7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- To Protect An Object
- BOS Protection Spell
- Remember Dreams
- Dead Appear
- New Years Purification
- Moonlight Candle Blessing
- Summon a Bus
- Flu Be Gone
- Jinx Bag
- Spell for Protection in Snow
#6601 - To Protect An Object
With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Now visualize electric blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram. Say this as you trace:
"With this pentagram I lay protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch, let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three this is my will so mote it be"
#6602 - BOS Protection Spell
Hold you Right hand over the book and say ''Whom-so-ever views this tome, Power's ebb and flow be known. Bespeak to none the scribed marks here, or know the meaning true of fear''.
After you say that trace with youe index finger the Rune Thorh.
With your Right Hand still over the book say the next lines,''Aloud, the cast is set in stone. No pleas recanting will atone. Silent caution by thy guide. Choose not these words to set aside''.
Trace with your index finger the Rune Odal.
Right hand over the book say ''Invited shall the blessing be: Three fold thrice as three time three. In knowledge sought and wisdom gained. The learned way is thus maintained''.
Trace with index finger the Rune Wyn
Last one, Right hand over book say ''If theft of power be thy goal. Then cease thy wandering through my soul. For cursed will thy person be, Threefold thrice, so mote it be''.
Trace with index finger the Rune Haegl
Now if you choose to hide your book. place it in its hiding spot and trace the same runes over the spot like u did over the book. THORH, ODAL, WYN, and HAEGL.
Then send up your own quick little chant to the gods/goddess, asking for them to keep your book/hiding place safe and protected from wandering eyes.
#6603 - Remember Dreams
#6604 - Dead Appear
First you must place each person in each direction. Remember, only four people can participate in this spell. Next you tell everyone to light a candle and place it behind them in a candle holder. North and South holding a red candle and East and West holding a black candle.
After that you must take the bowl of lukewarm water and place it at the North's area. Place the dead family member's article of clothing etc in the middle and on the piece of paper write their name in large letters then after write: "Awaken from the dead, with no cost of Father Satan's repel. Each one of us shall be protected with the candles and the water shall remain still for it will shake when our friend has arrived in the room."
Finally chant out some prayers, just pray about anything related to the dead family member. After that the room will get lighter and the bowl of water will begin to shake, once this happens you must stay within the square of the candles.
Did you see him/her?
#6605 - New Years Purification
Light the end smudge stick on fire. Let it burn for a few seconds, then blow it out. Let there be a smoking ember on the end. Place the smudge stick in your fire-proof bowl. Take the feather and use it to waft the smoke around you. Move slowly from room to room in your house, wafting smoke and thinking peaceful thoughts. Visualise the smoke going out an open window and taking with it all the negativity in each room. Visualise the energy of the sage as a white light bringing peace and tranquility into your home. If you want you can say:
"I cleanse and consecrate thee in the name of the Goddess and the God. May their blessings reside within thee."
When you're done your house, waft the smoke over yourself, visualising it as purifying you. Visualise the white light surrounding you, and banishing any lingering negativity from the past year. So mote it be. (ps- don't forget to open your windows so you don't asphixiate yourself, and be sure to extinguish the smudge stick when you're finished!)
#6606 - Moonlight Candle Blessing
Place candle(s) on your window sill in the moonlight. Stand before them, with your hands outstretched over them. Concentrate, visualise the moons light charging the candles with loving protection, and say:
"Charge this candle by my will, The colour one sitting on my sill. Charge with power and with love, And protective rays from up above. From sun to moon and moon to me, to this protection candle, so mote it be!"
Another variation of the chant is:
"Mother Moon, Please come soon. Lend me your love, And your light from above. Make me a light, To carry through the night. Charge this candle with protection, colour and tall like your protection. Shine your love for all to see, A protection candle, so mote it be!"
Say it as many times as you feel is necessary. Leave the candle on your sill in the moonlight overnight.
#6607 - Summon a Bus
Hold the pentacle (if you have one...if you don't its fine) in your left hand, the bus fare (token, money, pass etc) in your right. Concentrate, visualise the bus coming, you getting on the bus, and say:
"Earth, Air, Fire, Water, send a bus to pick up another. Dirt, Flame, Wind, and Sea, send me a bus number, so mote it be."
Keep visualising until the bus arrives. This can probably be adapted for trains, but I've never tried. Feel free to send me a message with questions.
#6608 - Flu Be Gone
First put the neacklase/talisman in the water then say:
"Flu be gone body be strong."
Three times then say:
"So mote it be."
At the end where the neacklase for 3 days and nights and your flu should be cured.
#6609 - Jinx Bag
Put every thing in the bag and keep it on you at all times.
#6610 - Spell for Protection in Snow
I charge you with protection
Place the salt in saying:
I charge you with stability
Place the cayenne pepper in saying:
I charge you with warmth.
Place the ginger in saying:
I charge you with protection
Place the cloves in saying:
I charge you with protection.
Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, visualize yourself having a safe health, guarded time. Now transfer the hers to the center of the cloth squares.
Fold in half and in half again and sew up the ends. Carry this with you.
Make a new charm ever snowy season.