7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- A Binding Curse
- luck call (spell) Good&Bad
- home protection Ritual (new)
- Emo Spell
- Control air
- Control the air element
- Focus Spell
- Wind Guidance
- Wolf Pack/ Therian Pack Potion
- remove your pain
#831 - A Binding Curse
Here is the spell
“(enter name here), I bind thee to prevent further harm of others (or of yourself if they are suicidal). If you break these bonds, (effect), (effect), and (effect) will happen to you. By the power of (god/goddess of your choosing), so mote it be!”
notice- I do not own this spell. If you are the one who wrote it just contact me and I’ll take it down. I just wished to share it because of how much it has helped me and I did not see it on this website already.
#832 - luck call (spell) Good&Bad
1:sit outdoors crosslegged in a spot where you know youll fell comfy.
2:place the candles around you and light them
3:place the two bowls between you
4:place the ground or in sticks cinnamon on the left bowl
5;place the 2 daisy flowers on the right bowl
6:close your eyes
7:chant,"Oh goddess Tyche, hear my plea. Bring the luck forth to thee. Please let this be. This is my chance so please mote it be!" 10x
8:burn the cinnamon sticks and let the smell penetrate the air
9:burn out the candles
10:take the daisys and place them in your room.
WARNING: Goddess Tyche is the one with good AND bad luck. SHe may bing upon good or BAD luck. JUst warning you.)
11 extra step: thank the goddess Tyche. ALWAYS WHEN DOING SPELL AND AFTER.
#833 - home protection Ritual (new)
1:place two light blue candles around the entrance of your home (inside)
2:place the black candle in the middle of the two other candles
3:light the candles
4:grab a bowl and place in the middle of the three candles
5:place two alkanet herbs in the bowl
6:Place 2 amber herbs in the bowl as well
7:(optional) add in one white candle to the square of candles surrounding your bowl
8:sprinkle salt into the bowl.
9: chant:"oh gods and oh godess. Protect thee from evil spirits from this house, make them leave me please. Oh gods oh godesses hear this plea by the power of thee so mote it be.
10:sprinkle more salt into the herb bowl and light some insense (optional)
11: keep the bowl in your room and blow out the candles
(remember i made this ritual and it is to protect your home from evil spirits)(made by me)
#834 - Emo Spell
Wear a mcr emo band tee(a my Chemical Romance t shirt).Listen to the song the black parade(be careful while listening to that g note) . After you're done, say the holy emo Trinity prayer.
"In the name of
Fallout Boy(the father)
Panic at the Disco(the son)
My Chemical Romance(and the holy ghost)
The holy emo Trinity are my favorite bands.
The holy emo Trinity: if one lives, another dies.
I miss MCR from the Holy Trinity of emo"
After you're done, you will start to feel your soul turning emo. You will feel your heart turning emo. You will start to develop deep feelings. If lucky, you will end up in a band. You may not be emo now, but later on, you will get used to being emo and start acting like one. The spell will only break if:
- You tell anyone that you're emo.(You're not supposed to tell anyone that you're emo)
- When you reach the age somewhere at 18-21(because that's when you need to grow out of any stereotype).
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#835 - Control air
Clear your mind, go into a trance, etc.
'Visualize' and feel a ball of air consuming you IN FIRST PERSON!!
If you want, try to control this ball. At first, it will be difficult, but like everything in life, it will get easier and eventually you will be able to conjure the element just by thinking about it.
There is no 'spell' for this.
This is the easiest element to control IN MY OPINION. Try visualizing the other elements, but you may have to be near [Insert element] for it to work.
#836 - Control the air element
Clear your mind.
Once it is clear, in first person ( or third person, will take longer to control your powers though), imagine a ball of wind consuming your body. This wind is your power. If you want, or are more experienced in air magick, try to manipulate this air, get a feel for it.
#837 - Focus Spell
- Sit cross legged.
- Make a circle with each hand.
- Breathe in, bring your circled hands up to your chest.
- Breathe out, bring your circled hands down beside your body.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#838 - Wind Guidance
Say this if you feel unsafe or nervous about something "Wind, wind guide me/us and blow, Tell me/us where it's safe to go" If the wind stays still you are fine where you are, If it blows harshly run in that direction. If there is just a gentle breeze it is on edge and maybe you should walk away at that point unless it is more than 45 seconds after saying the spell.
#839 - Wolf Pack/ Therian Pack Potion
First fill the vial with purified water, then add in the wolf/canine fur. Add in your D.N.A,then the sap. Add in 2-3 drops of the oil. Then hold your gem and say,"Goddess and God, make this gem's energy flood out into my palm like liquid, and make it so when I put my hand over this here vial the energy will flood in." Then place your palm over the vial. Then get a charged and and stir while saying, "Goddess and God, Lady and Lord, make it so whoever drinks 1-3 drops of this potion becomes a better pack member, whether it's Alpha, Beta,Theta, or any other rank. The sap, symbolizing the power to emotionally heal, the oil, symbolizing nature, the wolf/canine fur, symbolizing the wolf or animal within, my D.N.A, symbolizing me. I wish to become a better (Pack Rank) blessed be, mote it be, so be it." And then use it when ever you like!
#840 - remove your pain
on a cloudless night , during the full moon go outside alone. find a comfortable position on the ground and stare up at the moon. now you will pray to the goddess of the moon. your prayer should consist of the strongest emotion your feeling and why it needs to leave you.when you finish, look up to the moon and stare until you see the blue ring surround it. this means your prayer has been received . breath in deeply, and when you breathe out your lungs will feel fuller and your shoulders lighter. thank the goddess for her guidance, then return inside and sleep. in the morning you will feel lighter as the negative emotion has left you.