7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Elemental Shield
- Kitsune Spell
- Mermaid Spell
- Grow Wings Spell (2018)
- Necromantic Psychic Protection
- Soul Anchoring
- To create a necromantic servitor
- Summon a tornado at your enemy
- Mischief
- Get rid of body flaws spell
#741 - Elemental Shield
All you need to do is close your eyes (Are if in danger keep it open and quickly think) Think of the words "Shemi Flocis" as you put ur arms in front of you making a X sign. also think of a magick see threw shield of ur element around you.
#742 - Kitsune Spell
Some Kitsune elements and abilities:
- Kaze (Wind) With this study, you should be able to create winds, cause tornadoes, and influence local weather patterns.
This is also the element that manipulates ice and snow. - Kasai (Fire) This is a kitsune's specialty. They can create fire, control fire, and cook meals.
- Chikyu (Earth) With this study, you should be able to move rocks, transmute minerals and physical objects, and build things.
- Kawa (River) This is a life-giving power. With this study, you should be able to control water, or control the creatures that live in water. you can heal others with this element, and bring life to things around them.
- Umi (Ocean, Sea) This is a cousin to River, but to a larger scale. This is where a kitsune can cause very strong storms, flooding, and tsunamis. This is how mages conjure creatures from the depths.
- Yama (Mountain) Cousin to stone, this element allows for the control of the mountains, and those that live in it. With this, kitsune can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.
- Mori (Forest, Woods) This allows for the control and manipulation of wood, trees, and creatures of the forest. Those who study this element are almost druidic in their ability to survive and blend in with the woods, and can find herbs and roots to work salves with.
- Sanda (Thunder) The cousin to Wind, this elemental kitsune can manifest lightning, cause storms, and create shields of energy.
Step One: Light your fox's candle, play the calm Japanese music, open windows to let in the night atmosphere and moonlight, turn off any lights and look into the mirror. focus on your human facial features as the candle's fragrance begins to spread. Notice each dim outline of your face. the curves, the edges, the bumps, the smooth areas. Look at your picture or charm and hold it tight against your chest. Now, Close your eyes and sit underneath the moonlight. Imagine looking at yourself from another persons perspective. this time, you have a large tail with glistening supernatural glowing fur. is it white? Gray? Brown? Orange? Midnight black? keep a mental note of what you see. (Remember, usually gold fur is obtained when you've received your ninth to tenth tail. this spell starts you off with only one. it is up to you to work for your other tails.) Keep visualizing this silently, watching your first tail sway and swish in the air. can you feel the air against this new limb? can you feel it already there or is it growing? Is it made of the element you picked? Or is it made of fire? don't open your eyes until you can fully feel its presents in the astral plane.
step two: open your eyes and place the necklace in the water bowl directly under the moonlight. Make sure the water is cold, so that it may soak the necklace in cool moonlight. Recite this chant once: Moon and inari, please hear my plea. i want to hide who i am, from those who don't understand me. With this moon charged charm, i ask to be, a human with the rest- so they cannot see. A Kitsune, a fox- i need a disguise. please cover my identity, so i wont meet my own demise. When i wear this chosen charm, My fox powers are at bay, until i'm in harm. Please keep my eyes from changing, and my powers from leaking, I am glad that you may hear my speaking. please bless this charm with such abilities. Thank you inari and moon, you both have been grand serenities.
*Note:This necklace is worn to keep you from loosing control of your powers. you should wear ir when you plan to go out with other people, and only take it off when you are alone or possibly with other supernaturals and magick users who know what and who you are. Be Safe.
Step three: Leave the charm in the water in the moonlight (you should keep it there all night so that it may be fully blessed or charged). Now, light your elemental candle. (It can be any color, as long as it symbolizes or reminds you of your element you chose. perhaps by scent, name, or color.)
Now it is time to seal your wish by stating what you want to be. watch the fire dance on your element's candle. mesmerizing. take in a deep breath, and enjoy the music for a few seconds or minutes; however long you think would clear your mind. Now, focus on the goal. "to be a kitsune" What would you look like in fox form? IMAGINE and close those eyes. Watch yourself using and manifesting your powers. Watch your tail swish and twitch. Watch yourself dancing to music, your ears perking with each small base drop and tone. Watch yourself getting angry at some one, and your eyes change into a different shining color. what color is it? see yourself as a full fox, running through the forest, paws against the damp ground, running through a hallow log. Now, open your eyes again and look at the mirror. Recite this spell as many times as it pleases you. id prefer five times just to be safe. Spell: Dear inari, please accept all of me as a kitsune, i wish to be your messenger, to help others and serve you. I wish my eyes to be a glistening (Color visualized: natural colors will have a VERY high chance of working, and protecting your identity. like blue, brown, green, etc.) I will not regret the past, and i shall not harm others, unless i am defending myself or those around me. I ask to be a kitsune of (Element chosen) making my magical practice easier and swift. My tails earned through years and nobility, for now, please grant me one; its fur, shining in the moonlight a (visualized fur color or mix of colors). the bodily, mentally, and spiritually powers of the kitsune is what i plead to attain. thank you inari. blessed be.
step four: Ooooh~ what's that smell? Oh! the fried tofu. pray to inari about anything i may or may not have left out of this spell, and ask the god to take up your offering of the first plate of tofu! wait a few minutes for the food to be offered. now... :3 eat and enjoy the plates of fried tofu my foxy friend! Be safe out there, and keep practicing your magic!
#743 - Mermaid Spell
What 2 Do:
Put on the symbol and get in water or
put one part of the body in it then say
this spell 3x
I want to be with the ocean
I want to be a part of the ocean
Swimming through the deep
With a (color) tail and no feet
I wish to be a mermaid/merman
With powers of (3 powers) to use
I shall be swimming among the blue
This is my lifelong dream
I now want it to come to me
When I touch water, I shall grow a tail
When I am dry, I shall become human again
(I want to be this forever)
I shall get my this wish in 1 week
So mote it be
The line "I want to be this forever" is optional
If you want to be a mermaid/merman forever then
you can say the line, if not then skip it
You can choose up to 3 powers
The symbol can be anything
#744 - Grow Wings Spell (2018)
What 2 Do:
say this spell 3 times
Wings shall grow from my back
So I can fly high
Throughout the sky
With the flowing wind
My wings shall be the color (the color you want)
and shall stretch out to (number) in length
My wings shall grow when I (word, motion, etc)
and shall fold into my back when I (word, motion, etc)
Please give me this
This is my long lasting wish
I want to soar as high as the breeze can take me
To soar and fly
Whenever and wherever I shall be
Grant me this in 1 week
So mote it be
For (word, motion, etc) you just pick whatever
you want for your wings to grow like waving your hand,
saying fly, etc
You just pick a number for how long you want your
wings to be
Side Effects:
Back aching, changing color, growing bumps, etc
Feeling lighter
Dreams of flying
Shoulderblades aching, growing bumps, etc
#745 - Necromantic Psychic Protection
Imagine the death essence, which is gray, surrounding you in the shape of a bubble. At the same time, visualizing that if anything touches the bubble or you they die.
Last edited on May 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#746 - Soul Anchoring
Hold your object of choice and imagine a line with a hook coming from your soul and connecting your soul to the object.
#747 - To create a necromantic servitor
Place the skull on your ritual altar facing you then light the black candle and imagine black light going into the flame as you imagine a face forming on the skull both at the same time then take your athame and cut your hand then drip your blood on the skull while imagining your blood bringing the spirit of the deceased persons skull back to life and being bound to your will.
#748 - Summon a tornado at your enemy
Go outside on a windy day. Chant the words
It's time for (name) to go, spawn a tornado let it grow. Shine on the powers of the beam, let me magic now be seen. Air unite, end this fight.
#749 - Mischief
Say once: Mischief is what I seek, Mischief is what I want.
Loki be so kind and grant me your power of Mischief.
If I misuse your power do me a favor and take i from me.
#750 - Get rid of body flaws spell
Say this as many times as you want to make it more powerful:Body flaws I hate you so.You need to go go go.So mote it be.