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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. Walnut Revenge
  2. Object Protection
  3. General Cleansing Spell for Rooms/Places
  4. Simple Happiness spell for you or a friend.
  5. Native American prayer song
  6. Boundary spell
  7. The seven fold inner heaven: Celestial Emperor Shield
  8. Misfortune to all
  9. Changing the temp. of water or air
  10. Become a hollow

#671 - Walnut Revenge

Your enemies will get hit in the head by falling nuts where ever they go even if they aren't near a tree.
You may need:

  • a nut of any kind (like plants not any flesh nuts)
  • a leaf
  • a voice
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    You may need:

  • a nut of any kind (like plants not any flesh nuts)
  • a leaf
  • a voice
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    Place the leaf on the floor/ground and sit the nut on top of it then chant.

    "By the powers of witches and mages.

    By the powers of crones and sages.

    By the moon and all its phases.

    I wish (person's name) would get hit in the head by Mrs. Coconut!"

    [Insert evil laugh here.]

    Added to on Jan 14, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 10, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #672 - Object Protection

    If you have a certain object that you?d like to protect, say this spell.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • The object that needs protecting
  • Voice
  • No one else!
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • The object that needs protecting
  • Voice
  • No one else!
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    Before we begin the spell, this is mainly for parties. This is also not just for you to cast the spell on the object then leave it somewhere! Now the spell:

    First, go somewhere where no one else is, this might be outside the party or in a bathroom. You must have the object with you. Hold in and repeat this spell:

    "I wish for this [object] to stay with thee and no one else but me. So mote it be!"

    If it doesn’t work, try repeating it 3x again.

    Added to on Jan 13, 2019
    Last edited on Aug 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #673 - General Cleansing Spell for Rooms/Places

    I'm not sure if this is a spell, or a ritual, but I used it to cleanse my room and in my belief, it worked.
    You may need:

  • Sage
  • A crystal that personally represents you
  • Incense you like (I used jasmine and chamomile)
  • A mirror dish, or a dish
  • A white candle
  • Some Luna-charged water
  • A bowl for the water
  • Some salt
  • Knowledge of North, South, East and West directions (If you are not cleansing a room)
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Sage
  • A crystal that personally represents you
  • Incense you like (I used jasmine and chamomile)
  • A mirror dish, or a dish
  • A white candle
  • Some Luna-charged water
  • A bowl for the water
  • Some salt
  • Knowledge of North, South, East and West directions (If you are not cleansing a room)
  • Belief
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    You may do this with others or just yourself. I find it easier to do this with others, seeing as the Chant includes multiple responses.

    If you are cleansing a room, follow these instructions:

    1. Go to the place you wish to cleanse

    2. Place the dish on a desk, or the ground.

    3. Place your selected crystal on the dish.

    4. Put some sage around the crystal, on the dish.

    5.Set up the bowl next to the dish.

    6. Pour the Luna-charged water in the bowl.

    7. Add salt to the water, along with some sage.

    8. Light the candle. Do not blow out the candle, until the spell is done.

    9. Light the incense.

    10. Chant:

    Out goes the clutter,

    Out goes the mess,

    Out goes the negativity,

    All bad in this space.

    - Be gone!

    This is a place of peace,

    A place of rest,

    May there be no anxiety,

    And stress,

    -Be gone!

    I/We cleanse this space for peace.

    i/We transform ourselves for peace.

    11. Walk around the room and say " We cleanse this space for peace".

    12. Put out the incense.

    12. Say:

    I/We have cleansed this space,

    Now a space of peace.

    A place of love and tranquility.

    Let no badness fill this space,

    For this is our special place.

    The ritual is done,

    So mote it be.

    13. Blow out the candle.

    14. You may leave the dish and incense and crystal overnight.

    If you're doing the spell in an open space, do this spell.

    1. Go to the place you wish to cleanse

    2. Place the dish on the ground.

    3. Place your selected crystal on the dish.

    4. Put some sage around the crystal, on the dish.

    5.Set up the bowl next to the dish.

    6. Pour the Luna-charged water in the bowl.

    7. Add salt to the water, along with some sage.

    8. Light the candle. Do not blow out the candle, until the spell is done.

    9. Light the incense.

    10. Chant:

    Out goes the clutter,

    Out goes the mess,

    Out goes the negativity,

    All bad in this space.

    - Be gone!

    This is a place of peace,

    A place of rest,

    May there be no anxiety,

    And stress,

    -Be gone!

    I/We cleanse this space for peace.

    I/We transform ourselves for peace.

    11. Turn to the north, south, east and west, swirl the incense stick and say "I/We cleanse this space for peace. Be it a forest, town, mountain or sea. Spread far and last long, so mote it be."

    12. Put out the incense.

    13. Blow out the candle.

    14. Be sure to clean up after yourself!

    I hope you like the spell. (:

    Added to on Jan 12, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #674 - Simple Happiness spell for you or a friend.

    I have used this simple spell to increase the happiness of mt friends, family or even myself.
    You may need:

  • ~All Ingredients are optional~
  • A charged citrine
  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • ~All Ingredients are optional~
  • A charged citrine
  • Candle
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    First, Meditate on the person being happy. Visualize the person being happy, with no more worries.

    If you have the candle and the stone, light the candle and hold the stone in your dominate hand.

    Then chant the spell as many times as desired. As you chant, envision the persons negativity and saddnes get washed away and new white light of pure joy flow into them.


    Happiness is what you need

    Happiness is what you deserve

    No more stress, no more worry

    I(they are) am happy, I(they are) am free

    I (they)shall have no more negativity

    For this is my will, so mote it be!

    Added to on Jan 10, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #675 - Native American prayer song

    Native American song for prayer Multipurpose Healing Weather Prayer Plus I know it works cause I’m native American and cast it I also did it how it sounds in English there is no translation I’ll post the song on YouTube when I get the chance so you can hear it
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Good thoughts
  • Clouds in sky (if you want weather change)
  • Tobacco or ceader leaves and birch bark tree near by ( for weather)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Good thoughts
  • Clouds in sky (if you want weather change)
  • Tobacco or ceader leaves and birch bark tree near by ( for weather)
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    If you are doing weather spell for it you put the tobacco or cedar leaves near the birch tree

    if you are doing for healing sing this song with good thoughts

    if doing prayer sing this song

    wantcatong whanta Che heya hey walkidey heynaya sing x10

    Added to on Jan 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #676 - Boundary spell

    A sinple spell that requires two witches or one to render the one in the circle magic less however once they step out they are able to practice magic again.
    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Serpent blood
  • Drip of blood from the witch casting the spell
  • Dark object infused with witches magic
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    You may need:

  • Sea salt
  • Serpent blood
  • Drip of blood from the witch casting the spell
  • Dark object infused with witches magic
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    Use the sea salt to create the circle and at the north side have the serpents blood put out,at the south the witches blood and the east and west the dark objects

    Incantation:Tespara Sepera,onpaz eztan,spas tino

    Added to on Jan 05, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #677 - The seven fold inner heaven: Celestial Emperor Shield

    A protection spell
    You may need:

  • Selenite ''14 pieces'' (ward stone)
  • tourmaline ''7 pieces'' (ward stone)
  • water (enough to fill a bowl, preferably from a spring otherwise it needs to be clean)
  • Incense ( rose )
  • props for holding pieces ( 21 in total )
  • Mirrors (size small, 21 in total)
  • etching tools
  • one white candle
  • one black candle
  • one crystal bowl (preferably made out of clear glass or clear crystal)
  • Advanced energy manipulation
  • knowledge of runes
  • a piece of silk cloth
  • Patience
  • Concentration
  • time
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    You may need:

