7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Simple Prayer
- The Perfect Mate
- Meditation 101
- Broom Aborbing
- Break a Curse or Spell
- Elemental Protection
- Sun Protection
- Be Friends No More
- Dreams and Nightmares
- Nyx Astral Projection
#4461 - Simple Prayer
Chant clearly:
"O Lady of shimmering beauty,
For whom the stars are shining jewels
and the universe her creation and plaything,
Weaver of destinies
And protectress of things wild and free.
Make me now I do ask
To be thy daughter(son)
Make me one with thee
and grant me thy far flung power.
Grant to this, thy witch and sorceress
Strength within and without.
As eternal as the boundless sea;
The calm assurance of my powers
To make any do my bidding
And the winds, waters and fires,
The hills themselves
Lend willingly themselves to me,
Give to me, who am of thy ancient craft
The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons
Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark.
Grant me beauty ever more perfect
that I may reflect thee better.
Build magick within me
Build power within me
Power be drawn and power come
And make me one with thee
Make me greater, make me better
Grant me strength and grant me power
O' goddess who is my friend and mother,
I give you love and thanks
O' beautiful one
Maybe the magick I have summoned,
Return the greater when I have need of it
May wisdom, strength,
Comeliness and compassion,
Remain with me, growing ever finer.
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4462 - The Perfect Mate
Then on your piece of paper (Make sure it's small enough to burn and big enough to write on.)Write what you want your lovers qualities to be, Example: Brown hair, tall, green eyes, funny personality, sexy.
After that, fold the piece of paper up so the writing is hidden.
Then, Hold onto it and close your eyes, imagine sparks of light coming off the paper and flying in different directions to bring your lover to you.
Once you've done that burn the piece of paper using the white candle (that should still be lit). When that's done go outside and scatter the ashes to the wind. Blow out the candle and the spell is done.
Note: It will take time for the spell to work, don't panic if it doesn't work right away.
#4463 - Meditation 101
Sit down crosslegged. put yourself in a comfy posision and put your hands on your lap in a comfy posision. Close your eyes and imagin your energy flowing (with your energy color) and think of nothing but relaxation.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4464 - Broom Aborbing
Take a broom and brush it into the air and feel the negative energies absorb into the broom. Then brush it everywhere you feel negativity and absorb it from the whole house.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4465 - Break a Curse or Spell
Say " Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Spirit: break the (spell or curse) so mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4466 - Elemental Protection
" Water, earth, air,
Fire and spirit
Protect me
So mote it be,
So mote it be,
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4467 - Sun Protection
Say to the sun " May God be the sun and burn away demons attacking me" then the sun will burn away demons attacking you.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4468 - Be Friends No More
On the paper, draw a septagram and put the pic in the middle. Put the candle on top of it and light it. Say, "(name of bad friend) and I are not compatible. Let us split apart without any emotion or pain." Let the candle burn until the pic catches fire. Then pour water on it and keep the burnt paper and pic forever.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4469 - Dreams and Nightmares
First get out your notebook and write in blue pen on the left page "Dream" (write it slanted like this kind of thing / ) and on the right page write: "Nightmares" (write kind of squiggly)
Before you drift off (it absolutely has to happen right before you drift off and are fast asleep no later or earlier) say this if you want a dream:
"Light of the day listen to whatI say please give me a dream soI may. This is my plea so mote it be."
Then in the morning write down all the details of your dream (including around words that you "heard" in your dream and who said them and how) and then if your dream had something important to tell you the specific word or sentence will light up or catch your eye. Sometimes they may be words that don't make sense. So rearrange the scrambled words to form a sentence that makes sense and if that is the right sentence it will glow bright yellow.
Say this if you want a nightmare:
"Darkness of night,I want to take flight in your horrible sight. let me see what the darkness has in store for me so mote it be."
Then do the same thing you did with the dream except that this time the letters will glow black and write it on the nightmare side. If you get a dream and a nighmare in one dream, write it down in the middle of a blank page not one of the two original pages. If this worked right for you the letters should form a paragraph and will glow a very dark shade of blue. But write the multi drema/nightmare in one in black ink.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4470 - Nyx Astral Projection
Recite this incantation:
NYX. Mother of Hypnos and Thanatos. Born of Chaos.
Stand at my side now as you stood at the beginning of creation.
Take me in your black mist on this night.
Now open your eyes and imagine a woman dressed in black stepping from the corners of the room or coming from the darkness. Do not be offended if she barely reveals herself. Even the best have only seen her in glimpses.
Once you sense her presence,
Recite this incantation:
Ectar lecronon.
Take me on your shadowy flight on this night.
Do all of this while going through your normal astral projection rituals.
Happy traveling (: