7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Energy drain technique
- Winter American Robin Article
- Black Moon Anti-Force
- AA Teacher becomes physcopath spell
- Black Magick Warrior.
- AAA cat familiar
- AAA / the old twisted tree.
- Black Magick Basketball
- portal to fairy world
- We're you fairy godparents.
#661 - Energy drain technique
DISCLAIMER: Firstly, I do not condone harm to creatures or individuals you choose to work this on, you are your own person and take responsibility for your actions and the consequences from them. Secondly, this is my own technique and might not work for you or others; my advice is to do what I did and try multiple techniques, then merge the ones that worked or alter a working one to work better for you.
1. Put your hand upon that which you wish to take energy from
2. Visualize the object full of a colour. Keep your eyes open, the way I do it makes my thoughts merge with what I see so I see the actual object become filled with colour. It should look like the object is actually filled.
3. See the colour start to seep into your hand, fingers, and palm. I see it coming into my hand as a gas, though other ways should work fine.
4. have the colour in the object slowly fade while it moves into your hand, with your hand gaining more colour
5. Keep seeing the colour, but now in your hand.
6. See your own colours surrounding it, and letting itself seep into the new colour. Let the new colour also seep into the surrounding colours. For help with this, imagine two coloured smoke bombs and how they dissipate into one another.
6 1/2. If you dont want to mix it with your own energy, and wish to redirect it to another limb or other object (I.g. Take energy from a living plant and give it to a dying plant, redirect the energy to a certain muscle) then imagine it in a current, going up from your hand, into your elbow, to your shoulder, then passing to the other shoulder, down to the elbow, into the hand and out into the other object. When I say current it can be anything, as long as its the same thing you were thinking of for the energy originally(liquid, electricity, gas, etc)
Sidenote: As just a colour can mean many things, with blue meaning coldness but also sadness, its best (if you can) to connect it with other things as well. In other words, use symbolism by symbols or memories your brain associates with certain things and feelings. if you're taking blue energy but you're not wanting sadness, think of ice or snow. If you think of something you don't want, (i.g taking in cold energy but not sad, then you accidently think of sadness or something that causes you to be sad) don't try to shove the thought away somewhere, just put a red x or something on it. any symbol that means "NO" or "KEEP OUT", any symbolism that works for you.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#662 - Winter American Robin Article
so if you mow your lawn regularly and plant fruit trees and keep a leaf covered backyard which is also good for your grass as well, you too can enjoy the amazingly cool and magic AMERICAN ROBIN!!!! and may even bind with one.
#663 - Black Moon Anti-Force
put the crystals where the moon light can shine down on them. then chant 6 times:
"Black apple. apple tree, apple tree. full moon. crystals are ready."
#664 - AA Teacher becomes physcopath spell
walk up to them and say meow said the cow! the snake wants to bow!
#665 - Black Magick Warrior.
Draw a pentagram in brown marker on your left wrist and hand. then whisper as quiet as you can: "I will become the most powerful type of witch/wizzard. I will rule my victims and be able to control them with my eye and my finger. they will be under MY control."
#666 - AAA cat familiar
eat the cat hair and chant: ''cats of the north, east, south, and west show ones self and do your best>
#667 - AAA / the old twisted tree.
watch the whole black panther movie backwards without talking and then plant the dead tree somewhere you'd spend the rest of your life. then release all the animals on the tree and say "live in this tree and grow here forever!" then get naked and throw glitter on your self and run up and down the nearest highway 5 times. put your clothes on and lick the tree. make sure you lick the whole tree and for every inch of moss lick it 78 times. if you aren't in jail or sick you will wake up and see that you are the tree.
#668 - Black Magick Basketball
when the other team tries to shoot yell miss just before they let go at the ball with perfect timing they automaticly mess up. then grab the ball and say "LigmaCeratops!'' (pronounced LIG MUH SARA TOPS) then go pass it to the best person on your team. continue to repeat this process over and over and trie to grab the ball at ALL COSTS!
#669 - portal to fairy world
go somewhere quiet and imagine floating over where you live up in the sky towards a big pink cotton like cloud. when you go into it all you see is your house sitting up there go inside and look for the tiny people with clear oval wings. thats your fairy godfamily. they will take you back to where you were before in that quiet place. only YOU can see them so don't tell anyone else or they won't grant 1 wish. tell someone else and every time you do they will make them think your CRAAAAZY! they grant all your wishes with their magick wands!
#670 - We're you fairy godparents.
hello we are you fairy godparents. we have been waiting for you for a long time we really missed you. only you can see us!
imagine what we look like! yep. you got it right that IS us! we'll be here forever!