  • Selenite ''14 pieces'' (ward stone)
  • tourmaline ''7 pieces'' (ward stone)
  • water (enough to fill a bowl, preferably from a spring otherwise it needs to be clean)
  • Incense ( rose )
  • props for holding pieces ( 21 in total )
  • Mirrors (size small, 21 in total)
  • etching tools
  • one white candle
  • one black candle
  • one crystal bowl (preferably made out of clear glass or clear crystal)
  • Advanced energy manipulation
  • knowledge of runes
  • a piece of silk cloth
  • Patience
  • Concentration
  • time
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    First of all, the ward needs to be created in steps, not together. The foundation for the wards come from the ward stones (I'll be teaching you how to make them of course) and will be recharged using the celestial light. The steps are to ensure that in case during the process a fault occurs, it can be quickly corrected instead of knowing about it once it's set in stone (Don't mind the pun)

    Step one- Crafting

    Buy some tourmaline stones, selenite stones, etching tools and a crystal bowl (preferred is crystal glass works too), they are easy to acquire and serve as good material for etching, provided you don't break them accidentally of course. Now if its crystal, take the etching tool and use it to carve the rune "Sowilo*from elder futhark*" inside the bowl, at the bottom of the bowl. Now once that is done, etch four runes along the rim of the bowl. Towards the east etch "Dagaz", towards the west etch "Laguz", towards the North etch "Eihwaz" and to the south etch "jera". Sowilo portrays cleansing and power, Dagaz signifies breakthrough, the light of the sun, laguz signifies the power of renewal and the underworld, Eihwaz signifies Strength, reliability and protection, jera signifies overcoming stagnation and success.

    Once the bowl has been etched, leave it to bathe under the light of a full moon, the light of dusk and the light of dawn. leave the bowl in the evening so that the last rays of the sun shine over it, then the light of the full moon, the stars and then the light of dawn, completing an entire cycle.

    You need to do it for three months, during the time in-between, cover the bowl in silk and keep it stored. Don't let dust to accumulate or else the process will need to be repeated. Preferred time is that of May, June and July and november, december and january. Before placing the bowl and picking it up, channel some of your energy into the bowl until you feel the bowl is "filled" with your energy.

    During the cleansing cycle, the energy will be absorbed into the runes and any negative energy produced will be gently washed away by the light of the sun, the stars and the moon. The etching tools should also be cleansed in the same manner, although on each tool the rune the runes "Othala, Kenaz and Uruz" should be carved in the same exact order.

    Step two- Cleansing the stones and mirror:

    The process is split into three tiers, they are as follows.

    Part 1:

    On the fourth month, preferably August or February, during the day (on the day of the full moon), pour water into the crystal bowl. The level of the water should touch the runes until it touches the middle of the runes. Half of the carved runes should be submerged in water, the other half above it. Wash the tourmaline gently in the water, this is to wash of any dirt and any spiritual impurities. As you wash each piece, channel your energy into the crystal and spiritually cleanse any impurities it has. Once the pieces are cleaned, with each piece being cleaned carve the given runes in the exact same order

    Piece 1 = Othala, Berkano, Algiz

    Piece 2 = Othala, Eihwaz, Algiz

    Piece 3 = Othala, Kenaz, Algiz

    Piece 4 = Othala, Uruz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 5 = Othala, Ingwaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 6 = Othala, sowilo, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 7 = Othala, Dagaz, Algiz

    Once this is done, drain the water out of the bowl and pour it into another bowl. this signifies the cleansing being done and the water becoming pure again.

    Part 2:

    The step two is the cleansing of the selenite crystals. To do that once the sun goes down, wait till midnight on a full moon night.

