Take your pen (new is always better) and tie your strand of hair around it ( if your hair is too short, lay it on top of the pen). Put the pen in the sunlight. Chant:
"(god/dess) Of (say their power here) please bless this pen with my hair on it for me to use and me alone for magick."
Leave the hair on it for an hour in the sunlight. After the hour, use the pen for spells, rituals, or your book of shadows.
Look at the object and don't worry you don't need to empty your mind
anyway stare at it in your mind imagine it moving in any way and you realy have to believe you. If it doest work keep trying it normly takes a long time and if you still don't get any thing your not trying hard enough.
Place the palm of your non-writing hand against the object whilst keeping the other hand in a fist.
Simply visualize the energy of the object flowing into your clenched fist. When object is drained completely, clench both fists and push the magick into your heart.
Imagine the magickal energy of your good feelings and that of the newly-gained magickal energy as BLUE, and imagine the negative/stressful energy as RED.
Open your hands and face your arms straight out in front of you. Force the Red energy out of your body through your open palms.
If you lose some Blue, it is fine. There will be more space for positive energy in your body after the exit of the RED.
This is a spell taken from the shakespearian play ''mac beth'' which is supposed to have used actual spells in it. I'm not sure if it works or not but I reckon its worth a try.
You may need:
3 people
You may need:
3 people
Although I'm not sure how to do the spell exactly I've got the basics.
1. You must all join hands in a triangle shape.
2. After joining hands slowly begin moving in a clockwise direction whilst chanting:
''Fair is foul and fouls is fair,
hover through fog and filthy air.''
If someone is trying to perform a dark spell to you such as a bad luck harm or death spell. This spell will send to them what they are trying to send you.
You may need:
White Clothes
5 White Candles
You may need:
White Clothes
5 White Candles
Wear white clothes light 3 candles and hold 2 in your hands focus on the person who is trying to harm you and then look at yourself in the mirror and chant:
"Ancient divine spirits
unleash your force
to the worm.
Make him suffer as I would
show no remorse
and harm the worm
,so mote it be!"
This is a spell I'm working on, it works for me. I would appreciate any feed back you could give. Thank you.
You may need:
1 Wand
Door or Window
You may need:
1 Wand
Door or Window
1. Take your wand in your right hand (or left it dosent mattter).
2. Tap top and bottom of door or window whilst imagining a red film coming from the wand tip and glueing itself to the door whilst saying:
"Allow no evil to cross this door
,allow only freinds and family to pass.
If it dosen't work mail me and ill see what I can do."