7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Giving a New Wand Power
- Vampire
- create a spirt animal
- Find a lost Item
- Energy Controlling
- To Open The Third Eye
- Have the strongest power spell
- Conjure up Darkness and fire
- Devils snare
- Elemental Awakening
#621 - Giving a New Wand Power
Stand in the middle of whever you are, or against a tree. Next, dig a hole and place you wand in the ground, then sprinkle the Moon Dust on your wand before covering up. Chant these words, one only - " When I dig you up in 48 hours, please gift my wand with magic powers. I know that I'm not asking much, I'm just asking for a magic touch. I'll now leave my wand for your making, until I find you again, and you will be mine for the taking." Then cover your wand up, making sure tat where you've buried it, it won't be dug up, and leave it for 48 hours then dig it up again. Remember to wash it when you get the chance, as when you left the moon Dust on it, it sunk into the wand, and washing it gives it a kind of seal.
#622 - Vampire
Relax and meditate. Get a clear head, unwind from all of the things that happened throughout the day. Make sure you're absolutely focused on this spell, nothing else.
Make sure you've thought your choice through. This is a life changing decision. Nothing will ever be the same again.
Make sure you read this spell to make sure it's to your liking. Don't want to be stuck with something you're not happy with.
When you're ready, take three deep breaths.
On this night and at this time I ask (Your deity) to please transform me into a vampire.
With skin like granite, unbreakable pale white, cold as ice, and that sparkles in the sunlight.
I ask to have the power of (Power you want)
I will be able to drink human and animal blood,
My eyes will turn different colors, depending on how well I am fed,
Burgundy and the entire spectrum of red if I drink human blood and for six months after my transformation,
Gold and the entire spectrum of yellow, if I drink animal blood,
But always coal black when I am thirsty,
I will have perfect vision, and full color night vision,
I will be in severe pain for three days, as I am transformed, on the third day my heart will stop forever signaling the end of my transformation.
I will be able to hold my breath indefinitely.
I won't feel pain,
I won't need to eat,
I won't need to sleep,
I won't get sick,
I won't have fangs, instead I'll have normal but razor sharp teeth,
I'll never forget anything,
I'll have super strength,
I'll have super speed,
I'll have super senses,
I'll have immortality,
I'll have accelerated healing,
Wait for three days, if none of this comes true it didn't work.
#623 - create a spirt animal
''Oh animal kingdom bring my
(name your animal) to life
for it can guide me and offer me
friendship.Use the finest magick.
So mote it be.''
#624 - Find a lost Item
Light the white candle and say this as many time until you feel right (usually 3 times)
"Though I was careless,
tossed it around without a clue
I've lost me (insert item here) now
and I need to find it soon
by the moons waxing glow
and the tides rise and fall
come back to me (insert item here)
come here to my call."
Then blow out the candle and go about your day as normal. Try to look forward if you feel you should, listen to what you feel is right and you should be put on the path to find it. It helped me find my earbuds.
Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#625 - Energy Controlling
Close your eyes and concentrate. Imagine energy flowing out of your hands and feeling a tingle in them. Continue concentrating and pushing the energy out until your hands feel almost "static". This energy can be used to accomplish greater things.
#626 - To Open The Third Eye
Sit alone in a room and light the candles. Close your eyes and imagine a white light coming from
the location of your third eye. Let the light wash over you. After basking in the light for at least five
minutes, you will say these words:
aperi oculos
After the initial ritual is complete, you must then continue for 10 days. Light the candles, meditate,
imagine the white light, say the words. Over the course of 11 days overall, you should see gradual
progress until you have finally opened your third eye.
#627 - Have the strongest power spell
First,place all the gemstones around you until it becomes a circle and then sit down,place one gemstone on top of your head and meditate so you can attain the power you been looking for.
#628 - Conjure up Darkness and fire
Place 3 Red Candles on bottom and two black candles on top light the candles at night where evils powers are the most strongest and darkness is the most strongest Light the candles after drawing the pentagram and the circle of summoning doesnt matter if its paper or carved in ground but for me i reccommend paper so you can send the message to Satan Drip some of your blood in the middle after you Draw the S in the middle then say these words 5 times while placing your hands over the flames of the candles and make sure to blow out the candles after burning the paper in the middle place the paper in the middle and light it on fire and say these words after lighting the candles and the paper Lord of darkness come to me Satan the lord of the fire i wish to gain more power in my body let the energy flow through my veins and spare me the power to gain control fire within me darkness command the powers of darkness cut myself with this drip of blood as a gift from me to you lord satan let me command the powers of hell so mote it be let darkness take over my soul now blow out the candles after saying it 5 times make sure its in a cold area
#629 - Devils snare
Trap a caster of black magic in any situation into a pit and force them to turn to the light side imagin a brown vine with green leaves twisting around there body and snaring there toung. The first spell you learn as a light caster.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#630 - Elemental Awakening
1. Set up a pentagram with salt | 2. Put every 5 Elements at each corners (The elements must be enchanted or It will not work) | 3. Sit in the middle of the Pentagram and meditate for about up to 10 minutes | 4. Chant this: "Elements of 5! Please come alive! Tell me I have one! So this spell can be done! What's my Element? Let me see! This is my wish so mote it be!" | 5. Chant it three times then just meditate for another ten minutes. I don't know how many days it'll take for your element to awake, but you'll know if you feel closer to an element.
Thanks for reading! Again this spell may not work but I put effort ito this so It might!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.