    Pour water into the crystal bowl. The level of the water should touch the runes until it touches the middle of the runes. Half of the carved runes should be submerged in water, the other half above it. Wash the Selenite gently in the water, this is to wash of any dirt and any spiritual impurities. As you wash each piece, channel your energy into the crystal and spiritually cleanse any impurities it has. Once the pieces are cleaned, with each piece being cleaned carve the given runes in the exact same order

    Piece 1 and 8 = Othala, Berkano, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 2 and 9 = Othala, Eihwaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 3 and 10 = Othala, Kenaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 4 and 11 = Othala, Uruz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 5 and 12 = Othala, Ingwaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 6 and 13 = Othala, sowilo, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 7 and 14 = Othala, Dagaz, Algiz

    Once this is done, drain the water out of the bowl and pour it into another bowl. this signifies the cleansing being done and the water becoming pure again.

    Part 3:

    The mirrors are the most complex yet the most easy part of the scheme. Most of you would be wondering? "this guy is insane" or "the duck we need these for?" well we have reached here. The mirrors are acting as focus for the light itself. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, all of these will be reflected in the mirrors and reflected towards the crystals themselves. the mirrors are to be created in two parts, the set of day and the set of night.

    Set of day:

    On the fourth month, preferably August or February, during the day (on the day of the full moon), pour water into the crystal bowl. The level of the water should touch the runes until it touches the middle of the runes. Half of the carved runes should be submerged in water, the other half above it. Wash three of the mirrors gently in the water, this is to wash of any dirt and any spiritual impurities. As you wash each piece, channel your energy into the mirror and spiritually cleanse any impurities it has. Once the pieces are cleaned, with each piece being cleaned carve the given runes on the back of the mirror in the same order:

    Mirror 1: Berkano

    Mirror 2: Eihwaz

    Mirror 3: Kenaz

    Set of night:

    To do the cleansing, once the sun goes down, wait till midnight on a full moon night of the same day you cleansed the tourmaline.

    Pour water into the crystal bowl. The level of the water should touch the runes until it touches the middle of the runes. Half of the carved runes should be submerged in water, the other half above it. Wash the remaining three mirrors, gently in the water, this is to wash of any dirt and any spiritual impurities. As you wash each piece, channel your energy into the mirror and spiritually cleanse any impurities it has. Once the pieces are cleaned, with each piece being cleaned carve the given runes in the exact same order on their back:

    Mirror 5: Uruz

    Mirror 6: Ingwaz

    Mirror 7: Sowilo

    The holders:

    I would advise candlestick or gem holders or wood crafted ones for this purpose. There should be around 21 of these gem holds/candlesticks, although wood crafted ones are the best. At the base of each carve these runes:
    Piece 1, 8 and 15 = Othala, Berkano, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 2, 9 and 16 = Othala, Eihwaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 3, 10 and 17 = Othala, Kenaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 4, 11 and 18 = Othala, Uruz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 5, 12 and 19 = Othala, Ingwaz, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 6, 13 and 20 = Othala, sowilo, Algiz

    ​​​​​​​Piece 7, 14 and 21 = Othala, Dagaz, Algiz

    Each of them should be crafted in a way that the middle runes are on the middle of the gem holds/candlesticks/wooden holds and the other two runes should be around it. Othala on the right and algiz on the left.

    The ward key:

    Now some of you must be thinking, what of the mirror 4? The mirror 4 needs to be cleansed way before even the tourmaline is cleansed, at the dawn of that day. Pour water into the crystal bowl. The level of the water should touch the runes until it touches the middle of the runes. Half of the carved runes should be submerged in water, the other half above it. Wash the fourth mirror, gently in the water, this is to wash of any dirt and any spiritual impurities. Channel your energy into the mirror and spiritually cleanse any impurities it has, Ensure the mirror is cleansed as the raws of dawn first touch the water inside the bowl. Once the piece is cleaned,

    Carve this rune on its back:

    Mirror 4: Dagaz


    After the mirrors have been cleansed, it’s advised to store them inside silk cloth by wrapping the cloth around the mirror. You can also cleanse the cloth in the same way as the mirrors were done with each piece having the runes painted in the same order (or sewn into it) but it's unneeded although advised.

    Step 3: Creating the ward

    It’s strongly advised that the ward be placed during the winter or summer solstice. The amount of energy in the area is enough to make this stronger initially, instead of making it grow stronger as it ages. The ward will become stronger as time passes, as it absorbs more and more light from the heavens, the ward will also grow in intensity. Some of these wards can be enough to burn higher level daemons and demons after a decade or so, so patience is the key.

    If the ward is created during the summer solstice it’ll need to be recharged with the light of the sun. if the ward is created during the winter solstice it’ll need to be recharged with the light of the moon and stars.

    We’ll first go over how to form the ward during the winter solstice:

    Ward of the moon and stars:

    Current name = Ordinem lunae et stellarum

    Original names = جناح القمر والنجوم, Ayın ve yıldızların koğuşu, 月と星のワード, 月亮和星星的守衛

    Translated = Ward of the moon and stars

    Now that the mirrors have been cleansed and the stones have been cleansed, it’s time to now create the wards. If you are creating this during the winter solstice it’s advised to start an hour before the solstice occurs so that its finished by the time the first hour of the solstice is up.

    The tourmaline will be put inside the house but near the windows. Its advised to put three per floor and one in between (halfway between the floors). Its advised to put them near the windows that get the most light from outside (ie sunlight, moonlight (which is also accompanied by starlight)). Place each tourmaline into each of the corresponding hold (berkano in the berkano hold and so on). Behind each of these pieces, put the mirror which corresponds with this (Berkano mirror with the berkano tourmaline and berkano hold). The dagaz stone, mirror and hold should be put in between the floors as it also signifies the transition, here it’ll be from the earth to the skies. Tourmaline stones should be placed in a triangular manner.

    This should be the formation of the stones and mirrors:

    This should be the formation of the stones and mirrors:

    Ground floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The Upper floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    (Stone, mirror, hold)Ingwaz Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    Once the Inner stones have been placed, it's now time to place the outer stones. These are the selenite stones. Just like the tourmaline these stones will be placed although unlike them, there are two tiers, the formation of the stones should be in such a place that light directly hits them and is unhindered.

    The earthly tier:

    The formation of the Earth stones is as follows:

    Ground floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The ground floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    (Stone, mirror, hold)Ingwaz Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    The celestial Tier:

    The placement of the celestial Tier should correspond with the earthly tier, otherwise it’ll cause an influx of energies and might even do opposite of what is being done.

    The upper floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The upper floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Ingwaz(Stone, mirror, hold) Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    Note: Due to how the dagaz is in between the floors, its advised that the tourmaline dagaz be put in the east, the selenite dagaz should be placed in between south-east and north-east. None of them should face towards the west but still be able to catch the light of a setting sun or moon.


    Once the stones have been placed, let them charge for the duration of the winter solstice. Once that is done by next year the ward will be strong enough to block almost all human curses and hexes. It’ll also ward off the evil eye and other magic that can cause harm. Its advised to take good care of the stones and not let them degrade or collect dust so good care is needed

    Also as each stone is placed, channel your energy into each stone so that it corresponds to your energy and yours alone. Same for the mirror and holds

    Ward of the Sun:

    Current name: Warda sole

    Original names: 太陽的守衛, 太陽の区, Güneşin koğuşu, وارد الشمس.

    Now that the mirrors have been cleansed and the stones have been cleansed, it’s time to now create the wards. If you are creating this during the summer solstice it’s advised to start an hour before the dawn occurs so that its finished by the time the first hour of the dawn is up.

    The tourmaline will be put inside the house but near the windows. Its advised to put three per floor and one in between (halfway between the floors). Its advised to put them near the windows that get the most light from outside (ie sunlight, moonlight (which is also accompanied by starlight)). Place each tourmaline into each of the corresponding hold (berkano in the berkano hold and so on). Behind each of these pieces, put the mirror which corresponds with this (Berkano mirror with the berkano tourmaline and berkano hold). The dagaz stone, mirror and hold should be put in between the floors as it also signifies the transition, here it’ll be from the earth to the skies. Tourmaline stones should be placed in a triangular manner.

    This should be the formation of the stones and mirrors:

    Ground floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The Upper floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    (Stone, mirror, hold)Ingwaz Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    Once the Inner stones have been placed, it's now time to place the outer stones. These are the selenite stones. Just like the tourmaline these stones will be placed although unlike them, there are two tiers, the formation of the stones should be in such a place that light directly hits them and is unhindered.

    The earthly tier:

    The formation of the Earth stones is as follows:

    Ground floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The ground floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    (Stone, mirror, hold)Ingwaz Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    The celestial Tier:

    The placement of the celestial Tier should correspond with the earthly tier, otherwise it’ll cause an influx of energies and might even do opposite of what is being done.

    The upper floor

    Berkano (Stone, mirror, hold)

    Eihwaz (Stone, mirror, hold) (stone, Mirror, hold) Kenaz

    The area between floors

    Dagaz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    The upper floor

    Uruz(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Ingwaz(Stone, mirror, hold) Sowilo(Stone, mirror, hold)

    Note that the Berkano should be placed in the North direction and the Sowilo should be placed in the south direction.

    Note: Due to how the dagaz is in between the floors, its advised that the tourmaline dagaz be put in the east, the selenite dagaz should be placed in between south-east and north-east. None of them should face towards the west but still be able to catch the light of a setting sun or moon.


    Once the stones have been placed, let them charge for the duration of the summer solstice. Once that is done by next year the ward will be strong enough to block almost all human curses and hexes. It’ll also ward off the evil eye and other magic that can cause harm. Its advised to take good care of the stones and not let them degrade or collect dust so good care is needed

    Also as each stone is placed, channel your energy into each stone so that it corresponds to your energy and yours alone. Same for the mirror and holds.


    After seven years have passed it’ll offer the ultimate protection. This ward is in accordance with the seven folds of heaven path and thus should be treated with sanctity.

    That was all my friends. Have a good day.

    Added to on Jan 05, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #678 - Misfortune to all

    this will bring all misfortune to all of the people you wish
    You may need:

  • 100% salt
  • 3 beeswax candles in the color black
  • lighter
  • midnight
  • full moon
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    You may need:

  • 100% salt
  • 3 beeswax candles in the color black
  • lighter
  • midnight
  • full moon
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    Set all the candles in a triangle formatition. Then make a circle of salt in order to channel the magic. do this at midnight and on a full moon

    Added to on Jan 02, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #679 - Changing the temp. of water or air

    Change the temperature of air or water. Could take lots of tries. Tested.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Imagination
  • Belief
  • Time
  • Patience
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Imagination
  • Belief
  • Time
  • Patience
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    Sit up with good posture. Good if you meditate on some way to increase your focus and increase your chances of success. Imagine all the molecules of what you want to change. If it's a liquid then Imagine them more dence but not quite as tight as a solid. For a gas Imagine them moving freely. Imagine them moving and a speed you think they would probably move. There bumping into each other and bouncing somewhere else. To get them hotter imagine them speeding up and bumping more. Do that until whatever it is is warmer. Do the opposite until it gets colder to cool down.

    Added to on Jan 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #680 - Become a hollow

    This will turn you into a monster. If you are not willing to become a hollow… dont do this. This works immediately. You will feel effects within 24 hours after casting.
    You may need:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster
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    You may need:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster
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      Go into a room alone, turn off all of the lights except the device light.

      Stand or sit in front of the spell

      When ready say or chant or whisper 1-3x:


    I dedicate myself to you,

    I ask of you to change me,

    i will give my soul,

    this is my desire”

    Then say after done:

    “So mote it be!”

    4: move along with your life and watch for side effects! Good luck!

    Side effects:

      Craving more meat

      darker/lighter eyes

      Sharper teeth



      Weight loss/more muscle gain

      growling/snarling more

      Ability to see other hollow’s

      Freezing skin but warmer internally

      Better senses

      Pain in ribs and other body parts

    Added to on Jan 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters