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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Psychic Instructions Level 1
  2. Reveal What Someone Thinks of You
  3. Earth Rising
  4. Herbal Magic
  5. Energy Tea
  6. Magic Water
  7. Awaken your Magic
  8. Opening a Circle
  9. Circle Casting
  10. Balance the Elements

#6621 - Psychic Instructions Level 1

Mind Reading
You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    1. Focus on others the here inner thought.
    2. When youve heard your inner thought thin of a rope of chi coming out of your hand.
    3. Make it grow then wrape around another persons head.
    4. Listen you can here the thoughts.
    5. Go to instruction 2.

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    #6622 - Reveal What Someone Thinks of You

    This spell is to reveal what someone thinks of you but through your dream. I tried it and it worked for me so it should work for you. It is very easy.
    You may need:

  • A Sheet of paper.
  • A pen.
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    You may need:

  • A Sheet of paper.
  • A pen.
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    Write the name of the person you are wondering about on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, then half again. Draw an eyeball on the outside of the folded page. Slip the page under your pillow and before bed and chant:

    "With dreamers eyes I seek to see what this person thinks of me. Be it good or be it will reveal to me as is my will."

    Close your eyes and picture this person sitting across a crowded room. The room is all a buzz with conversation you cannot hear clearly. This is gossip about you that this person started. It may be good things and/or it may be bad. As you move towards the person let yourself fall asleep.

    When you wake, jot down what you heard in your dream, particularly anything she or he said or did. Your answer will reveal itself. If you do not get the answer to your questions, consider what was revealed to you instead. Perhaps there is a truth you are missing that is more compelling then the one you seek. Blessed be!

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    #6623 - Earth Rising

    You can rise dust and control it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine the dirt and earth beneath you rising slowly, and taking shape of some sort. With enough concentration it can happen.

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    #6624 - Herbal Magic

    Upgrades your powers effect and improves your amount of magic.
    You may need:

  • whatever your zodiac sign is go wit it.
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    You may need:

  • whatever your zodiac sign is go wit it.
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    Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a "recipe" that's just right for each of us.
    Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and
    well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in
    times of stress or illness. Here's a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made for each of the
    signs, due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of that sign.

    Allspice, basil, cayenne, garlic, ginger, mustard, onion, pepper.
    It's no secret that Aries is the astrological equivalent of a bullet.
    It's a red-hot burst of energy that's capable of overcoming any
    obstacle by charging straight for it. The ruler of Aries is Mars, the "red"
    planet, the ancient god of war who was known for his equally fiery
    temperament. No wonder, then, the herbs that correspond with your sign
    are also a bit "hot" to the taste. Use them in cooking to raise your
    endorphins, the substance Mars loves best.
    TAURUS - Venus
    Apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, heather, hibiscus, raspberry, rose.
    Taurus is the sign that's fondest of the pleasures that life inside
    these bodies can provide. Whether it's a blazing sunset, a symphony by
    Mozart, or a delicious meal, you folks are experts at enjoying the
    physical delights of the senses. It's no surprise that the herbs you'll
    enjoy most are the sweet ones, since your planet, Venus, is the
    purveyor of sweetness. Use each of them to satisfy that sweet tooth.
    GEMINI - Mercury
    Clover, eyebright, fennel, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marjoram, parsley.
    Your quick-witted, fleet-footed energy just loves variety - in fact, the
    expression "variety is the spice of life" was written with you in mind.
    Each of these herbs provide a different type of taste, and most can be
    combined in a light, aromatic tea you can sip on the run. Use clove or
    slippery elm to protect against gossip and to keep your thoughts and
    actions grounded.
    CANCER - Moon
    Aloe, lemon balm, chamomile, mimosa, lavender, lilac.
    Nurturing is your business, Cancer, and you distribute your soothing
    touch to one and all. There's nothing you like better than a home that
    smells good, too, whether it's because there's something wonderful
    simmering on the stove, a vase of fresh flowers on the dining room
    table, or a warm, fragrant bubble bath waiting for you upstairs. Each
    of the herbs listed above are known for their ability to calm, heal, or
    bring a wonderful aroma to the environment. Use aloe to soothe burns
    and scrapes and chamomile for a wonderful bedtime tea.
    LEO - Sun
    Chicory, cinnamon, goldenseal, rosemary, St. John's Wort, sandalwood.
    Your planet is the Sun, Leo, the source of life and warmth that keeps
    us all alive and provides us with the energy we need to keep pursuing our
    life's quest. It makes perfect sense, then, that the bright, cheerful
    sunflower would be the perfect representation of your equally bright
    and happy sign. Herbs like goldenseal and St. John's Wort are tailor-made
    for you, too, since their ability to keep the body resistant to illness
    and depression are well known. Mix a bit of chicory with your morning
    coffee to help remove any obstacles that come up.
    VIRGO - Mercury
    Caraway, dill, eyebright, horehound, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory.
    Your quick-thinking meticulous sign likes nothing better than a mental
    challenge, Virgo, whether it's organizing a pile of papers at the
    office, solving a puzzle, or learning a new skill. The herbs listed
    above are all well known for their subtle abilities to strengthen the
    mind, and many can be mixed together in teas to give you a boost you
    often need at the end of a long day. The lily of the valley seems
    perfect for you, too, with its subtle, "clean" scent and delicate flowers.
    LIBRA - Venus
    Catnip, passion flower, persimmon, rose, sugar cane, violet.
    There's no sign as fond of pleasing others as yours, Libra, whether it's
    by saying just the right thing to bring warring factions together, or by
    using your polite charm to draw the object of your desires closer. Of
    course, catnip is famous for its effects on our feline friends, but its
    also traditionally used in conjunction with rose petals to bring loving
    relationships that last forever. Since you're ruled by Venus, you're
    capable of being every bit as sweet as the sugar cane - but if you need
    a bit of help to attract a beloved, use this potent plant (sugar cane)
    that's long been used to conjure love - sweetly.
    SCORPIO - Pluto/Mars
    Ginseng, dill, patchouli, pomegranate, saffron, vanilla.
    As fond as you are of intensity and intimacy, Scorpio, it's no wonder
    the herbs you'll love best are famous for their use in stirring up
    passion. Drink ginseng tea (or offer some to your beloved) to induce a
    magnetic physical attraction. Wear patchouli to arouse lust and silently
    conjure the magic of the Beltane rituals. Present the object of your
    desire with a pomegranate, the fruit traditionally associated with
    seductive Pluto, your ruling planet.
    SAGITTARIUS - Jupiter
    Anise, clove, fig, hyssop, mugwort, myrtle, nutmeg, rosemary, sage.
    There's no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and
    determination than yours Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance
    and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another
    experience, drink a tea made of anise, rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in
    making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use mugwort.
    Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you'll need to pay for your travels.
    CAPRICORN - Saturn
    Comfrey, horsetail, mint, poppy, sassafras, woodruff.
    You've always been described as a very "focused" sign, Capricorn, intent
    on self-sufficiency and material success. The influence of your planet,
    Saturn, gives you the ambition and self-discipline to attain those
    goals, and to ensure success and prosperity in business matters, too.
    Each of the herbs mentioned above are known for their ability to attract
    that success, and most can be mixed together in a tea.
    AQAURIUS - Uranus/Saturn
    Anise, bittersweet, citron, dandelion, lemon verbena, rosemary, sage.
    Your sign is a cerebral one, Aquarius, and your ability to turn "odd" or
    eccentric ideas into strokes of genius is well known. Since
    communication (and mass communication in particular) is your specialty,
    the herbs above are all associated with the air principle, which rules
    the intellectual side of life. To increase your already powerful
    intuition, use citron, clover, or rosemary. Above all else, listen to
    that intuition. It will seldom prove to be wrong.
    Pisces - Neptune/Jupiter
    Aloe, bay, cotton, eucalyptus, lavender, Norfolk Island pine, rue.
    As the most sensitive and psychic of all signs, Pisces, yours is the one
    that requires help to ward off the adverse thoughts and intentions of
    others. Since you have no boundaries to keep you separate from others,
    you also need protection against negative influences. To that end, use
    rue, a powerful herb known to ward off ills of every kind. To stay
    positive and healthy keep a lavender plant growing either outside or inside your home.

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    #6625 - Energy Tea

    What it says.
    You may need:

  • tea
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • tea
  • voice
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    Over your cup of tea, move your hand in a clockwise direction 3 times and say:
    ''I am the tool you are the fire
    fill this cup with all I desire.'' Swirl the tea in the cup and drink it.

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    #6626 - Magic Water

    Use this spell to create magically charged water.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bottle
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bottle
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    Be completely CLEAR about what you want to achieve. That is the core of working with energy magic anyway, because any form of confusion will throw the vibration out of whack and the potion will become unstable. So, for example, if you want to make a healing potion for Auntie Betty, make a strong image, a movie, in your mind of Auntie Betty being well, being healed, laughing, walking in a garden or something that really denotes your target and your aim - for Auntie Betty to be well.

    Let go of ALL DOUBTS and concentrate on what you want to achieve so that becomes the only thing on your mind, the ONLY thing that is being imprinted.

    Now, and holding this goal firmly in your mind, the whole energy of it running through your own body, either hold the container and let this energy flow into the water; or write on a piece of paper, "Aunty Betty's healing remedy" and affix it to the bottle. You can also do both but remember that you need to HOLD THE INTENTION both when physically imprinting the water, as well as when you are writing the label.

    Get Aunty Betty to drink the potion. It doesn't matter if you tell her and hand it over officially; or if you pour some of the magic water potion into her orange juice so she doesn't know it's being served. This has nothing to do with placebo type wishful thinking healing, it's strictly energetic and magical in nature and will work either way

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    #6627 - Awaken your Magic

    As it says so it is so.
    You may need:

  • Magical blue pen
  • Blank notebook
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    You may need:

  • Magical blue pen
  • Blank notebook
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    Awaken the Magick
    To help awaken your inner magick.

    On the day or evening of the moon (Monday) take a bath or shower first to help cleanse and purify your aura and after you get dressed in some clean and comfortable clothes, find a quiet place in your home where you can be undisturbed for a least half and hour and place the notebook and pen on a table with a flat surface and site nearby it. Close your eyes for a bit while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and see a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness. Next, open your eyes and then open the fist page of the notebook and with your pen draw the shape of a square or rectangle on the page and look into the square while you imagine that this is a doorway and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door. Let yourself relax and feel happy and uplifted as you imagine that your mind is stepping though that doorway into a sunny gardent that is full of your favorite plants and flowers. Let yourself stay in that enchanted place and have fun imagining for a while as you say these words:

    "To the left and right of me, Above and below me, I awaken the spirit of nature and magick within me."

    When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the notebook, and say:

    "I am a wonderful child of the Universe, and so will it be."

    When you finished your spell, you can write the words, MY MAGICKAL DIARY, or whatever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted workbook for spells and wishes.

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    #6628 - Opening a Circle

    Opens a magick circle
    You may need:

  • Red wine
  • Water earth fire and air
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    You may need:

  • Red wine
  • Water earth fire and air
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    The High Priestess goes to each of the four directions in turn, and draws a Banishing Pentacle, saying:

    "Guardians of the East (South, West, North), Powers of Air
    (Fire, Water, Earth), we thank you
    For joining in our circle
    And we ask for your blessing
    As you depart
    May there be peace between us
    Now and forever. Blessed be."

    She raises her athame to the sky and touches it to the earth, then opens her arms and says,

    "The circle is open, but unbroken,May the peace of the Goddess
    Go in your hearts,
    Merry meet, and merry part.
    And merry meet again. Blessed be."

    Blessing, Consecration, and Procession of the Elements

    (Four members of the coven who have been chosen beforehand now approach the Priestess. Each holds one of the following: an incense burner, a candle, a vessel of water, and a vessel of salt. Each in turn approaches the Priestess, recites their piece, receives her blessing, and then processes deosil around the perimeter of the circle while stopping to bow at each of the quarters.)

    (Celebrant with the incense burner symbolizing the element of air) :

    "I am everywhere. I fill the fleshy pouches of your lungs, I stir all things from the smallest blade of grass to the tallest tree. I cool you with my breezes and destroy you with my storms. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

    (Celebrant with the candle symbolizing the element of fire):

    "I live in the guarded embers of campfires and the pilot lights of stoves, I spring from the lightning and the hands of men, I warm you and I destroy you. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

    (Celebrant with the water vessel symbolizing the element of water):

    "I rise from the moist crevices of the Earth, I beat on the shores of Her body, I fall from the skies in silver sheets. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? " (Celebrant asperges the circle with water)

    (Celebrant with the salt vessel symbolizing the element of earth):

    "I am your Mother. From me come the fruit and grain and animals which feed you. I am your support, and my pull on your bodies keeps you held firmly to me. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and worthy of praise? "

    Invocation of the Goddess

    (High Priest)

    "Come to us Moist Mother Earth. Come to us and take your ease. You have labored long and hard to bring forth your bounty, so that we your children may survive. Come and relax, for well have you earned your rest. Eat and drink your fill, sing, dance, and be merry, for you have done well, and there is plenty for all. And, if it pleases you to ask for the favors of one of us as well, may you find satisfaction there too. We shout your praises, for you are the essence of fulfillment, love, and joy. You are the most beautiful, and beyond measure is your grandeur and greatness. May we never forget that we are a part of your Sacred Body, and may we work to preserve it in all of its myriad forms. All hail the Great Mother!"


    "All hail the Great Mother!"

    Invocation of the God

    (High Priestess)

    "Come to us Lord of the Hunt, Sacred Herdsman, and Divine Smith. Put by your horn, lay aside your crook, stow your hammer, and quit your forge for now. Wipe your brow, and come find your leisure in the midst of our good company. Have a seat, put up your feet, and pour yourself a cold draught. By the virtue of your work have you earned a rest, for well have your cared for the wild beasts and domesticated flocks. And many a time has your forge burned long into the night with you hard at work creating lightning bolts of such exquisite beauty and terrible power as we have ever beheld. Join us Great Lord, and indulge yourself to the fullest. May you know no want in our presence, for thanks to you and the Goddess, we know no want. We raise our glasses high and toast your greatness. All hail the God of the Wild Magicks."


    All hail the God of the Wild Magicks.

    Guided Meditation by Priest

    (Meditation will be about our own spiritual harvest. This will conclude with a personal empowerment chant)

    Empowerment Chant

    (Holding hands, the coven members repeat the following chant until the high priestess decides that enough energy has been raised, and upon her signal everyone will direct a portion of the energy into themselves to help them to develop the inner strength to attain personal spiritual goals.)

    "Ripen fruit, ripen seed
    Harken to my inner need."


    (Fruit and Wine, songs, and a good time. Also, each member of the coven will be asked to describe something that they have done in the last liturgical year that has "borne fruit.")

    Quarter Banishings

    (High Priest)

    Facing East:

    "Guardians of the watchtower of the east, return now to the brisk Autumn breezes which are brimming with the excitement of the year's climax. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!


    Hail and farewell!

    Facing South:

    "Guardians of the watchtower of the south, return now to the dying fires of Autumn's heat soon to give way to Winter's chill. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!


    Hail and farewell

    Facing West:

    "Guardians of the watchtower of the west, return now to the Autumn rains which cool the Earth's fevered brow baked in the heat of Summer afternoons. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!


    Hail and farewell!

    Facing North:

    "Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, return now to the Earth where worms burrow deeper and seeds nestle awaiting the long sleep of Winter. Take with you our blessings and thanks. Hail and farewell!"


    Hail and farewell!

    Circle Banishing

    (High Priestess)

    "Equal night and equal day
    Soon the light will fade away
    Equal day and equal night
    This circle fades as does the light
    Thus the magick we invoke
    Fades anon like wisps of smoke
    Until we next decide to play
    SO MOTE IT BE! "

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    #6629 - Circle Casting

    A witches best defense and power thingy.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Wood fire
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • Wood fire
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    Water Chant:

    "Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanness of the spirits of phantasm, confusion, or any other influence not for the free will of all."

    Salt Chant:

    "Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth thencefrom, and let all good enter therein. Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me."


    I take this salt of the Earth, Blessed with the will of Fire; I take this water of spirit,Exorcised with mind of merit; I mix them with words of power, Dedicated to every Tower.

    "By the power of moon and sun,
    By the power of Spirit,earth and sea,
    God and Goddess are part of One,
    As I Will, so mote it be!"

    Casting of the Circle:

    "I conjure thee, O circle of power,
    As thou encircle every Tower.
    That thou beest a place of Truth, Joy and love,
    Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove.
    Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord,
    Rampart of thought, action and word.
    To Work in Peace, Powerful and Free,
    Who walk between two worlds conjure thee;
    A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain,
    That Power raised here be not in vain.
    Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia."

    Sealing of the Circle (seal with water/salt mixture)

    "With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle,
    Linking air and fire!
    With potion of earth and air, I seal the sacred circle,
    Linking fire with water!
    With potion of earth,air,and fire, I seal the sacred circle,
    Linking water with the Earth!
    As the four directions are brought to merge,
    Let influence of the mighty ones converge!"

    (Seal with Censer)

    "With Incense and air of Mind,
    East to South,I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of mind,
    South to West, I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of Mind,
    West to North, I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of Mind,
    North to East Completion Find!"

    (Seal with Candle)

    "With the Fire of emotion and will
    East to South, our dedication fulfill!
    With the Fire of veneration and Will,
    South to West, our allegiance fulfill!
    With the Fire of Devotion and Will,
    West to North, our consecration fulfill!
    With the Fire of Commitment and will,
    From North to East, This inscription fulfill!
    Within the circle All wills be free,
    The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be!"

    Setting the Watchtowers

    "Ye Lords of the Eastern Tower,
    Airy Lords of Spirit;
    Let your influence of Power,
    Aid our minds with merit!
    I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle."

    "Ye Lords of Southern Power
    Fiery Lords of Will.
    Pray do grace your Tower,
    Your Powers to fulfill!
    I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle."

    "Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West,
    Watery Lords of Death and Initiation;
    I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle."

    "Ye Northern Lords of the Earth,
    Though we be yet but Mortals;
    Bless our work with worth,
    Boreas, guardian of Northern portals.
    I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle."

    "Goddess and God, I would know,
    As 'tis above, so 'tis below
    Blessings on this work, please bestow!
    This be my will, true and free,
    I do so will, so mote it be"

    Invocation of the Elements

    "Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
    Elements of astral birth,
    I call you now; attend to me!
    In the Circle, rightly cast,
    Safe from curse or blast,
    I call you now, attend to me!"

    "From cave and desert,sea and hill,
    By wand, blade,and pentacle,
    I call you now, attend to me!
    This Is my will, so mote it be."

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    #6630 - Balance the Elements

    Helps control elements and stuff like elemental magic its very good.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • 1 Green candle
  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 Yellow candle
  • 1 Blue candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Full moon
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • 1 Green candle
  • 1 Red candle
  • 1 Yellow candle
  • 1 Blue candle
  • 1 White candle
  • Full moon
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    Well get what you need and cast a circle in a place you won't be disturbed
    light the candles in this order.


    "Elements of Earth, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."


    "Elements of air, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."


    "Elements of fire, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."


    "Elements of water, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."


    "Element of spirit, I call you near, balance within me, for unbalance I fear."

    Sit in front of the 5 candles and put your arms around yourself as if you were giving yourself a hug. Visualize a white light sweeping from your hands and into your body, balancing everything within you, the good and the bad (be honest). And say this chant 3 times:

    "Five Elements I’ve called, Within me they brawled. Balance once more, Spirit fix these four!”"

    Remove your arms from around yourself, and meditate in front of the candles, 5 minutes at least. Think to yourself of all your positive and negative qualities. Be completely honest with yourself, no matter how much you rather NOT think of your negative qualities.

    During this meditation accept yourself completely, the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Balance cannot be attained when within yourself there is unbalance of yourself, when you do not accept your negative qualities you end up accepting more of your positive qualities. Think of it like having good on one side of the scale, and bad on the other, and you pushing your finger on the good side to make it win in weight. Let these two equal out, because without one, there is no other. So unless you plan on completely cancelling out your good and bad qualities, this spell is a keeper!

    Let the candles burn themselves out or use a candle snuffer to put them out, release the quarters and close the circle.

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    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters