remember, minions can do anything once full size(About 6 feet tall if humanoid and on a normal piece of paper.) Dismissing your minion:
Enter, __name___, enter me. It's time for your rest, SO MOTE IT BE!
Remember to do this with a strong commanding voice and if your minion dosent show up,cast it over and over again.But remember to take a rest or your energy will exhaust.Remember that these minions feed on energy,so you should always do a (draw in energy) meditations,to keep the energy balanced.
AND NO,THIS SPELL IS NOT fAKE,ITS REAL,IT ONLY NEEDS LOTS Of PRACTICE.(Practice makes perfect) remember this and you will never fail in magic.
#6278 - Blessing Water with The Power of the Moon
''Moon Spirit's from Above,
Fill this jar with Magic, and Love''
After you chant leave it out there for the night. You can mix different types of water made into moon water for stronger or defferent results. You can add in herbs if you want to use the water for a specific purpose.
#6279 - Three stones of Equal Power
Arrange the stones in a triangle position,the stones as the points. Sit in the middle and say:
"Three stones of equal power, I call upon your power. All those except for me will have an urge to leave."
#6280 - Ki Drawing
Sit in a meditative position and visualise there is a gateway in your navel(and the gateway should be,like a energy portal that draws energy to your Ki energy,which is located in your navel)Now then.Visualise the earth`s energy as a green energy and see it channeling to your Ki energy,remember thru the gateway and into your Ki energy.As it enters your Ki energy see it charging your Ki energy,visualise it glowing brighther.
[for dose who dont know what is Ki energy,it is a energy orb located inside your navel]