Take the item and write your enchantment onto the item using the pen. Put the item in the center of a pentagram and chant three times, "levo dox neo drodo". Before you remove the item, put a dot at the end of whatever you wrote.
A cauldron(or something you can burn stuff in; a bowl, pot, etc..)
candle(preferebly white or blue)
lighter or matches
You may need:
A cauldron(or something you can burn stuff in; a bowl, pot, etc..)
candle(preferebly white or blue)
lighter or matches
Right the persons name on the paper, put the paper in the cauldron, burn the paper, as its burning recite:
''Goddess of protection hear my plea,
Keep this person away from me,
When the are near they will feel pure pain,
The closer they are the stronger the pain,
Goddess of protection hear my plea,
Keep this person away from me(repeat as many times as you feel needed),
So mote it be''
When the paper has been burnt throw the ashes outside and let the goddess do the rest.
make a hole in the ground then draw and eye inb that hole, then make wavy lines on top of the eye, then say
''surface speak,
surface feel,
surface think,
surface real.''
the hole should fill with water then you dip you big toe one which ever side your handed and a reflection should come to life.
this is a simple but dangerous spell only to be used by the coven of spellcasters.
You may need:
1 Victem
You may need:
1 Victem
Make sure the victem is asleep, then take a strand of hair from there head while chanting,
''corrupt thy dreams but dont awake,
till morning comes thy dream i take,
and leave in place this dark nightmare,
but rest in peace after thys scared.''
A protection spell that protects you and your friend pysicaly and emotionally.
You may need:
A piece of paper
A dark colored pen
Red or white candle
You may need:
A piece of paper
A dark colored pen
Red or white candle
Take the piece of paper and use the pen to draw a pentagram on it. Light the red or white candle and place it within the middle of the pentagram. Focus hard on your power as you hold one hand above the flame. Chant: "Give protection to thy friend, (name of person). So mote it be".
This spell is to reverse any spell that you may think someone has put upon you
You may need:
1 black candle
a pin (for engraving)
olive oil mixed with red pepper flakes
You may need:
1 black candle
a pin (for engraving)
olive oil mixed with red pepper flakes
Use the pin and carve ''return to sender'' all over the candle, then anoint the candle with the olive oil/red pepper flakes.
Light the candle and just let it burn out.
This spell will banish any demons or people you don't like.
You may need:
You may need:
Close your eyes and say this spell:
''Clouds of the sky
rocks of the land,
Join together
within my hand
Fire underground
Water up above
take the formation
of a majestic dove
all four elements
join together,
and banish the evil night-dweller''
Invoke the goddess to help your vision be unclouded.
You may need:
1 white or purple candle
1 herb (rosemary,thyme)
You may need:
1 white or purple candle
1 herb (rosemary,thyme)
Light the candle and burn the herb as soon as you see smoke say: "Give me the power to see through the fog. The fog is my ally, my friend, my resolve. Give me the power to see through the haze, to see through it clearly, to see through the maze. Goddess, hear me. Goddess, see me. Goddess, let me see!".
Sit in a chair with your back straight or sit on the ground crossed-legged. Take deep relaxing breathes, until you are relaxed and feel comfortable. Now focus your attention on your fore-head. Keep focusing you will feel a tingle on your fore-head. I recommend doing this exercise no less than 5-10 minutes each day.