7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Spell
- Prevent Nightmares!
- Get Thee Away from Me | Banishing-Protection
- Healing Internal Multi perpose spell
- Everything Will Work Out Enchantment
- combat magic
- shadow ball
- ***Unlock your psychic abilities/gifts/powers***
- basic spell work
- wind controlling chant
#731 - Vampire Spell
What 2 Do:
Say this spell 3x
"The creature of the night,
With eyes red and bright,
With skin pale white,
With teeth sharp as a knife,
Make me a vampire.
With one special power,
Which is (power you want),
That thirst on blood,
This is what I want.
I shall not burn in the sunlight,
If I don't have my protective jewelry,
I shall run with the speed of light.
I shall live forever in my life,
Let me live this life.
That I am ready for,
Make me a vampire,
After 5 nights.
Forever more.
So mote it be."
- You can still eat regular food, but for some people.
- it may not taste the same.
- You can wear any jewelry that you want.
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#732 - Prevent Nightmares!
Put the rosemary inside the pillowcase but DO NOT open the original pillow. It makes a mess. Trust me.
#733 - Get Thee Away from Me | Banishing-Protection
Please use this incantation for whichever means necessary. (meaning you may change 'him' to 'her, it, them,'etc.)
It is not never mandatory, as to each is on their own spiritual path but, open a circle or call the four corners.
Find somewhere peaceful, where you will not be disturbed.
Maintain a focused mindset.
Sit down and prepare a circle of white candles around you, light them.
Put the blue candle inside the circle where you are and place it in the front of you, in the center. Light it.
Relax. Inhale and draw energy from the candle's magyck: the fire, the smoke, the protection.
Now, take the picture or drawing of the person/entity and the white ribbon and start wrapping the white ribbon around the picture of the person/entity, slowly whilst saying the incantation. Like everything, say this incantation three times.
Make sure to cover the entire picture/drawing fully with the white ribbon until nothing shows.
Once you have finished, cut the ribbon and tie it into the rest of the other ribbon. You either have the option to keep the tied up picture with you, somewhere hidden or to burn its remnants.
"Keep him away from me,
aid me in light,
keep him far from me,
guide me to choose right.
If his intention be harmful,
send him away,
send him away from me,
throughout the nights,
and all my days.
So mote it be."
The choice is also yours to whether or not you would like to remain in the circle of protection and meditate once the incantation is finished. Close the circle once you are done. Do proceed with caution. Ever mind the rule of three, for what you send forth will surely come back to thee. I am not a liability to anything that may happen to you or the opposing character. For dabblers of the true Craft should already heed the rede and law of three.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may leave me a message in Mail.
Blessed be.
#734 - Healing Internal Multi perpose spell
First, you start off by haveing the person thats in pain to describe the pain and where it hurts once they have described it or if its an animal you use your intuition or watch how it walks. Next you need to visulize the human or animal body and make it look like a ghost with an white aura around the body and once you have imagine blue roots in the body and imagine the part that hurts and visulize it being red and focus on it fadeing back into blue and soon after if you beileive that it worked he or she or it will be good as new literally it works anybody can do even a 5 year old child can do it they can do it to anybody and everbody can do it.
#735 - Everything Will Work Out Enchantment
(((copied straight from my digital grimoire, sorry if the formatting is awkward)))
Preface (optional' you don't have to read this at all):
I was writing this spell while I was hyped up on adrenaline. My friends' and I's movie plans were almost ruined because of me and while I was calming down, I decided to sit down and write a spell. I didn't have time to do much research so I mostly went off of my own knowledge and what materials I had nearby. This is mainly a spell to have things turn out in your favor with also a dash of luck. Once the small vial/jar is done, I suggest trying it to a bag or item that you usually carry around with you, I usually tuck this jar into my backpack.
Why I chose these materials: I didn't have much reason for technically making this into a jar spell. I only had a jar nearby, thought it would be convenient and easy to carry around. It was also the same for the origami stars, they also symbolized soaring free and escaping troubles. The stars can be any color, mine are various neon colors, but I suggest making them yellow or white to symbolize pureness and optimism. The blue yarn is tied around the jar in order to center the energies inside and to also symbolize steadfastness and stability. I also believe that blue has a calming influence. The green papers are just to sprinkle in extra luck.
"Whatever problems I am facing will positively work out in the end and in my favor."
- blue yarn or ribbon
- small vial or jar
- origami stars
- small pieces of paper
- green marker
I suggest making the origami stars beforehand, they can be any color and all that is required is that they fit in the jar/vial that you will be using. Before starting any spellwork, make sure to center, ground, and cast a circle.
For the first step, place or hover your hand/wand over your vial.
"My troubles, they pester
they bubble boil and fester
but with this jar will hold much luck,
to fight against the force of dark
and make my troubles ignite and spark."
Take your pieces of papers, and start to color them with your green marker. As you color say:
"These papers show how fragile and small my problems are,
green ink to pierce my problems' shield,
and to make them yield."
After this, place your now green papers into the vial (you can crumple or fold the papers if you wish for something better looking).
Take the origami stars and hold them in your hand, hover another hand/wand above the stars if wanted. Say:
"With these stars, I shall break free of my chains and soar
my problems will hold me no more.
They will bend to my will,
and turn out in my favor,
my strength will not waver,
I will turn out on top."
Now seal your container.
After sealing it, take your blue yarn and tie it around your vial.
While tying it, say:
"With this thread,
I seal these contents,
to be with me,
to give me luck,
and to bring me prosperous futures my way.
Here, this magic shall stay."
You may conclude the spell here, or say whatever closing statement you wish. Remember to close the circle you've cast and thank any spirits or deities that took part in this enchantment with you. I also suggest leaving your jar out overnight in the moonlight, to charge it even more with power, the mindfulness, and stillness energy the moon gives off.
#736 - combat magic
if somone is gitting angry and you cant callm them down and there is no escape your going to half to fight. you can try to calm them down my favoret spell whatever wave your hand like a jedi. but if it dosent work and a fight is eneveteble get it over with point your finger and make a loud pow noise
#737 - shadow ball
to summon the shadow ball you must concentrate all your energy into palms of your hands.
#738 - ***Unlock your psychic abilities/gifts/powers***
Start by lighting the candles. Focus on them and watch the flames as they move around.
Take a deep breath and make sure you're focused/concentrated.
Light the incense sticks and watch as the smoke moves around.
By this point, you should be fully focused.
Use a knife or something else to cut the tip of your finger (small cut) - add some blood around the candles near the flames, and on the flames/in the candles if possible.
Chant: (3x times)
“Gods and Goddesses of the night, give me power and might to do what is right!
I wish to have my abilities, my powers unblocked, it's all that I wish for, so I chant until my mind is fully unlocked.
Gods and Goddesses of Power, please grant me my wish during this most desperate hour.
I wish to see, feel, sense, hear, smell - better.
Please open up my senses and make my gifts stronger.
I shall honor every single gift and use it to the best of my ability.
O’ Gods and Goddesses, please make my wish come true, it is all I ask of you.
Goddess Hecate - Goddess of Magick, Crossroads and Ghosts - I beg of you to open the gate, grant me my wish and show me my fate! Turn my very blood into Magick and release my locked gifts - unblock me and show me the way! Be my Ghost to guide me on my journey through night or day!
Goddess Tyche - Goddess of Good Luck and Fortune - I beg of you to give me good luck on this journey whenever I'm stuck, be the light that will struck me into the right path to success!
By the power of the Gods and Goddesses
By the power of the Sun and Moon and Planets
By the power of the Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit
By the power of my Blood and my gifts
By the power of the Universe and all that is good
By the power of the Magickal souls, spirits, angels, and other beings of good
By the power of all my might and my energy
Let my wish be granted, O’ Holy ones.
Thank you!
So mote it be!”
Feel free to blow out the candles and put a bandaid on your finger.
That's it.
Blessed be!
#739 - basic spell work
when writing any spell you must be mindfull of the use of curses charms and blessings
#740 - wind controlling chant
step one:
go outside. either close your eyes or keep them open. feel the wind hit your hands.
step two:
say or chant as many times as your energy allows:
"wind, wind, blow blow, tell me where i need to go."