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7158 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7158 Spiritual Spells
7158 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7158 Spiritual Spells
  1. Sleep Herb
  2. To Control Someone's Volume
  3. Feel Someone's Feelings
  4. To Summon the Dead
  5. Fire God Conjuration
  6. Artemisia Potion; Psychic stimulation tea
  7. Quitting Powder
  8. Duplication Spell.
  9. How to get Powers
  10. Energy Spell

#6971 - Sleep Herb

Add this to drink or food and it will allegedly make you or the person taking it drowsy and/or go to sleep.
You may need:

  • Valerian root
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    You may need:

  • Valerian root
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    Valerian root supposedly makes you drowsy. Add this to food or drink (preferably tea or coffee or hot chocolate) and it will make the taker drowsy or go to sleep!

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    Last edited on Oct 24, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6972 - To Control Someone's Volume

    WARNING: Do not use for fun. Only use when absolutely needed.
    You may need:

  • Piece of DNA from person
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    You may need:

  • Piece of DNA from person
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    Take the DNA and blow on it. Then chant the following spell:

    Quiet or Loud
    Which I want
    make them speak
    in which a way you do not see,
    you will or will not hear them speak
    for they are softer/louder now
    making them seem unpleasant/more pleasant
    please don't ask me how

    After saying this, wait until the next time you see them and test if they are talking softer or louder depending on which you chose.
    unpleasant = louder more pleasant = softer

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    #6973 - Feel Someone's Feelings

    A spell to allow you feel what someone else is feeling.
    You may need:

  • DNA sample
  • Cloth
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    You may need:

  • DNA sample
  • Cloth
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    Take the DNA sample and place on the cloth and repeat the following:

    "I take this piece of which I want to feel the same as them: take this person who the piece belongs with feelings so the same"

    After you are done you may feel the way the person who the DNA belongs to feels.

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    Last edited on Oct 11, 2015
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    #6974 - To Summon the Dead

    Do not try this spell by yourself unless you have great experience
    You may need:

  • 5 unused candles
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    You may need:

  • 5 unused candles
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    To cast this spell you will need lots of experience with magic. Place the 5 candles in the shape of a large pentagon (large enough for a human to stand in. You will need lots of room.
    Light the candles. Then repeat the following:

    I summon thee
    the one to be,
    the one who lost their life,
    their happiness,
    family and friends
    I call now in the night

    Chant this 3 times. After you are done, the spirit you are trying to contact will appear in the pentagon.

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    #6975 - Fire God Conjuration

    A spell to conjure a fire God.
    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • Incense
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • Incense
  • Voice
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    Start by lighting the candles while you burn the incense and chant the following:

    “Spirit of the Fire, remember! GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, remember! GIRRA, Spirit of the flames, remember! O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among thy brothers, rise! O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, remember! Rise up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in thy majesty, and devour my enemies! Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in thy power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me! GIBIL GASHRU UMANA YANDURU TUSHTE YESH SHIR ILLANIU MA YALKI! GISHBAR IA ZI IA IA ZI DINGIR GIRRA KANPA! Rise up, Son of the flaming Gisk of ANU! Rise up, Offspring of the golden Weapon of MARDUK! It is not I, but ENKI, Master of the Magicians, who summons thee! It is not I, but MARDUK, Slayer of the Serpent, who calls Thee here now! Burn the Evil and the Evildoer! Burn of the Sorcerer and the Sorceress! Singe them! Burn the! Destroy them! Consume their powers! Carry them away! Rise up, GISHBAR BA GIBBIL BA GIRRA ZI AGA KANPA! Spirit of the God of Fire, Thou art Conjured! KAKKAMMANUNU!”

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    #6976 - Artemisia Potion; Psychic stimulation tea

    Drink before you go to sleep, while your laying in bed and as soon as you finish go to sleep; write down what ever you dream that night as it most probably a psychic vision
    You may need:

  • 1 Tbsp Dried Mugwort
  • 1 Tsp Dried Lemon Balm
  • 1 Tsp Dried peppermint leaves
  • 1 Tsp Yarrow
  • 1/4 Tsp Ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 Tsp Ground Cloves
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    You may need:

  • 1 Tbsp Dried Mugwort
  • 1 Tsp Dried Lemon Balm
  • 1 Tsp Dried peppermint leaves
  • 1 Tsp Yarrow
  • 1/4 Tsp Ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 Tsp Ground Cloves
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    1. Place the ingrediants in a cup together

    2. Add boiling water

    3. Let the potion steep for approximatley 10 minutes, then strain and drink.

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    #6977 - Quitting Powder

    Hoodoo formular to make somebody leave you alone.
    You may need:

  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Ground Nutmeg
  • Powdered newsprint (prefereably from the targets favourite publication or even a newspaper that has been in their possesion)
  • Plus the tabacco from one cigarette (ideally from the person, or there favorite brand)
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    You may need:

  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Ground Nutmeg
  • Powdered newsprint (prefereably from the targets favourite publication or even a newspaper that has been in their possesion)
  • Plus the tabacco from one cigarette (ideally from the person, or there favorite brand)
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    1. Blend the ingrediants together
    2. Use the resulting powder in any of the following ways

    *Sprinkle where your target is sure to sit on it or step over it*

    *Sprinkle to create a boundary of safety for yourself*

    *Carry it in a mojo bag as a protective talisman*

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    #6978 - Duplication Spell.

    This spell is for duplicating any object that you want to duplicate.
    You may need:

  • The item you want to duplicate and good focus.
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    You may need:

  • The item you want to duplicate and good focus.
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    To cast the spell, you must hold the object in your dominant hand, close your eyes and think of the object as two. Than say: ''That which is one now becomes two. That which is two forever will be. That which will be shall appear to you.'' This spell takes time and will show when you least expect it.

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    #6979 - How to get Powers

    A spell to increase your personal abilities.
    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Candle (any color except for pink)
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pen or pencil
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Candle (any color except for pink)
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pen or pencil
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    Take your candle, bowl, sheet of paper, and your pen or pencil. Then write down what element you want such as: water, fire, or air abilities. Now, you light the candle and burn the paper. You take the ashes of the burnt paper and put them in the bowl. If it's really windy outside you let the ashes blow away but if it's not windy outside you just flush the ashes down the toilet or bury them.

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    #6980 - Energy Spell

    This spell is used to make a energy ball
    You may need:

  • To make a energy ball you need:
  • A good imagination!
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    You may need:

  • To make a energy ball you need:
  • A good imagination!
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    Visualisation is the greatest part of this spell. You have to visuallise the ball you want to make(for example a white energy ball). Keep your hands togather and visuallise and feel the energy moving through your hands and your hands will fell apart and start repelling. Remember, you must be peaceful during this and the room should be silent!

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    7158 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters